This Weekend, You'11 Find A Lot More Ways T0 Enjoy Life Down By The Pond. * We have a great new release of homes in Mill Pond in Cambridge. So now more and more familles can enjoy the peaceful, natural lifestyle of life down by the pod The new release includes a full variety of Freehold Townhomes at very affordable prices and a host of distinctive fully detached WideLot' homes for farnilies large and small. Please join us this weekerid at Mili Pond in Cambridge. It's just a short drive west and a whole world away. Thank yL)u NTew Release 0f Townhomes From $1 89, 990 & Detached Homes From $21 4.,990 In The #1 Selling Community! 8 Mode! Homes Open To View. 5 New Homes Designs Now Available. Freehold Wsde.Lot' Townhome, The Cyrus 'B', 34' WiJeLot, The Albany WÀ, 1,111 Sq.Ft,ý $1J89,990 1,264 Sq.Pt., $229,990 1,702 Sq.Ft., $279,990 36' WicleLoi7 The Grand Valley Corner 3B', 1,911 Sq.Ft., $284,990 HWY 401 20 minuites Plnebuah Rd.Mho Modl Hom;e Coulthard BIvd. WideLot7, Thse BelIi.gham 'B', 2,353 Sq.Ft., $327,990 r-r-~L2 J M 1 ý%ff M.ýý.YI' ATTAW I