ShIIled à1A l SiedA Skife litf Itl Sale eteHosital Hosina Tehnca H/p Tehttct /ep Tec/nmca t/e/p Tehia /ep &Aets&Aet Medîcal, Dental M Medî Dontalan PRODUCTIOND Bent Helt IaeCnteB Western Milton Inn 3 MAAE iO PLNE NEDD 161r .,.,-, JlChishom Dr.iln Ashland Hercules Water Technologies, a global leader in speciolty chamicals inclsdieg poper and woter tec/tnslsgy productu, lu fln for talon/ad, uction otien/ed people who excel in e moIti-tasn teom-bused envirnnment for Onr Boding/on facility. PRODUCTION OPERATOR You will performi blending, packaging, shipptng and computer fonctions to menu/uc/une chemical prodocto enouning quality, sefety end timaliness goals are being met. Minimum Grade 12, Plus esperience in a be/ch Processing opera/ton and SAP computer ski//s are osse/s. T/nie s an /nourly puid, unionized position. Pleae sand your reoume to: Ashlenid Hercules Weter Technologies Attention: Suson Wegg 942 Brant Street Butlingtso, Ontario, L7R 3X8 Fax: 905-333-3718 NO te/aPhone ca//s or agencies please. FERNBROOK NATURAI.S oRINr WATOR Fernbrook Springs Bottled Weter Co. reqoires aseLuIJAl[lfto/ wnrk in t/noir Ho/ton Hittc facility. The ideat candide/e wilI posses ,3-4 yms of plastic B/owmolding and/or Injection Molding experience as wvell an in depth onderstuncbng o/ uutomutod tilling / production linon. Fleoibility to A0rk to/ttng n/ni//n n e must. Fembrocn sa o rapidly gruwing company whicn nff/et a competitine compensation package /oe l/ emplnyees. PIsas omail aour resumo ta On/y those candidaes considered for interviews wl be contac/ed. Thank-you for yocr interest. 1 Cernto mt SpsnleWrCs requires xeindpruc ationo aagrd lane tanagery ngnee cnide/e i îl pernses atoald 3rd Cless Engineeing criaeand hoedlng u e 3-4 irs w0/ exIp sei n n al t pad maute/ring m enrnmen/. KnnctfledgesighILo.i HVCcmntFernbrook spig Bote a o. rapqidly a* iene 3dMilsSai E ngiEe 2UOPA FOUS CAP NST Aili Etrs /nî eeeky, monthy. Oak- 1.00l i n stock. Next day ville/ Ourlrngton area. installation. Shop @ home Syl/ola647-889-259n3. 9 05 -2 81 -17 2 2 416-625-2914 I&M CLEANING- Wie eutl dlean yoor hoose/auart- FREE LESSON for nec ment, residentiai! commer- Otodents! Best osality cal, second cleoning $20 trioote totoring any Oe 0t Canada's a//la aute groupa is azpand/ng and h/ring/for/tha rap/dly axpaading flahv//ia K/a EXPERIENCED AUTOMOTIVE SALES PEOPLE Stop and ask yosrself 3 eaay questions. 1. Are y00 being paid chat your wnrt/n 2 . Are ou gesiog t/ne respect ou <tesemve? 3. Do yos se any ftuue where ou are? Weil ilt/e anocet tn, any n/tnoce questins s «Ns' and ynu are ready ton a c/nne, caîl /nday $45,000 /0 $75.000 pIon. No Experlenco, No problemil If ynu have e pronen trocn record in test en/a/e, insuronce, opplience, c/nt/nîng or s/toe sales, thîs is o c/nonce to, toke yosr income and yosr fture toi t/ne oeot levaI. Full training prooide by One Ot Non/h Ameica's Top Soles Treiner's: Mn. Dean Sampann. CaI iodait ton o confidentiel interview. AIl candidates must be onoiloble May 29 tront gam /0 4pm ... Ack ton Nicolss P/norand, Generol Sales Manager, Phono Nombor 005-847-1511 Fax Numbor 905-827-1564 Email Reaumo: npllarand@oakvî 6 oscilla g osocotîvo positions L_ $50001 t$75,000 plus FORD LINCOLN An exciting career opportoni/0 es sts ut Go lnger FordLincoln inM/nton. New & Used Vehîcle Sales Persan We une o progressive deo/ersnip w/ticn oh/des by a toair-pdcing' policy. We are supported by Ford Credî/ on botn leasing and tînncîng ton our clients. Gollinger Ford Lincoln bas olco enjnyed an increose in business onar t/ne poot mUIN ubF/OUS: 555 IndutriaI Drive, Bide Door, 2nd Floor, Milton, ON LOT 581 Oum to 5pm Mondai to FrIdzy Ad)uatm.n/a: Every effort le made to ensure t/ne aoeuracy of your ad. P/ease c/nel your ad on t/ne 1/rst insertion. For mu/tip/e insertions of t/ne samne ad, credit wl be made on/y/for t/ne fils insertion. C redit gi reon for ef o s in conne ttio t w t/n p ed ueson on ad o/is I m ted tai t /e pr n ed sp ace invo /ed . C nce /at ons m uet /e m ade /y te /p /one. D o fot f x or e mnail ance l/oton o z : DIX-- CASýflALRPNS Raeured FaîllTime in www.imciesing serne con Dental Espenaence Requirad.Hm Pleoce tes resome /0: Imrvee On/tnpedic Re/nab C/nc in Georgetown Tso [Iiito i 1 PECALtZING tIN Fram- ýJ1 book ing, O ali and Tanre No 1 Regiteredjob toc smal 17 years Pyiohrps "0u ex asernents Adîtucons Hardood loo Refnsh an M c e ad ng, FinishCarpnrnî Ca/I Lots o/ parns 416-566-0492. great otmosp/nare. cl P/nysoo$40-45/nhour Fax rosume: R w.*Mbaao 905-702-0588 m L Ji -atgsze ýVWf r6Jj OrganizatIon Backcground T/ne Benne/t Hect/ Cane Centre speraes 66 long termi cotle beds in a modern tucility, und pan/n lt/ne setting in Georgetown (Non/h Hol- ton) . Our mo/to as 'Long Term Cane t/t teels i/ne home!' Pleose omîit t/te BHCC site ut benne/t/teplt/ncameentre.ce ln/eres/ed candidaten should tsrcurd t/nain ne- sume in confidence /0: Be/ty Vendamect RN, Acting Director n/ Cure Benne/t Hec/tn Cure Centre t Princesa Anne Drive Georgetown, Ontario L7C 2B8t /ty tan /o905-73-1403 or emeil /5 bnandervec/tt@/ta Wo t/nan/na/lappdcants forüeninteml On foe selcdoran ittvie wil/bemwnww.e L RECEPTIONIST 1