Monk b.ig in tournamnent win LISA KORTMANN /METROLANO WEST MEDIA GRouP ON THE RUN: Shania Nabi of Bruce Trait Schoot competes in the 800m ai last Fridays Wallace Track and Field Meet at Nelson Stadium in Burtîngton. Kelso set to host triathion/duathion It's time t0 gel in gear for the annual Milton Triathlon and Duathlon. The 2009 edition is set for next Sunday, May 31 at Kelso Conservation Area. As always, the day will include a Try-A-Tri for beginners and novice triaihîctes, featur- ing a 375m swim, a 10kmr bike and 2.5km run. For more ambiîious racers, theres both a 750m swim, 30kmn bike, 7.5kmt run triathlon and a 2kmn run, 30kmn bike, 7.5kmr run duathlon, an well as a relay triathlon - with the same distances as for the solo com- petilors. Volunteers are needed to help oui on race day, and high schoot studenîs can use the hours toward the volunteeringcmpnn needed to graduate. Those interested in pitching in are asked 10 contact organizer Harry Barnes ai (519) 823-2173 or hbarne24t To sign up as a competitor, visit During these Urnes of economic uncertinty% the "Golfing 4 Cancer" Commuittee has decided flot to, host our annual golf tournarent tis year. 4 We would like to tbak our sponsors, volunteers and golfers for cý% ourcontnued support. you Details about the 2010 tournament wiII be announced later this year. If you would like to make a donation te provide Milton cancer patents with ~,acces to free transprtatJon to and frera cancer toeatrnt facilities ai nea y hositals, the Ce lîttee is still acceptng financial donations P(cheques payable te Golffng 4 Cancer) which ca be droppe1 off ai the following Milton loctins: The Meat Terminal, 555 Main St. E. MIke's Barber Shop, 148 Main St. E. Prosperlty One Credit Union, 44 Main St. E. The North Mississauga Panthers' Undcr- 17 boys captured the 26th annuat Mississauga International Toumnament title last weekend, thanks in no small pari t0 their lone Miltonian. Midfjelder Richard Monk scored the game winner in each of the firsi îwo games - 10 eclipse Woodhridge 2-t and Barnie t- 0 - and delivered a sîrong iwo-way per- formance 10 help fuel his Elute Division teamn t0 an unbeaten weekend. The Panthers won their round-robin finale and semnifinal showdown by identical 2-t scores, over Aurora and Dixie respectivey, before blanking Niagara Falls 1-0 in the championship. Monk is also a key member of Bishop Reding's senior boys îcam, which looks to have a serious shot ai winning regionals and reaching'AAA OESAA next month. Give BMX racing a try Hey kids, looking to put a litîle rush in your summer? If so, Track 2000 may bc jusi thc ticket. The local BMX racing club is set t0 begin anoîher scason, and is inviting childrcn and îccns 10 trv out the sport il, an open housc lotoll 0\N ai tutui Dr itjiin(ll tPairk tat ti1is trim noon tu 3, trst-iim and e Ties ta Thurs 5:30 - 9:45 pm eEvery Sat & Sun 9:00 arn - 3:45 prn 4 DAY COURSE SPECIAL! Coming in JUNE, JULY & AUGUSI' SportsShorts novice riders can take a spin on the track. Proper attire is requircd - including long panîs, long-sleeved shirts, gtoves antd closed-toed shoes - although the club witt provide hikes and helmets to borrow free of charge. Drumquin Park is located on Britannia Road, across from Terra Greenhouses, just wesî of Trafalgar Road. Field hockey clinic E.C. Drurys field hockey program witî bc holding a four-day introductory clinic for elementary school girls early nexi monîh. From June 1 10 4 - fromn 4:15 lu 5:15 p.m. - the school will hosi beginner ses- sions for prospective players, with sticks and equipmcnt provided. The Spartans witl be hcaded to British Columbia for another competitive tour in September and have rccently hookcd up with a naîion-widc promotion compancalled SOCGOAC FIVExa - an Olyýmpit program thai encourages teenagers io gel active. For more intormration on tht dint, c- tuait tuel b1otý e toai (ýcolt Shecppatd 11 shepp)arctge@-hdst.c. Gi & G2 Road Test Preparation 25 Hrs ln-Class Instruction/1O Hrs Behind The Wheel Training Special Attention For Nervous & Senior Students Nights, Weekends & 4 Consecutive Day Course Available Modern Dual Control Cars Detensive Driver Training Early Booking & Vehicle Provided For Road Test Special Package Rates & Payment Plans Available Fees Tax Deductible SATRA M 13 A 0 FOR OUR 7TH ANNUAL H EALI NG FOR sWi;;bBREA$T CANCE R D f NSA 5..Y&I10RWALK/RUN Join us for a 5k and 10Ok WaIk/Run at Bronte Creek Park in support of Breast Cancer Support Services GRIEAT PRIZES Foe«fneaUIon d* H"IaaU for Breadt TaSirts will be given ta tihe first 300 entrants an information packae please cai: B2 ( s$150r mors in ptedges Wtiee $00ifl 905-634-2333 ~ LismiNa lai han a.W A eWhie a dlde byfin doa g S A àMODELING AGENCY ProdUce Ltd clohang ai j ~kartrareRao&Ewnrsthe dayo alta @Bronte Creek 11 J.4tLL X unNdAI