IV71111111 SPORTS SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANO e-mail sleblanc@mlltoncanadîanchampîon.com J The 'ultimate' in sports Ultimatefrisbee catching on in local aduit league By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF (3 ompared to many sports, uliaefrisbee is suill in its infancy But you'd neyer know that based on Youlube footage. In fact there are so many high- light reel-calibre clips in cyherspace - most involving an incredible dive or vertical leap - that one might get the impression that its a sport reserved for those with exceptional co-ordination and mobility. So is ultimate frisbee only for the truly gifted? 'Apparently flot,' quipped Stephen Barredo, in unison with a friend during warm-up for an exhi- bition match to start a new season with Milton Urban Sports. Added teammate Jose Buenavides, "Basically if you can run and catch you can play Anyone can do this." Both are tbird-year players who had virtually no knowledge of the game before joining the local aduît rec league. A hearty appreciation for it quickly followed. 1I love it. Its fast-paced and is a combination of a lot of sports - like football, soccer and basketball - which 1 think is the appeal for a lot of people. And its great exercise," said Barredo. Once thought of as merely some- thing to bring along to the beach or family barbecues, the Frisbee - whose origin bas a rather delicious connection (see At A Glance) - was officially brought into the com- petîtive sporting realm in 1967 by New jersey high scbool students. The Frisbee Bgldng compan trade pies that were "to ma New England coem. Studets soon discovered that the emtiip pie titns cotild be tossed and caughi, pnoviding "ules hours of fun. -As a result, a number of collegés have claimed to be the home of 'he who was firit to Ring!' In 1946 a Los Angeles building inspector and bis part- ner invented a plastic version of the Frisbee that could fly further and with more accuracy. Degerlsadvice Donitbe afraid to give the disc a littie oomph, St least for lengthy passes. Under-throws can be quite common among novice players. Afirm gnip on the Frisbee deftnitely helps with accuracy4 as does a good read of wind conditions. ""'i IM4U Milton Urban Sports offers recreational (5-on-5> or interme- diate (7-on7) ultimate frisbee. The cost for the season (May 25- September 21) is $85 per player or $650 for a rec. teamn and $750 for an intermediate team. To sign up or for more information, visit wwwurbansports.ca. Since that initial pick-up game, ultimate frisbee - or ultimate as its often referred to - bas grown to include millions of players world- wide, the majority in the U.S. For ibose unfamiliar with the sport, its essentially football witb a disc instead of the pigskin and with no ground game or physical con- tact. Teams attempi to pass down field into the end-zone. Theres no run- ning witb the frisbee, and once caught it bas to be thrown again in 10 seconds - witb the passers defender keeping count. Unlike in football, a change of possession doesn't only occur via interception, witb an incomplete pass and out-of- bounds play having tbe same resoît. "Having to tbrowv it in 10 sec- onds makes for a fast-paced game and a preîty exciting one to watcb," said Michelle Scbaefle, wbo runs Milton Urban Sports witb busband Patrick. "When we first started it up tbree years ago a lot of friends and iieigbbours said 'Wbat is this?' Its definitely more than just throwing the Frisbee, but once you play a few times its pretty easy to pick up." Newcomer Stephen Kerr seemed to think so, witb no apparent reser- vations seen during the recent intro- duction nigbt. "Everyone is really welcoming bere and it looks like a lot of fun," said the lifelong Miltonian, wbo opted to try out ultimate frisbee after finding the area aduli soccer leagues booked up. StilI accepting players in botb the recreational and intermediate divi- sions, Milton Urban Sports offers the sport Monday evenings at Lions Sports Park - starting next week. Scbaefle says it doesn't take long for many players to get pretty cre- ative witb their tbrowing and that GRAHAM PAINE/I CANADIAN CHAMPION GOT Mi: Jay Paul Ieaps for the Frisbee during warmn Up for an exhibition gamne. despite the bigb tempo of the game, disputes are rare and beated arguments almost non-existent. That's saying a lot for ultimate frisbee's degree of sportsmansbip - given that there are no officiais. * I S IHi Ni Flu Virus: the best way to stay healthy * S is to wash your hands thoroughly and often or * use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. W4000eFor information, visit: ontario.calflu Or cail ServiceOntarjo INFOline at: 1-800-476-9708 1TTY 1-800-387-5559 If you have symptoms, cail Telehealth Ontario at: 1-866-797-0000 1 TTY 1-866-797-0007 Or contact your health care provider. Said Scbaefle, "Except at the top levels, its a self-regulated game. Some people may tbink that would cause problems, but ultimate fris- bee is really known for being bon- est and for its spirit of the game.- Ontario