Town councillor to take the plunge' Greg Nelson to try to break bungee jumping record for charity By Stephanie Hounseil CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF It's a bird, uts a plane, its.. a Milton politician tbrowing bîmself off a 220-metre dam? Yep, on September -26, Ward 2 Councillor Greg Nelson will take- the plunge, bungee jumping off Switzerland's Verzasca Dam - one of the highest in the world - 10 ar raise money for three local chanities.Wr 2 Couni His goal? To break the record for local charities. Most jumps in one day at the dam; "And hait and until then, to ensure word of bis bie said. endeavour spreads like wildfire to He added encourage financial support as well list" of thin~ as awareness for The Deck Milton ence in bis hi youtb centre, Halton Womcn.s Place The idea shelter and the Halton Learning faîl. But, bie s~ Foundation. if nobody b lî's called the Gravity Gives self. He the Projeet, and this is certainly a side of combine thi Nelson with wbicb few Miltonians fundraising are familiar. belp a lot of Nelsn illn reab fat spee of sue140 ar Hls inmll fecha, tpedof esre4o0 at km/h in seconds and bis body will endure four Gs, with a freefail thatîIl last seven-and-a-balf seconds. The initial recoil alonte will be nearly 40 sîoreys bigb. 'lb have four to five bours 10 make 12 jumps to make a record," Nelson said. pîa ae iby a savvy marketing e pla an a eamof 12 experts that includes everyone from a naturo- paîbie doctor 10 a personal tramner t0 two world-record-bolding bungee jump experts. Nelson said skeptics told him Ibis wouldnWt spread past Halton, but he's exciîedly proving îbem wrong; bis feat bas been garnening, worldwide attention, parîicularly within the "exîreme" communiîy. A Facebook site devoîed to0 bis projeet already more than 400 ment- bers from as far away as New Zealand - and bes just geîîîng warmed up, be said. "The notoriety of ibis bas caugbî the attention of more tban a few people," Nelson aid. Now, bels boping Milton Ifesi- dents will jump on board and join in to lend ffieir support. "Tbis is big and ibis is in your backyard," is bis message for Miltonians. A mid-life crisis? Maybe. Tbe 44-year-old councillor- wbo by day manages an automotive services business - admiîîed jump- ing off a dam several limes in suc- cession is cbeaper tban a red con- vertible. GRAHAM PAINE / CANADiAN CHAMPION cillor Greg Nelson trains in prepçiration for his plans to bungee jump in Switzerland to raise money for three r dye is 100 obvious," Ibis is on bis "bueket ,s be wants to experi- fetime. came to bim ibis past aid, îbere was no point enefited besides him- n realized be could s crazy ides witb a campaign tbat could people. working. "its brougbî awareness of tbese ebarities 10 a different level," be said. Nelson ventured mbt the world of bungee jumping and oîber extreme sports sucb as skydiving and para-gliding in tbe mid-1990s. He basn't compleîed a jump in 12 years, but Nelson aid bes not nervous about tbe pbysical aspect - yet. Tbe fundraising element is a different malter, be said, since so many people are counîting on bim. Nelson is currently busy train- ing, preparing bimself pbysically and mentally for wbat's 10 corne. Tbaî means a strict diet and nutri- caaa lion program as well as core ôudIo*ine strengtb training and aerobics, be fyr said. He'lI also be doinig several b"< kd practice jumps îbrougbout the summer.- He's cover-ing bis own travel expenses and ail bis support team members have donated tbeir lime and expertise. j ww ...' r., " ~,,,".' "uy,,p, y uururea, Cuqrporue evonaweuirngî, irolp leurs & tclilisrentais. CIii tor details on eeai, Foreignutrained but can't flnd a job Un your field? If you're a foreign-trained professional or business persan Iooking for a job, improve your English and Canadian job search skills with... Enhanced Language Training for Internationally Educated Professionals and Business People thus fall The three benefiting chanties are z ones witb wbich Nelson bas person- M aIly become involved: The Halton Leaming Foundation 3 allocates funds to students to enrich O their learning opportunities andz eliminate barniers. The Deck Milton Q» youth centre works witb more than 600 teens each year, providing men- toring, guidance and referrals for,<~ youtbs in crisis.!1 And Halton Womens Place pro- o vides desperaîely-needied shelter and crisis services for abused women and their cbildren. For more information, to join the Facebook group or to make a dona- tion, visit Stephanie Hounseil can be reached at sthiessenC@miltoncanadzanchamp- oCOrAudioCImnooulluirooFlouCPeint. louse thora 00 orror on the fiou peut for car totion on page 9 and 10 of ifhe May Basi intolw fo thee podud isfor ur ONtS. Ports and custuem work s extra. CaIIing ail mradates Our special Graduation Section will run Wednesday, June 24, 2009 $59.a+rs (picture maci.) Deadline is Wednesday June 17 at noon, 'No usore ilian 40 words pieuse Phoe: 905-878-2341 Fax: 905-876-2364 tEmil: classifire« mî 8-week programts are FREE ta qualifled applicants and take place in Burlington. For more information, cail 905-333-3499, ext. 264 or viîi www.tnecentre.onca The Centre is aoparticipating agency ofSkiis International SSkilsnteationaLca C. mec h,sg Whai Wkisi5 4 ihe Centm unoopm Sse wifl This prugmmi is edeele by I.. =*"d 11 q lis: