Put out the welcome mat! Look for a slow but steady pick-up in sales through the spring and early summer rnonths. Affordability is the highest in about four years, whicb sbould help fuel a rebound in sales once the job mar-ket stabilizes. Reductions in the average price of residential resàles are working as intended. Tbey are stabilizing the market and tbey are drawing buy-ers wbo are taking advantage of improved affordability. Those in the market ta buy ket bas decreased - prices bave flot plunged. "One of the things that has been stalling the market, is that buyers are wanting tomor- row's prices and sellers are wanting yesterdays prices," notes Dianna Morrison, President, The Oakville, Milton and District Real Estate Board. "The risk is that sellers who try to hold out for too a high price rish having their house develop a stigma if it sits on the market too long. For buyers who hesitate because off too long, thcy could end up misaing out on the perfect opportunhty" Tbe good news is - first- tirne buyers are really starting ta take ad-vantage and we are sure to, see more bouses corne on the market as the weather improves. The April Market. The Milton residential resale mar- ket, for the second month in a row, surpassed 2008 borne sales. April sales in Milton are up 14% frorn last year. The Oakville residential although the residential mar- deal should realize if they hold strated healthy activity in How wiII your customers find out about you?* Internet Made Easy Intraducing yau ta a tremendous, "NEW" anine marketing program, and aur network af community sites. Dmm Moeoe President, OMDREB April with a 38% increase in resales from Marcb 2009, but still down 18% frorn April 2008. OVER 3.3 MILLION UNIQUE VISITORS MONTHLY!", Inicrease your -Search Engine Rankingi Ho0.W wiII. potential customers find out about you? M1Me >M tPm uft wileao>wam inbne oIx m ene. im psAetkgocoi.&oesos â* fW içM« *~ g.,pls 7 z lnlroducing a nIew anlne matketlng provgrarr ml ai w o post all teml- oYan Wnormaton abotft your busines Wtîm potenial catlomets wlIl find Rl. Our ntwolc of webslte currenly recelve over 2 mdlan visiors manttily and moro dma 25 mIllon page Iiiwa Nat only wIfl you be aaclable oughaut the networlç but you' l ftreae yaur soarcli angne ranldng, tool You can alea add vldea, a Vkrtual Consumr and anfIne dlsplay advertslng. Our exclusive onllno maccetln bundie star al Mes than a dollar a day. And butl ai al, Iheyre 100% haute freel Vals Precplw, OL3 Iabmnluyou cn rech bA acoVsamuts 1t»0OOtfmes amoerthi IO mSý dIpesosSth ý K t fy hk AU ad n3wnt;apaigI Xto mgotteO Fm addsg lbe hnel i *eace Se in Mito AprtnntCod Salsi Mlo r Sc Rage.oo Sae byPic Pi e ag Oo ofSle. y r Ç-O)0 0S S0I S S80 SIU) SerniTownhuse S le in * yilý1e orc Ragos o alsb rc S4 ,0 S0,0 10 S2 ,0 50 ,0 o20,0 -e S0000