k r- Get your Iawn ready pfurrn mwlur Hum, N.r u G uda. Nu W linrist oors os mn evd Ltel snd s*rle ~& wrlçiq flTwo U5d lns es ly w&MConverian wb*WMitoloaions 1Polntélb4 îeb n astnt * $319t00 e Baclsng onto wos and streamn le Band new 'Shelwo 6' (Spp ox 3,000 sq fto o uuy 5- *bdrs 3 ensuite bahs! Mn frden le West sunsets-desirale sett5ng-close toaaie Milton end NEARBY COUNTRY PROPERTIES 03 TOM SALESm O F0m ONTUUY 21MLNIU Lot me find you nm.by coufty propwty snd Ssii your city propoety sud »mv on oommlmonsl Vl M y wdn»o w a- sd .m..m for niars photos sd mop loctio pet flsngl 3 bedlon Fiekigate buift, 1683 aq ft,' garage accesa familly room veltt gas fireplace, stainlesa appi, open concept. 534 Grant Way, Miton $ 849,W. Wl5r or wlthoai establlshed buslneeeeas, neos barn, reliait aiore, bungalow and banil barn. Incomne opportunfiy oser $1001< profi/year goal dary, 45 acres workable, 7 acre apple Orchard. Paddocks, ioress, 2500 aol upgradad bungalow wl ooolftrot tub. EaK e 8wu reUUt5 POND, fIG POOL Gale drive, very private euh surroundin ireles, upgraded 3100 el ft 1860 home. pine floor.' big principal marna, high collines, complet. 2nid house wArardwaod. 7030 Walkers lien, Milton West 81,100000. 2 ACRE NEWLY BUILT 4700 sq fthome 2 monifre old, 4700 sq t + 2400 sq It flnished W/O baisement 3 car garage, beau of maiterials, big prin- cipal rooma. Amongst mil- lion dollar homes. 4325 Random Acres, Miton Lasary ai a besi. 6 y.ars old, 4 car garage, 5000 sq fi Main & 6500 Bq fi hlgh oeil- lng, W/0 basemni, concree drives, lorear vlew, ihe bellt ci moraelle, amngi million dollar homes, w/ privaie radi 4235 Enniaclare, MitorI NorthIl, 81.00.0 COUNTRY HOME 2200 sq ft, 6 car pale driveway, 2 car garage, on cul de sac private road, In the acenie artiafic Lown of Eden Milîs, Milton ESTATE Wiih 5 car garage, barn, workshop, drive sheds, pond, I/G pool, gale circular drive, very privais with surroundlng rees 2e00 si ft home, foresi view, large rooma. 11716 Dublin Une, Millon North. $949,000 News Pr"as CENTURY STONE HOME Private backyard back- ing onto treies, centre island kitchen, 4 bed- monts, pine plank flooe, huge decl 10761 CALL~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ FORes mîiîu RE RC EAUTINO YU rOPR CH I O NhI20AI (NC)-The days are longer, the snow has melted and you can smell it in the air - spring la finally hece! lî's ime Lo geL out- side and prep your garden for the season ahead. The tips below fromt The Home Depot can help you geL your garden hack in shape and ready for spring in no time: Step 1: Thatch Patrol If your lawn feels spongy Lo the touch, chances are you have a build up of thatch -- a layer of dead grass that lies above the soil preventing air and moisture fromt reaching Lhe roots. Thatch can be easily treated by raking your lawn. And hy using an ergonomically designed rake that keeps your body in a proper position, you can comfortably remove LhaLch and unwanted weeds and debris in no Lime. SLep 2: Loosen the Soul Walking, playing or running on the lawn cao cause Lhe soil t0 become compacted, prevent- ing water or fertilizer from soaking into the grass. IL alan keepa air froco circulating Lhrough the top layer and into Lhe root system. Loosening the soil by punching holes in it (also known as lawn aeraLion) wiIl allow air, water and fertiliz- er Lo geL Lo the roots. How ofteo you aeraLe your lawn will depend on Lhe density of the soul. You may also choose 10 bring in a professional rather then compleLe the Lask your- self. To make Lhings simple, talk to a Home Depot associate about the best products and options available t0 you. SLep 3: Adding Lhe finish- ing Louches Now that your lawn la hidy and aerated, ils time to fred il, but how much is ton much when iL corntes to fertilizing? You can end the guessing game by using a .slow-release" fertilizer, where nutrients are provided oever lime, rather than ail at once. A proper lawn feeding schedule also gives Lhe root systemn the nutrients it needs to filI in any baire patches and fight off weeds. To complete Lhis task in an eco-friendly way, use environmentally preferred fectilizer products or simply top dress your Iawn with home grown compost. A beautiful garden needs a strong founidation. Following these simple steps will get your lawn and garden in Uip-top shape in no timte. For more useful gar- on making the move! Kian Scott of Royal LePage MeadoWtowne Reaty, Milton and The Canadian Champion wis to congralulate Laure, Jessica anid Jacob on their new home Make your first move by checking out this week's Best Homes published evcay Wednesday in The Canadian Champion. The Canadian Champion's Best Homes real estate section is a great place to start your home seaa-ch. Laurie, Jessica and Jacob, along with Kim Scott were able to find thse home of their da-eamds. Ci.-lle ïé/fl-idCL 1 This ad sponsorsd by: qàr (cIItmaIIQlalh 555 Indstil Drive Milton Tel: 905-878-2f ' Fax: 905-876-2364 wwwmiltoncanadianchampion.con 0