'4 D~AI ~22 Ontario St. S., RELMilton, ON MRê ESxi EN E 878&7777 Faouai ForestOChase 17 yr. 2 WetiCounc Level Corner corio Ape appreox fleeruf iveoir w/ rare 2 car ~unti+041 open cocet Wi Kie w/il apps and Breas Bar spacious Mater trnàlte Lomtny Terrn Dom ta tercet Pato Som Oaicoey. Great Starte or Dowssze te No Stair sitoge Loctrer 1.piourru Regaîred Short Walk te q Stree tiools/ Parle Bus. Esy Acese te 407a~W Ad*« $149M ACROSS IROM PARK 6yr Mate te Vlltagn Ail Bric Setacir appre 2,400 riapa n quiet t. Prer b Let. 4 Wnd3 Sat. 9 cerp. exot Hoarwois: Prof Oncor. [at-le tut. wlrSed Dur eueral ceuines Mate Or Pare rr w/Gas RP Contre lvoDie Oie. Fresirty Piented. Ole-otoe master w/4 pce oieiloarutrsep srn 3 Coia w/truih-im.k loti ery. tattnd Store Poirs Froie Ernrne futh FenreniZ car Garage/tortve. Walk te Sdrool/Parie. 2 yr leavernait 'Diarroori iii brick Detacn ipprea. 2,9SOsqRI lapbp n quiet st.5 beff5 boit. 9'Ceiiengsle LS Customr EaO-m kit w/ait appis. EnWed aieOs/Paetry. Maie lor DenFam.Rm w/Gas FPntaueny w/Carage [try. Oak Starns w/wroogM Itoi spiedies. C/Air. c/Vac. Netrnt Cenaseics. h--to cci Kivg-size MeOr w/5pce Esuite. 2 iealk-Ies. jack r' 111. Balceey. Fuiiy Feeceri Waik eo Porks/Schouis. 2 CAR G&AA Meosy Bdc& DeKach appee. 1,800 ei (as per veedeel 3 Wc + 3 Bath, g Celt- iL Hardweeda. Ope Concept great for netertainies. Spidlous Dteteg am. Very LO; Intt KOt w/46t apps oct. Sft-up BrkOst bar Neutral Ceankota Prestrty Pat~e. Main Or Pare Om w/Gin RP. Dng-slau Monter w/4 pce Ensultiaep, ahwrswàm tub)i Walk-tî donut. C/Air C/Vac. teside Garage Lntiy. Futty Fenned. Watk te Tem &fîE'hHAN ITH lNT£R1Tý eâa 0 BARBCo22rre 7:87 779 ar atte! orAil <>e'LG This sputacular 3,800 sq Once n a ife-fil one ot a kind home is tîmo'i Secludedý situated on a 10 acre 1.8 acre Muskoka hobby tarm.Divethrough seting tucked away jr village of Campbieliville walk tol ail amenwtes tefotgt n egetdb ogosstig eo spedtacular pond views t rom this totally opgraded bungalow w the frn. aeadb ree ygreu walkoot to concrete povl. Fish & boat or yoor own pond custom loitchen, master retreat with spa liko ensuite. LL bas office, game cherry kitchen with granite, vaulted cudlings in living roomn with over- room, rec rm w/tfireplace. 3 stali barn with 8 paddocks. ouzed firoplace Charmîng!! Vou'il flot need a cottage. 86,u Detachoit bungalow a must seel $850,000. r n BrooWlle SFab,d mi Brooko île Estates Hou Oulet court unly 5Shw 10 mi notes trom 401 opgrds include: + Campbell le. wide plank bard- Mature londscap- od rw ing on 1.5 mil ing wod, crw acres. Home toalures 4 hedroomo, spacos kitchen with w/ to moulding, extended cabinelty, ceramic backsplash & boild ins. dock, main tînur lamily room wilh tireplace, formai living room + Prot tinished LL w/roc rmi, laundry & lamily rm. Tiered cedar diviva room, lioishod rec room in boml 2550 SOFT. Great îamiîy Iiv deck, eoposed aggregate walkways & curbs. Briog your family vng lots of spaco + rvsh air. $629,910 home!! Stunnzng kjxecutive 4 bedroom home, Homle fotly tînishod This stunnîvu cals- basement includ- tom built homo ing 3 piece bath. nestled on u.61 9It curlings, hard- private eocarp- monit & ceramic ment acres, incredible lundscaping w/rock gardons, peronnials, fiele on main floor, largo dock with beautitully landscaped Iru dock, great tor ontettaining. Main level bas pavloramic wiv- gardons. This homo shows uoceptionally well. Close to dows ovur looking yard trom the Ir & dr 5 tp, indoor pool, oky- amenities. Go Station & schots. $419.90. lights, walk outs thin home in a must sou. $1,09,000. WCS SERVING MILTON SINCE 1980 Èj ww.Iackemhvok.csm salon78-777 ln case yeu havmn't notiosi, my listings are coiinully sInOIIIIIIII. So It you are thlnklng et sslllng thon gNl m ma oaillferaà confidential ovaiuailon. là OSt 1ý COR S KING i 70 L Lo Us HuI Yu Find A lime Houu! Thomu la nu nasU tu loo any tortitar for te pur- fet eighbourhooel & homo. Our toao agents con holp you. loaot a home wlth your Duo unique homo styla, pruce range, amenltlos, commutas and mtighhours ln mind. REAL. ESTATE SEC'TION 18 PIJDLISHED EVERY TUESDAY Ta reservu your space, Cuit Diane 05-1117 -22M1 - 1212 MT m Uffium Thon.jut clou iedur aid ur u r woy in thos2hodmrom tondu wtin Inu dis- tanceouthe duwntown cure. Onor the yoamsthio huilding ho heen montinusl upgradod and impmoved. Tisnot incloden 2 almenlen with auuthem eopoum, 2 lice mosuite. laundiy ne, toutou &to, 1 cuvurmi and t ouiside parking Smot. Colif'tu1e odtai tIs. CTis cutom bonotlw wh0 t tut ettor bautevl mes cial liig t s + dm, atnkon- t , i~ W, padr t ena kvbb rtWdfatlu utM. ie Ituonel n Oeiee on prW 1zt W& Otc a~n *InBlad dbl UNIte w"'A IGORGEOUS FIIOOR PLAIN WITH GOURMET KITCHEN Waltmouvred Oves, Granite coninters and Istand. Dark hardwo.od floors in fàmity roorn and front hall- way, crowo mouldings and Califomia shutters throoch out. Not vo mention it is completely tasdscaped. Ai the fivrishine! touches are *0 z Your LOCAL Real Estate Agent can voue d