W Cr , - Milton, ON z o z REC[NTLY RENOVATED rFou % iredro WlisIN home sas or a iracts onto a cep t0 scirool. rotely reno lirdiug pocio doors har loeC ro rire ireclyard and large dock. louai for ail of your summer enteranirul Locer level foarores a carge laordry moom arrd partietoy finished necreaioliel roco ures. Fluae uaindsay Mctane lau a1l the hullila. $17,.. GREAT VALUE IN fDORSET PARK 10 aIl amen- Kfthen w/l breakrfast Islanrd & paetio doers ta ti hcge lot witir decir. Ideal for sommer Berirelciagi Large Family Fim, Lno Rm & Rec. Rm, tors cr room for pour femîlyl Flus colt Lledsay Metairet THE ULTIMATE LOCATION fed orn t.9 arard0home 0 cîti felly roo iroscn a wo-try rigir- fe Rof PARe To w Ilover 10 ti hgir wlth~ ~ ~~W Oail rombatigat ls hml cilitg onu cuoeptrrs in cod t irogir O in mtr main levai wlir tore a n emd rmmW Ciesme mater nsuit, op nerludr rwe oed hasemni aC pari loeicn C t hi lig4,00 OVERLOOK THE PARK otepo away porcr, large - a deep lot 'footl love thre gleantlog frurdmood, 9 foot oair levait ceiliogo aod rictr icfie cahmnetr. Fott muo ter eoouite, central air andl quick ucceso tartire 401 Joot lsed. Cad Mie $37,000 o f Niagara Escarpmooi trom thos 2814 Sq.Ft Fielagate homme. Nun toot mern levea i caol i master Sittiog area witir spa-tire entuite, expansive Ile caiietry with Aiotry and Islaod, open to tihe tamily room with f replace. 'foc mil love 1his location. Catt MIN. $«8,M0. f18.5U0 SQUARE r EL ,-0im ... o f wcra- space et e iromical rate cooel doar and drive io eveilairle. Best ocited for dry ose, higr ceilings and office opace. Very rccsonehle tant. Immediate occupaocy. CatI MIke. Excaptioa 00 oma IIhome located in a qu Or developont close toc alamenites. Cea Starter home rrar iras mary Opa ades an o s. Campletc ey monovet- )o/Dnn omwt ardwo Kîchen Lng roirul~~~~ ~ "iîn -oo îir hadod îdn tic, doors ro tire prlvate & anviran dock and cspard." 4 hedraos cpstairs as mail asca reno- ted Cpc barth. Tire lamer lovel feaicres a cargc îodry room, sorage cra, tinishad recreatina om and a 3pc. Bathr. Flous, cuit Lindisay TEAM HILSON WHAT RIECESSION?- TERI LYNN*& NORM* HILSON DUR LISTIN S ARE SmIL SEIIINGI sin RMt#iV flW CALL aS resen FOR c FiEE MARKET sEVAucrIue OF rocs HOME 6 MIEMBER 0F TUE REMX HALL 0F FANE rasi tina rO cee meesOR FOR reOU!n! flhlloneaypatlc.ca ndhlaoasyeepalcb. Msniaao m înl Vituel Touru Frm Comiparatie Munrait Hals F roblosasl FuoOeeShos mnvuv.lrinkullsaa.com0 * muo.lialedasold.om .p Oumaus tui Onu,0 ilm Nue. if fue aan 905-878-7777 Mo ilMit Isurome &aisped defis lith e I M eito ilitFel aid Froie hineonaias noe roais purncia or tir menthes aimslta FREE! THNIO0F RETIREMENT DOwNSIzNO Tis heactîfol Cahot madel uppror (711 sqft) located on tire second floor. This corrdc hasto sici derr iardwsod floar- ing, stuioleso steel uppliancea, filoess room, car mash, oecurity aIl ircluded in tire price. Tire corda offero ger- Cen Coors toan unslde helcooy. This coodo showms ta perfection uf move in and eajoy e litestîpe tiret alomo pou f0 lacir tire duor bhind pou anC krom tiret every- tiring is secure. $194,OOi0 Bookr lîday, soii Nitai aid Tort Lyon 905-878-777 YOU HOME? Loaed or s saugirs cirer stries flu oit birck hon- gobew offers e grial place ta eli home. Tire massive drioewîy elliow 4 plus curs ta he purked. Rureiy do homes hecome avuilohie jr 1hi0 Cesirahie aritu close f0 hospîtel, shroppirg, tranuit, scirools and tire oid Cocvtoer cote. Tire home foulures uarge lii- groom/dionngroom eres, eut ir kitcher arC 3 hedroomo uloro t00hec ac lirte home. Tire home ha a front ertrunce as oel as silo crirrce euth easy acceos 10 lire firisired hesemeri for irise potenieul. Tire grourds festure uarge trees and liar- dvo for sirade or lirose hrot sommet days. $398,000. ATTENTION FINIT TIME HOMESUYERS! Have yoe heen maîtîng for a ccmdo tohomne mîith lom tees' Here il ;ai ioff Tio 3 bed- room heacty i0 reudy for yccr touches. Locateel ie a amail sought after compleu close toi scitoolo, shopping, tranoit, titis condc oflero hardwood ffoorieg,ceremtico AIC, newer celodowo, upduted kitchen and 3 good sized bedrocens. Enîoy tire quijet hacl9lurd mut e reteoing cm pour dock or ovule veutkîeg tire ped puthvapo in aed urccnd tire compluH. Book tadap titis one mon't he arccmd long! $214,999. INVESIMENT POTENTIAL! Located jr a greol pano0f toor close 10 scirools, trse, shoppirg lOis hurgalow ires heC e major t elift of fering a roc kitcher citr -granite isiard for ousir food prepotatior, Wall af ricr ditO ceiretrr, nicer eppliances, and irecolitul cercmic floorirg. Tire iivingroorrldin- iroroom oTfero sorgeous dark irerrha flOong wlth eflascccs o icheor terterteinn. Tire mein floor olfers 3 large hedroomo citr largo oîrdocs arC Curk iramiro floors. Walk Coco o tee otepo arC yoo cari telex ir e cozy lumilyroom cr10 large siidirg beors o tire bacrrn Tire hascn iras ifs 0cr seli coruirnd eparirmeri com- plote euth kitcher, liiiroom urd t00 hddrooms. $318,000. WEWOME TO MILTON! TOit 3 hedroom semi iras halla eh 1e majot moto complet- rad, locatedinra gra area of0c tott irmt cuikirg distarcc f0 scircalu, shropping, transi. The tome o011cm sitparete DR veth a gaed siznd las rn itcher. Tire FiR afforo a large ba irdoc c ood humiog FR. Opperilevel iras iroge masser bdrm elirh opdat- ed 4 pc hatirrom. Tire other 2 hdirms ae dila good soz c loto of cloil spuce. Tire home iras hll a riew fomece insfldd yien oid, celer sairver i0 oHned, olf p eurs aId, drimmwa 25008, recer iruker parti, ail appiierces one 15 peurs aid. Thec home offers e 5meaI ode dock off the kitchito ou ulrge hackyurd. $289,9800 FROM THE HUMUE arC huosie of hungalowe iocated (001 sortir of torliogtvv îv tire Beautifol gesed commurity of Artrim Gica affers ail tire Locory's of retiromers living. Ia-grouod pool, roc certre autO Lihrery, snow rcmooa, grass cuffting, 9.0. parki- ing. Tis burgalowoaffors extras deep lot, rosca ta plart frees and cvtend Lardscapiog, scvrsom mitr paroram- ic views. 0000$179,000. ,S9 w *ýe& Ia/1 o~/ j aý 905-878-7777 - debtuff@cogeco.ca W RV5MWl XSTZTCENTRE, E r molmlIg offa futll ensuite wltb wakc4i closet. Callfornoa flieSoel! Cai O ~fl~REAL CNR