* J NIPISE ý,SINGT Nipissing Univeraity in partnership with the Miotry ut Education wilt be hosting their third anniual ASL tmmersion Camp this surmmer, This two week camp is for teachero interested in pursuing Qualifications in Teaching Deuf and Hard ut Hearing Children Ontario and currestty enrotted ut Nipissing University as weIl as for teachers and other related protessionals currently employed with Provincial Schools whu are interested nr improuing their ASL ukills . This years camp will also host a une week Teen prugram for Hard ut Hearîn and Deaf students acroos Ontario who are interested in deseoping skifls in ASL. The Aduit camp runs trom July 12, 2009 - July 24, 2009 atitizing the Ernest C. Drury Campus facilities in Milton, Ontario. The Teen Camp rano for one week fromt Julyt8th-24th, 2009. If you ure Iooking for an esciting and unique spportunity fo work in an academic and recreatînnal setting, come and participate at sur camp! Bring your skitls and espenience, creativily, leaderahip okilto and participate in this adventure. Wei are seeking dedicated indisîduats for the following positions (Exact days ut worh and hours oary dependîng on the position) Two Week Positions: Joie 10 - 24. 2009 Camp Diratoril (josition) -The Camp Dîrectur responsbîlîties inclade active participation in the interview and hitin of camp staff, as well as program development and împlementatîun, supervision of ail] programo (Aduit and Tees> inclsding ASL classes. trips , eoenîng actîvîties, the ASL instructurs and Teacher Models. The cltosen candidate must haoe prooen leadership ahîlities, knowledge ut program developmient, excellent communicatiuns ukilîs and prufîcîency in ASL Oprations Coordinatar (Il position) - The Operations Courdinatur wîll participate in the hîrîng pruceos for camp staff. He/She wîlI also maniage the camp resîdential facilities anid supervise resîdential coaniselos and Up night Staffý The succeostul candidate wîll alsu be responlsîble to, overses the general sperations of the camp înictudîng kîtchen, cleaning staff as well as ail fînancial reqoîremento. The chusen candidate must hase good leadership skilîs, knowledge of ASL, experience wîth budgetîng and urderîng uf supplies. Experienice Wsrxing in a resîdenitial senting an asset. ASIL Instroctog (5 ositions) - wîll provîde instruction and certification ut the Sîgnîng Natarally Curriculam. You must he a niatîse or niear native signer and have eapxrîence as an ASL instuctur and curse cuordinator, Classes wîll run un aoerage for 6-7 hours pet day and wîlI include classroom instruction, asseosment and evalsation and actîvîty hased learnînig. The choses candidates must posseso previos esperience teachîng ASL to hearîng individuels. Interpreters ASL/Enolish (4 oSitions)- The interpreter positions are fuît fl positions with varld flxiblte hours includîng sonme evenîngo and some weekxnd roqoîremanits. The succestul candidate must be wîllîng to work in a txam setting, and have wxll deoelupxd receptîve and expressive sîgn language okîlîs (ASL and other furais 0f ial communication> combîned wîth experience wîth deaf indivîdualo. Cook ilpositilm) will plan and over the preparation uf breakfast, lanch and dinner, prepare menas and order supplies You wîll have practical cusking experienice for a large grsap; familiarlt wîth kitchen eqsipment and provîde grsup leadership tu kîtcheni staft. Experienice wurkîng in a oarge volume suod services envîrunrvent and knowledge ut food handlîngi preparation technues and sanîitation standards. Knowledge ut ASL recormvended Kitchen Halper (3 soSitionl wîli assiot in the prepararion and service of iel You Ml maîntaîn cleanlînessofu food service area, equîpmenit and stensîls. Experience wsrking in a large volume food services envîronment and knowledge ut fosd handling/preparation techniqaesasnd sanitation standards. Proficiency in ASL an asset. One Weak Positions: Jute 17 - 24. 2009 Residence Counsallors (4 foaitions) - witt supervise stsdents (Tes Campers) tromt 3:00 - 1f :OOpm dsity (Msnday - Fndy and 8:OOam -tt:OOpm Satarday and Sanday (Jsly t8 and 19). The saccesotu candidates wîll he proficinx ASL, have esperience working in a residential seffing and have demxnxtrafed excellent interpersonal okilîs and knowledge workîng with yoath. UP Niohi Staff (2 Rositions) - wîll work dadng Tees Week only sapervising stadents in the residence xxernight. Hoars et work are t 0:3Opm fo 7:3Oam. The saccessfsl candidate must hase esperience working in a reoidential sesîing, and wilf be eopected f5, remain awake dudng the wxrking hrours. Prsficiency in ASL an asset, Toucher Modula (3 positions) - will wxrk daring Tees Week oxfy. The saccexafal candidates for this position mast be quatied Teachers of Deaf and Hard of Hesnng Stadenta in Ontario with a minimum ut 5 years teaching esperienca. These Teecher modela will acf as Hoot Teachems for the teacher candidateo within the prxgramt as they wsrk tswardo their teaching practicars reqairemenits. Prsficiency in ASL reqaîred. Tha chosan candidates wiIt raceiva the FOLLOWING: 2 Waak POSITIONS: JoIy 10 - 24th Camp Director - $7,000 Operations Coordinator - $5,000 ASL tnstractsrs - $4,000 Interpreters ASL/English -$5.000 Cook - $5,000 Kitchen Helper - $3.000 1 ilial POSITIONS: Joly 17 - 24th Residence Counselors - $2,000 Up Night Staff - $1,.500 Teacher Mxdels - $3.000 **Plaasa nota ail salarias ara liatad balora mandatory payroll dadocliona. Ploasa sobmit your resuma indicaling tha position (s> yon ara applying for, by May 19, 2009 IC: Nipisaing Univarsity CIO HumanRa-llsoorcas Unit Provincial Sahools Branch, Ministry of Edocation - 255 Ontario Straat Sooth Milton, ON LIIT 2M5 Tih. soection commillea would like Io thank ail applicants fil apply, bowaear, only hose selected for Interviews wil bu Contactai. Nipissing University ls an laquai opportunity amployar. 111IGei e Gnpl ep 11l Garerai~ H ein pea ~ m Htp Giea ~ m HoIp KIDS! KIDSI o 2 Billion $ Growing KIDSI ILader Saksl We'rxa looking fora --Agas 2+-- ! ummer ICsomr Rxlatonl HOUSEKEEPER and CAREGIVER Waned srV & ~ M rk 52 Reps Auo Burlîniglon position, aogs. 25-35 hrs/wk. Includes Monte Jos! Must he motiuated 9 chîldrxn (14 & 10). Duties isclude hoaoekepîong, No Fees' Mes) ýlap a self starter lausdry, dry cleaning coordination, varlt of Women 16-65 yrs. Cutoe ~suere Fast tack advascemest taeko f0 assist il Coordination of Our home Needed fer samet Codtin al f0r proves leaders edlh needs. Valid dirivera license and vehicle iles No estras wil ri vehicles fiait. Mast be axailabte f0 wxrh flexible hxam PaenscaI: Oil To qaalify ru meet Email rastuma including ratarancas Pa05t cul 436 wlh Our recrauter (416)221-3829 90C5-83NO241-272 rmhouuekeoping@gmail.com GraiHaly rnIfGel Hlî prief n'y *MONEY* Ç S*INEPEN)ENCE* S Paper routes arc no longer j ust Y. kid's stutff Excellent spportunity in (>akville f'or sers iee-minded. ' ~confscientious aduits. l'Part-Iime- Wednesda,,,s. l-riday s & &Saturdavs You p k Nou lkrs. d u ma,,> cntactI (1 (905) 637-979-i Our Class ted Cal Centre serving the Burlngton Post, Oaku le Beaver Flamborsugh Reu ew and Milton Canadian Champion is located nr Burlnrgtun and curenitly hase aob upportunity f0r a CLS I lAVRIIGRPEETTV We're looking for someone who fbas a flaijr for sales and iu great ai building busines relationships over the lteephane. The oucceostul candidate wîlI: Prospect for new clients for new features ranig in Ctassified, sist clients with ad cspy and design, affaîn and/or surpasa sales targfs Candidate must haxe excellent grammar cuotomer service skiffs, typisg and spelling okîlîs. Candidate must be a fears plsyer mhat works well sn a grosp envîrosment & be enthu- siasticrtsnovaive. Reqairemena: Excellent prodacf and Classîhied indusfry ksowledge sperior cusfxmer service skiffs, ability f0i baîld and develop effctv relafioehips wîfh clients, abilify fo worh in a fsst-psced, deadilse osested eneirosment & Internef and computer savve. Plasa appty by aimat ta: thil@hortin9tonpost.com We traek yoe for your interest bat oefy theoe candidates uitable for interview wiff fie coetacted. No phone cais or agencies plusse. Watd Experresce ihQck ouycillstlos nies, US/Canada tsarf in Milton. bohxkkeeper, GST/PS I$1- $4lhour civabe,'noig i Ivcommisxon Wsrkîng ut our home c 5+ yeas expeience Must have car. Fao resami milton@sltarkaya cutsforklds.çom*a WeBre h Fute gruig amoieeler it nou reion &ales ar exp andîngr Msi sur sloationm Ify o r adesgi or leson- vîdîn uuwty bhefckg rnidy require f0 Ga9Z8ara950 Salase aag ner ai: siindaoozabreiingtonehyxandinga Hospital Hfospital Lokrgfor a part-time Optîcian, otudent Opti- *cîan.part-tîmesoptîciano'assistant. Eoening. joyworin wih eopehave superior x customer service skilîs and are able fo work il > a fast paced envîrosment pieuse email ysur reoume fo: nancywilkg5@actonotical.ca HotelResturan 1WA ED Flt Maae mint Lest innian- Cusna&Lounoal 30MiSiE. Mîltun ( Emamî rasomesl lexeeb nihm sonmnt@I HGous anig E oue a nng ABRe s CLEANIPIO Se vaiableWeekly xle 905 749-2272. Wv ante -Aie i~3IiiSPECIALZING IN rm Cardwoud Fiuur Rffetnish - îrl Finish caîpentry. caî books; multiple compa- aHad aro ractions. Daties are 1 adpro T fîlîsgs, payable/te- ng general office work. iffîce near Terra Cotta. e: 1-877-293-3343 Olitomotric Asst./Roceptionist Required for Optometry off ce F/T, P/T availàl Optical exp. an asset but willing to train. Email: iullloneyedoc@ hotmall.com Fax rallume: 905-875-1260 LOST & FOLIND Ô7N Found Sonnething? 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