4 o Our Valued Guests and Residents of Milton o- On Tuesday, April 28, 2009 we received notice that the Franchisee of Sthe MR. GREEK Mediterranean Grill Iocated at 1149 Maple Ave, chose to >~close the restaurant and move on without any word or advance notice. This has caused great inconvenience to our customers, valued suppliers, S staff and ail the members of the MR. GREEK team. This is definitely not what MR. GREEK stands for and our service standards are set high to oE offer our guests the most enjoyable experience. Ic During this time there wiIl be an interruption in delivery service. zo The closest locations pleased to serve you are: MR. GREEK Mediterranean Grill 1940 Appleby Line Burlington, ON 905-315-1550 Dine-In - Take-Out CalI-Ahead Pick Up -Catering MR. GREEK Express 3021 Argentia Rd. Mississauga, ON 905-824-1400 Dine-In * Take-Out CaII-Ahead Pick Up leCatering In the coming weeks, we will have more information regarding the fiuture of this location. On behaîf of the entire MR. GREEK Team, we offer the most heartaelt apologies and thank you for your patience and understanding. mit. For further information please contactý MR. GREEK Restaurants mnc. 1402 149 The Donway West North York, ON M3C 3M9 Tel: 416-14414-3266 Email: feedback@mrgreek.com ÀI 1 HARO WOOD AND LAMINATE FLOORINO MMIiiI~1 36201 LAIRD ROAD UNIT #6, MISSISSAUGA ON SATURDAY MAY mii, 2009 at 11:00 AM il i:lm] Vou loved the aest ove so top quality Hardwood Flooring for less is back. This Auction will feature Top Qualily 3/4" Pre Finished nail dowv hardwood flooing and will lie sold regardiesa of Coal or Lova. Ybu can expect to see beautiful Oaks, Maples, Chemies, Black Walnut, Japanese Exotics, Bamboo, Bircli, Golden Oaks in a large vaiety of Finishes indluding Hand Scraped and Wide Planka up to 5" wide. There wttl also lie a nice selection 0f Laminates and Engineered hardwood that can lie laid night over Concrete. Bath Feature an easy click together installation. The Engineemed hardwood has a solid hardwood top tiat can DO refinianea Up to 3 limes. Buy from the original FIoorlng Auction and the biggest and the best. We have sold over 2 Million square feet of flooing In the past 3 years. Our buyers retumn lime and lime again for excellent products and value. BRING VOUR TRUCK, TRAJLER OR CAR AND LOAD AND GO, Ail items must be removed the day of the sale! Ail flooning wIl lie sold by the square foot to the highest bidder; BUY ONLY WHAT YOU NEED! /NR~U/G77-EALL -NVEPV2Q7Q MAZ/JA3-- ZDQA-f-ZOOMf lcQ,0?EVEA -AJwpP h,,r,,< riLriig Sysri (AFS) * Dual buritn- .u)oiTsitlii ciriate crit o1q - Bi ,iîsai (IIII0 lî,',?a'hitS . 8 way power ,3du!stdble driveiS sect wtii remory functi 4' 10 5)iidkcii (15 'liii" Baisee SUîaiaid Soured Sysinait . BluetOOi ndh vial pric inr irittr<aiti with Ala Profile.I . j*, fi iîairisr DLpiv (MID) uth caiur . Irdelligent ,kryleseri with puQh buttoristan. Ne u2S E, 5rs 0511 %Kedrru *rorn/side, impact air baigs. sui imrpact air curtains iiaiii1d *o ('iisii Ovraîrr,pm Msrille ard out,.i dsîhqult wstkabiiity viet hoghu teMAD . AntiIock Braire Systemr (ABS), brais assis) 3nd Electruraic rîrraietria.'l uise aid ad ie irqaioér arhp sda throaqiraat tir. MAZBA3.qlalit Biakis Force Distribution (EBiD).espc1iýrmnvnlwt nacdliraiyaaPolc . Dyran !i. Stabiiity Conitrai (iSCî 7 fractin Corai Systerr, ('CS). iion ti)istL4art aianl anaukP s rnt acive tieadrests. *Seilaetia rrîîin.aîa ~p00 367 Queen St., Hatton Hisl <Acton> ON L7J lR1 f'tONI (519) 853-0200 or (866) 620-3248 USý Monday-Thursla 9AM -9PM Frîday. 9AM - 6PM Saturday 9AM -6PM SERViCE Monday-Wednesdlay PM- 5PM Thursday 8AM -8PM Fniday: 8AM - 5PM Saturday: tAM - 3PM w vf ww . a chui11e sm azd a, c a EX LOC £AL "S/DE'N "ILL Z,D. 45 VRNT z41VAÈ5E Proudlf Senveng Haillon Hill for oves 30 Yogi' Lii- t