Compost give-away starts You raked up thc leaves, hagged them Up, the Region collected them and now it wants to give you them hack - in the form of com- post. Halton's popular spring compost gsve- away program hegan Monday and will con- tinue until Saturday from 8 a.m. so 4:30 p.m. each day ut the I-lton Waste Management Site, 5400 Regional Road 25 in Milton. More than 2,000 tonnes of processed compost will be availahle. The garden friend- ly compost han heen produced from the 40.000 tonnes of leaves, hrush and yard waste the Region collected from residents last year. Residents cao hring up to seven hags or containers to collect the compost but must also bring a shovel in order to collect it. Though the compost is free, Halton is encouraging residents to hring a donation of a non-perishahie food item or make a cash donation that will he given to local food hanks. Last year, 4,340 residents picked up ahout 2,000 tonnes of compost while dropping off 6,000 kg of food and $9.764 for the food hanks. For more information, visit or cail (905) 825-6000 or 1-866-442-5866. Aqua Rite- & SwimPure- water sanitizing systemns deliver soft, pure, crystal clear wacer and frees you from the traditional hassies of dealing with chiorine. They* ~et~e aFaci economsc afii an nn a Mr relaxa Visif.havwrdeanada. %eý conditions may apply Ses webslt M dl ui for .tion. b 1~~ R~E~ ypiboi. Clarification The story 'Parking Dehate Monday' in the April. 24 Champion stated Milton council had passed changes to its zoning bylaw allowing for some residents to widen their driveways. However, while council has approved the changes, the actuai hylaw amendment will receive reading as the May 25 counicil session. For more information, visis and search report pd-020-09. NOIC OFAPULCMETN Regional Officiai Plan Amendment No. 37 Proposed Amendment to the Regional Officiai Plan "An Amendment to Incorporate Basic Requirements of the Places to Grow Plan" Applicant: Halton Region The Council of the Regional Municipality of Halton, through its Planning and Public Works committe, is holding a Special Meeting to provide the public with an opportunity to comment on a proposed Amendment ta the Haiton Region Officiai Plan. 2006. Meeting Date: Wednesday May 2 7, 2009 Meeting lime: 9:30 ar. Meeting Place: Halton Roomn Halton Regional Centre 1151 Bronte Road Oakville, Ontari, L6M 3L1 Phone: 905-825-6000 Toli free number: 1-866-442-5866 Website: Purpose and Effect: This Amendment would incorporate the basic requirements of the Provincial Places ta Grow Plan (Growth Plan) into the Region of Halton Officiai Plan (2006). As part of the Sustainable Halton process, the Region has adopted a 'two-stage& approach to review its Officiai Plan under Section 26 of lise PlanningAct which wili bring the Officiai Plan into conformity with the Provincial Growth Plan. Amendment No. 37, is the first stage of this approach, and wiil be considered by Halton Regional Council for adoption before June 16, 2009. (Municipal officiai plans must be in conformity with the Places ta GrowAc, 2005 by this date.) The implications of the proposed Regional Officiai Plan Amendment are region-wide. Amendment No. 38 is the second stage of this Officiai Plan review and will incorporate ressîts of the comprehensive review of the Regional Officiai Plan. It is planned for Councl adoption in Decemnber 2009. To Get More Information: The proposed Amendment may be viewed at the Office of the Regional Cierk between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Or, a copy may be obtained by telephoning Perry Vagnini at 905-825-6000, ext. 7987, or toîl free ait 1-866- 442-5866 or by e-mail ta Those wishing ta address the Committee should contact the Regional Clerks office at 905-825-6000, ext. 7200, before 4:30 p.m., May 26, 2009, in order ta be listed as a delegation in the agenda. Or, they may register with the Cierk prior ta the public meeting. In addition ta the above public meeting, public open houses are being held in April 2009 ta provide information on Amendment No. 37 as well as the Sustainable Halton Phase Three technical reports and the preferred growth concept and land use options (which wiIl be deait with underAmendment No. 38). Please go to www.halton.caisustainablehlton, or cail the numbers above, for more details on these open houses. Foilowing consideration by the Planning and Public Works Committee on May 27, 2009, a recommendation on Amendment No. 37 will be presented ta Regionai Council on June 3, 2009. Note: If you wish ta be notified of the adoption of the proposed Officiai Plan Amendment, you must make a written request ta the Regional Cierk at the address above. Any persan who, before the Officiai Plan Amendment is adopted, han made oral submissions at the above public meeting, or who han made written submissions ta Regional Council, may file a notice of appeal with the Ontario Municipal Board. If a person han not made sucti submissions, the Board may refuse ta aliow that persan ta participate in a hearing of an appeai. Oated as die Tms nI OakviIIe, April 14, 2009