~High school to stage comiedy rà Drama students at Milton District High Directed hy faunie Grabana, the play is t6Sho r nvîn h omuiyt bc written by Michael Green and is a séries of 2out their upcoming theatre performance, comedies that secs a number of calamities ,;e which is sure to inspire laughter. corne about involving everything [romn S Four Plays for Bad Actors: The Seqticl will Roman charits to a confused giant whale to bie presented tomorrow, Eriday and Saturday a dancing croissant. at 7:30 p.m. at the school, 396 Williams Ave. Tickets cost $10, or $8 for studenis and z (off Commercial Street). seniors and are available at the door. Here's your opportunity ta Save lîves. z Milton Blood Donor Clinics: à Saturday, May 9, 2009 9:OOam - 1:OOpm Thursday, May 21, 2009 1:3Opmr - 8:00pm Milton Sports Centre Bob Rumbali Association for the Deaf 605 Santa Maria BIvd. 7801 No. 5 Sideroad. Cali 1 888 2 DONATE for more information or t0 book an appointnreni www.biood.ca Dateune'J p.m., tai chi from 9 to 11:30 a.m., bhng from 9:30 arn. t0 noon, contract bridge fmm 10 ar. 10 noon and ils Gyber Caf from 110c,3 p.m. The cool is $2 for memnbers and $4 for non-mem- bers. Eaacboe is held from 1:30 to 4 p.m. The cosi is $2.50 for members and $4.50 for non- nacobers. ls Fiday Evening Movie feaîuriîag MaieIo, and Me is held from 7 to 10 p.na. The cot is $2. The Canadian Hearing Society holds a freceutaingsarecungdinlc from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. To book an appointmeni, caîl (905) 875- 1681. And bld euchre is beld ai the Campbellville Lions Hall [rom 7:30 te, 10 p.m. The cool is $2.50. 1055. The Milton Historical Society seIls Unm jackfgags a tricoloured pleaied. fans, to cel- ebrate Victoria Day fromn 9 a.m. tii 2 p.m. ai the Waldie Blacksmith Shop, 16 Jamnes Si. Caîl Brtce Carlin at (905) 875-4156 or e-tnatî socile tyCObellnet.ca. Monday May il The Milton Action Circe of Amnesty international nacets ai 7 p.m* at St. Paulk U ntcd Church, 123 Main St. E Lvciyoncs wecomc. I7 mail amnestynilton@gnmaî.c0li Milton District Hospital holds a one-on-oinc brate dngcinic vvtth a certiftcd, lactation consultant from noo)n to 4 p.m. To ianakc ,an appointmeni. caîl Jili Hicks at (905) 878-2 383, ext. 7610. The Salvaflon Arrny; 10XI Nipissing Rdl.. unîlt 3, holds its vobmteer drop-in [romi noon to 1 p.m. to help sort and pack food ai thc food faank or belp prepare for other cornnuniiy piogramns. CatI (905) 875-1022 or c-mailrh@hcm Iunti\. n Thé Milton Seniors' Acisiiy i..c 00) Childo Dr., holdsbiDiaids from 9 atia. to 9 p.iin.. duplicate bridge front 9:15 a.m. to noon, Cyber Café from 1 to 3 p.. tap danciing trona 2 io 2:45 p.m. and table tensfrom 7 to 9 p.. mFlic cost for each activitv bs $2 for menabers anid. .4 [or non-members. Bid encline is held [rom 1 ý30 to 4 p.m. ai a cool of $2.50 for members and $4.50 for non-membens. Cali (905) 875-1681 MEZ - -ý