Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 May 2009, p. 11

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Dateaau Datte!in ois a fie' li.t/ni)' avial/;lo cal 1(0 ioihiufit), gioops to asi.Osi ini proiotiflg t/ici, conn .ng o'i'onts. Otnh o/caritable oi tnot-ptofit coinanity Çîo)ups tuai, use t/is sei'ie. lVe guarantee soe issue (!f p1îclityi <if t/he event although moire ieiso' toons aie possible il space pennits. Date/mne noîtices shou/d ho' e-mailo'd to edito- rialCaipiltoncanadianehianipion.com. The final deadline is noon Moiîdaî'jâr Wednesday's edi- tian and 5 p. m. Tuionclay lir Fniday's edition. Date/mne items won't be acccpted by te/ephaîîe. Tbursday May 7 Moms Supporting Moms i Milton - a support group for moîbers struggling witb postpartumn depression and/or anxiety - meets at Halton Kids West Milton Hub at Our Lady of Victory Seboot, 540 Commercial St., from 7 to 8:30 pim. Cati Janet Siverns ait (905) 825-6000, ext. 2927. Milton District Hospital holds a one-on- one brSstfreding clinic wiîh a certified lac- tation consultant froui 6 îo 9 p.m. To make an appointnci.i cail liiil I licks ai (905) 878- 2383, ext. 7610. The Deck drop-in centre, 200 Main St. E. (rear entrance), invites studenîs fromt Grades 6 to 9 to stop by between 3:30 and 6 p.m. 10 play a gamte of pool or just bang out. High school studenîs are welcome between 7 and 10 p.m. Visit www.thedeckmilton.com. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cl'ilds Dr., bolcîs billiards [rom 9) a.in. to 9 pin., line dancingi [romi 10 to 11:30 a.m., uts Thursday Afternoon Movie [ront 1:30 10 3 p.m. featuring Mai/lev anîd Mle, contract bridge [romt 1:3010o3:30 prim. clogging fromt 2 îo 3:30 pin. and table tennis from 7:30 to 9:30 pim. The cost [or each activity is $2 for inembers and $4 for non-members. Bld eucbre is beld [rom 1:30 10 4 p.m. ai a cosi of $2.50 [or members and $4.50 for non-mem- bers. Its Walldrng Club takes place [rom 10 a.m. 10 noon and a free blood pressure clin- ic runs [rom 10 a.m. t0 noon. To bonk an appointment, caîl (905) 875-1681. Tbe Milton ebapter of the Cainadian Federation of University Women meets for a business meeting at 7:30 p.m. ait Hugbi Foster Hall witb women wbo are university or college graduates invited at 8:30 p.m. 10 bear site manager Mark Graves discussing 'Work mn tbe Milton Quarry' [rom an envi- ronmiental, educanional and business per- spective. Cati Lynn ai (905) 878-0740. Friday May 8 Thc Salvation Army, 100 Nipissing Rd., unit 3, bolds ils volunteer drop-in [rom 10 a.m. t0 1 pim. t0 belp sort and pack food at tbe [ood banik or belp prepare for otber com- rnt.nity programis. CatI (905) 875-1022 or e- mail rob@kbicommunity.com. Milton District Hospital bolds a drop-in breast'eeding grorup witb a certified lacta- lion consultant [romt 10 10 11:30 axn. ai Our Lady o[ Victorv Scbool, 540 Commercial St.. witb information sbared and babies weigbed. Pregnant women are welcome. Calî jilI Hicks ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Deck drop-in centre, 200 Main St. E. (rear enîrance), invites students [romt Grades z 6 to 9 to stop by hetweeni 3.30 and 6 p.n. îo play a gaine of pool or lus) hang oui. Higb 3 school siodents arc welcome heîween 7 andZ il p.m. Visit www.thedeckmilton.com.o The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 c, Childs Dr., bolds blUtarts [romn 9 arn. to -t È see more DATEUNE on page A12 < Defending your home and your budget Trying to defeat the budget crunch? Start saving right now by taking advantage of the many new governmrrent rebates and tax credits available on energy-efficient products. Plus, Bryant products can help you Iower your en.rgy cost by Up to 33%*, which will save you money in the long term too! Ge .. re ae of ep o a nochre $13200 ORa-y Ih.u pVW ..bo pln0Vý1c Bryan sytean rdcý There's nover b..n a botter lme to buyl Hurry, offer ends June 30, 2009. 1-866-348-2599 Details at bryantcanada.comn 9e~ à cew tus Since 1904 With Evolution* Plus 90i' gas furnaces. as compared to a pravious model. Get a FREE Go for the Green BONUS Ballot! Simply blring this coupon to OLG Slots at Mohawk Racetrack any day tram April 13 - May 22, 2009 ond receive a FREE BONUS Ballot, a $2 Country Style glif cailfcate and o chance ta play the NintendoWiV-game for an instant prize!* OLG 016b Oat otai.aa R.a..k 9430 Guelph une., CanpbelMll, Ontario (906) 83l4453 or 14100.732-2230------ Muat be 19 peaa af ag o o.aer 'ai guvaaaranl-ian oad afcbnml erW .N ucas eesr.VMIh WsCri Reaa' desk furaaanpçlebala n aand relgiualiana. Rvalu fb. brHm afl MDOCN Li* ore (1) a.el coupol or anaeMWen. (aornti) per perlaS, pa. day. LiTA an Ca.snby SW 9 erfbp alâ- Md par pno.Mleqoaiies last NkftSodbSl a rq#gea.d lraderrir ile rota aponio, tn pasitipani In, #dn pa.min No cash optin avanOla *NenvKo dSi - gante aviia"sTlNdap, Frlday and Saisaapa. May 16 - May 22. M w 2mt pn opneprs a 2 09e 9:0Opns ý- - ý 1 ý, ý'Y, Àf,ý, m

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