Be prepared for emergency lialtoo Region is asking residents tci ensure they're preparecf for a major enîeî - geney such as a btackocîî or severe siormi - an c'veoi maoy residenis miglti hc famitiar wiîh afier the recni maJor siormn knockect out power to many households. As pari of* this weeks I 4it aincial Emergeocy Preparednecss Week, ttîe Region us issuing a reouinder io resicleis ici plan for ao emergeney hv knowîog the risks, making a famnilv plan and geiig an emeirgenevy kit tiai ccuntaios fooud, svaîe, a racdio, a tlashtiguî Holmes to flip Barbecue season is here. anc tio kick it off M&M Mcatsfuops wilt hotc ilis 2 tsi aoîual C harity BBQ Day ibis Saicirday ici hetp) cook Up a cure. The two locations i owo - on Main Street, jusi wesît of ntarios Street and on Jaimes Snow l'ark\Na' jusi souitu of Hw. 401 - twill be parîicipatiog t'rom f0 a.m. io 4 p.m., atong wittu altnost 500 lcocations across Canada. Focr a mninimumn cdonation of $2.50, resi- and batteries to gel îlîrocigh ai leasi a 72- hour emiergency. Residenîs can visit v)w. halton. ca/bep)rc pared to fînci oui more information and download resources suc h as t talion s Personal Emergenexý P'rep-ared-ness Gu.îide and information for peoplc wiifî special rieeds or ctisabiitics. The informationt cao also bc ohiaineci ai municipal offices ora he or hv calling 1 866-442-5866 oir Nia e-niail ai acshl ton@hlî M&M burgers dents caoi reecive a lîainhurgei or hot ulog, a drink and a hag of chlips. Ici top il off, ilue Snow Parkst,î store will have Mike I olines troin H-olîîîes on Homes flipping for- chariis heîween If and t p.m. (Reaci abouît t olmles l\ý nexs i sion show on page .\2).) Silice lime aocd t'oc is clonaieci, ail piro- ceeds wilt go to the ( 'rotins and C oliti 1-ounction of C anacla, wiith a set goial of SI I million 'I-I SIIN FS81 mI"IllMI 18 5et MMM.W - 1UeIE,,m.. à iql Io aerm ,Sl.,IOILIR Il l ay1e L I .hM I 2N M, qttt Ot 110 to m e Il fthMR 3 . a, pIth (MbtI. M . bl lx! .be WRRt M.. l Te, ml, l -U a le Mm th ff,:Nm mUlt ll, Ume~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F-SieF3 tme m wý lyFII, M b.ý-î,IidI" I1A1 lAI lI4I h ý m bl, 'U,, U t.MR, I m RtM m l q 5, A RRRImm W MtMRlRtel Mt TawetIp IIIhlhM t 1.ý,dm I m.iRMMpu, RMM-MM bM - RMMR m bb pUtt . RttMM MR MtMttM, m mwN FM mMMt m -Ul MwfUI Ie am Ul. R4,be 1, AgLRttM pWRtR..t bd M deU t, pl tRtMRMx t t I, t , .t2.mmAet h 12mihK mf 4beiucI sl Ialsm 1, RtMtM ll m,tRMt lamele el RI ,ttt in hag witMM amM tt, ,.MR.'K"1I IIIt mmbt eb I I%.t tRt mA bttment Utt x ttt wI a tm,.,qmOlfl F ,m f tMt e tttM emabI mWc e emDp Wtt MMMtt 5MRM LtM.Al 1 baldl Ilt~ ulb PtRM, t t S MMlO S 1 hü, I, M l .t s ehMAtItRRIRttý)q l lb JImee M - ,t DelIly Uh malm a ttM t. ba tI oft$ M h, b ,tt d il t ,MRRt U5 -m ,l9 mfi, vt, J 53M MtRM R 9H 8 mmm 17.q% , t4MR.t.Mt. l R m -t .a 3 1I