-Ont G?~~-~/Wita1wn C24flo~~k~ z >i AnglicanChuch ofCanda CH1H 0 St G eorge s C7051 Guelph Lîne, Just North of Dery Road 905-878-1112 Wac o Kyt igo"Anglican Chu rch We invite you to worship with us: Sundy FmilyWorhip :30arn Friday 8:30 arn, Vision TV (Anlicant)f ý\'(tuork in i aada) Sundy Fmil Worhip8:3 amRector: Rev. Ray Daovid Glenn (refreshments betore the service) Sunday Sohool Classes Invites you te worsbip witl, us this Sunday at 10:00 arn leCrosrods Centmein Bur-ington Wednesday 2:30 pm -'Exploring our Faith' osi omno aI: 1295 North Service Rd. Children always welcame 1100arrNverî crnd C'/pildre's ' Sehoee/ Proîiec 9850Brianna Rd, Mlto, ~ 9T E8,905-75-939 Fer service limes visit our website at The85 Revani Rd.,W/s (95 7811 Miton Stev Cob7E8,0-7523 stgeorgeslowville.erg The___________Well__905__87_1112__________________ et r eall 1-866-351-2642 ext. 4050 Knox Presbyteirian IKNOX "Unified by Christs love, we v n share Hlm with the world" Join us Sunday: 1-0:30 arn Worship Se .r vice, Sunday School & Nursery Bleuîdiog tr edittoîsal & curlteliipor.lry styles Pasior Hownard Sullivan 170 Maso Si. E-, Milion 905.878-6066 m kveemsiiev65tbetnel ca u to www.knoxmjlton.cern Mary Street 1anqtLican 317 Main St. E W05-878-2411 www. gracechurchmiIton. com Sunday 8 arn Said Eucharist + quiet, traditional rite Sunday 10 arn Sung Eucharist " children's programs m MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesdlay 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study Behold the Lanîh of God wis h laketa a14ay the sin of the world. - John 1.29 fWilrname of ALLAH, the Compasiontethe Meriful s1y Ltjerat asanwder, ansd bearkewgs to (thre comn 1 ,Ad Lt miRt peeds (do so) ;- And wheg tbke eartb isfla ttexed _e orthli w isat a wit ba's it and becomes ( ciean) empty, and c ome ome thefai reaiLty)> 0 mas Vriy yon are retaraing "r Lord wit your deeds ajud actions (good or bad), a sure is-50 31 will meet (i.e. the resuits of your deeds wbich you did). as/or kim wbo will begiven bis record Ln bis rsrght band, He ssrreiy, receLpe an easy redconLvg iQva«,a C aitss.Vrw0-mi Read the Qaer'an - thte Last Testament Write te islamlnfo(«)m11eeemnsjld.ca I www.WIYISL.AM.org I Cati: 1-877- WHY ISLAM flu mssage brought to you by the Muatias Association offMutn 391 Burhamthorpe Road E, Oakv4Ue ON, L6iH 78.4 N4MITON 2L HUCHC Invites yo0010 oui weekty Sabbaih services ai Hugh Fostor Hall, 43 Brown Si. Mllton Sai. 9:30 a. m. -Sabbath Schvvt Sat. 11:00 a.rn - Divine Service BIBLESCIIOOL Discover the amazisg Bible anwiers Io ile's perplexivg quesionvs, and the secret tua happy le. P.O. los 230112, 55 Ontaaio Si., Milto, nt.i. L9T 5B4. On the INTERNET, hiip i//www.vopcom andI uwwwamazigfacs.og/bibleschoolscholmai.ap PASTOR: Ai DaCisia 519-835-831 For more inforimaion aboeut vueservice andI prvgram, pieusc Cal NEw LIFE CHURCH Childoene'Ministries Avaitable in ail Services *Captioned for the Deaf/Ilard of Hearing WEDNESDAYs i' jiil ivc)li( m IJeom iu Ifeerutst Celebrate & Connect Annual Golf 4<é"ot Tournamente-0c -il Oakvle's GeuîAbbey Golf Cltib Saturday, May 2 Chicken's & Yocitu Ceie Fcrid,-aiset Trickets $200 Regî ýet oui our website ti n i) W) ci 1' c Visit Us Online www.NewLifeMilton.com cet i 5î Pastoi Daiii i t905 S8 3I, - -Mý <I 1- M fflm 1 IN 1 1 1