0 r,4 lu 02,opiNION Remember, itfs i'pandemic,' flot panier: Swne Flu We sincercly hope, in the wake of the worldwide Swine i-lu ru tbreak, that local residents dont mnistake the word pandemic for panic. According 10 the World Healh Organizations (WHO) six-stage alert systeni, 'a pandemic lis an unexpectcd out- break of disease that spreads from pierson to person across borders. Pandemics occur whicn a ncw infltuenza A-type virus, to which aimost no one bas natural ixnmunity, emerges and spreads interna tionaily " And whilc the tact that Ontario bas confirnred cases of 'Svine lbhrings the issue a lîttie ibmnsco tir honme, local reso- dents should be aware that WHO Assistant Director General Dr. Keiji Fukado bas stated "we are not there yet (a psndem- ie)." Residents should aiso keep in mmnd that Haiton Region bas had in place, for a number of years, a response plan for any potentiai flu pandemie. According to Haiton Medicai Officer of Health Dr. Bob Nosai, the Regions heaith department bas been diligently monitoring ares hospitals and requesting daily information on patients with severe respiratory ilinesses. The department bas aiso set up a webpage for informa- tion on the new virus at http://www.haltoii.ca/health/servic- es/communicabledisease/swine-flu.htm. Despite the name, Swine Flu is spread through human contact, not eating pork products, and Nosai recommends typical measures to avoid spreading the flu - frequent hand washing, coughing inte a sleeve and sneezing into, a tissue and disposing of the tissue immediately To date our local heslth department and both provincial and federai governiments have been pro-active un dealing with this mailler. We trust they xviii continue to be until ibis outbreak bas been controlled. MAKING TRACKS: Miltonians Caitlîn and Lorne Greenwood show a copy of the Champon while cheering on Ashley Greenwood at the Boston Marathon, which she suc- cessfully completed in her marathon debut. Take your community newspaper on your next vacation and send your 'Champion Tracks' photos to editorial@miltoncanadian- champion.com. Be sure toi include destination information and everyones names. Reaoders Write E-mail letters toe ahtonial@mrultoncanadianchamplonoecm. Letters, which may be ec ed, must moclude the wniter's naine, address and phone number. Thi anks to ail who supported book sale DEAR EDITOR: On behaif of the Canadian Federation of UJniversity Women, Milton and District chapter, we would like to offer our heartfeht thanks to ail of the people who donated books and came to our used book sale ihis year. As a resuit of your generosity, we have again raised a substantial amount ifor our scholarship fund. We would like to thank the Champion, Milton Public Library, Zellers, Milton Mail and ail the volun- teers - both students and aduits - who hciped coiiect, sort and seli books. We hope to sec you again next year. JEAN 11111E, KATHY SELLERS, PA1TY WILCOX, YFKE PASMAN AND CHERYL HALES BOOK SALE COMMITTEE Trapped? Yes. In any kind of real trouble? Hardly Being trapped in an elevator can be a scaty exciting, life-altering experience. In thxe movies or on TV perhsps. In resui- ty about thxe only thing you're at risk of ila utter boredom. At lesst that was the case for your local sports scribe, who, just as Saturday evenines wicked winls began, made the rather foolish decision to use the elevator on my way home. You guessed it, just a few seconds before reaching my seventh-flooir destination the power went aut and 1 was thrust inta cam- plete darkness. After Ietting out the ohligatory foui- mouthed response, 1 calmly waited for what 1 was sure would be a quick return of elec- tricity - which of course didn't happen. A few minutes later 1 started yelling aut for help, and proceeded ta amp up the vol- ume when 1 realized my shoots were a hlie too subrie tor have tihe desired effect. deatt was lonbf the ceneu Ieatt was lon befoe ieire u since i was in absolutely no danger - I'm not the least bit claustro- phobic and 1 didn't even need ta use the bathmcsm - the deciffon was made ta wait for the elevator repairman. Breaking down the door was an option, but simply wasn't neces- sary in this case. ltà worth noting that cantraty to what movies and TV may bave us believe, mal- functioing elevators ao-ent prune to audden hfe-threatening descents, sa there really. was- n't a safety issue. Okay, l'Il admit 1 let out a mamentary gasp when 1 was told it would be about 45 min- Sutes for the repairman ta arrive from. Toronto or wherever. Hey, most people wili admit a 45-second elevator ride some- times seems long (if you're in a hurry or have tai make painful smail talk), so the ides ai spend- iifg mare than an hour lin total un a raughly six-by-four-foot enclased space with no lights seemed a bit of an ordeal. Perhaps it would have been if the lîghts hadn't came hack an about a haif-haur later 0su CONVEMSTfON on page A7 Zbr~ Qanabîan QDatnpion Mion'sCorrimun Np5c' per Sii 1860 555 tndustnal Dr. Mitton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax. 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation:. 905-878-5947 wjww.mlUtoncanactianchampion.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver General Manager David Harvey Editor in Chief Jli Davis Managing Editor Karen Micelr Advertising Director Production Manager Trm Coins Circulation Manager Charbone Hall Office Manager Sanidy Pare The Canadian Champion, published esery Wednesday and Friday, ts a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. Adverigil s accepted or the conition tha. in the eeîiof aypgiaphica errn ihai porioifhe adverii, igq space ccîpiea by the erroiieou itei, icqeihe, cuit a ;eaconable ailocuance ior signature. cuil oi bec harged lo, but the balance of the aaoerioemen i l be paid fi ai the applicable raie. Oie publisher resenles the riît to caiegoiîe adveriiemets r decliie, CCAB Audited O fa Ontrio Commityî zý0 S Neccopapers Asociation cacadian Commiciîy kp ubuiS Necuopapeir io fric Haltoc Heathare MILTON LCOMB'E ' SANTA W~,OO c~ W CLAUJS neeFud PARADE UNITEWAY OF MILTON CANADA DAY J ATHEFNA E Aoards Ohc 0l, Miton AAa