Su stainable Halton Update: Planing for Our Future Mby Regional Chair Gary Carr Sustainable Halton is Halton Region's response toi provincial growth management legisiation including the Places to Grow Plan. This plan requires Greater Golden Horseshoe communities, inciuding Haiton Region, to reach specific population and employment levels by 2031. To meet this provincial target, we are planning for an additional 134,000 people and 54,000 jobs in the 2021-2031 time period. Sustainable Halton outlines how we can plan complete, healthy and stîstainable colrnmunities where our children can afford to live, where there is dlean air and water, where there is an abundance of parks and trees, and where farmiand is protected. Sustaina'ble Halton Timeline and Process Sustainable Halton is divided into four phases: Phase One - Research, Phase Two - Analysis and Plan Deveiopment, Phase Three - Strategy Development, and Phase Four - Implementation. Phase One, launched in May 2006, inciuded 22 technicai research reports covering: aggregates, agriculture, archaeology, climate change, energy, health, housing, land suppiy, Natural Heritage System (natural environment), population and employment growth, sustainabiiity, transportation, water and wastewater, and waste management. After this research was complete, the Region held two public consultation sessions and one symposium to collect public comment on the resuits. The goal of these sessions was to inform residents, businesses and other key stakeholders about the province's growth management requirements and the research resuits. This work was completed in late 2007. - Phase Two focused on identifying potential growth management concepts. It ran from January to September 2008. In that time, the Evaluation Framework for Sustaînable Halton was reieased along with preiiminary growth concepts. Public consultation was held in January and September 2008. Phase Three began in September 2008. Its focus is to develop the strategy for implementing Sustainable Haiton, specificaiiy 10 identify the best growth management concept and land use option. To meet the province's timeline requirements, Halton Region staff broke Phase Three into three separate streams. Stream One, Sustainable Haiton Growth Management Strategy, continues the work of identifying a land use plan for Halton. Stream Two, Conformity to Places to Grow Plan, includes preparing an ameodiment tn Haltnn Region's Officiai Plan - cailed a ROPA. This amendment, ROPA 37, "An Amendment toi Incorporate the Basic Requirements of the Provincial Places to Grow Plan", is expected to be adopted on June 3, 2009. Stream Three is the Five-year Officiai Plan Review. A special report, "Directions Report: Towards Sustainabiiity" is central to this planning review proceos. This directions report will be used toi create ROPA 38, "An Amendment to Incorporate the Results of a Comprehensive Review of the Regional Officiai Plan". The draft ROPA 38 will be Ï:eleased in September 2009. Public consultation wili happen soon after, in early faîl 2009. And in December 2009, Regional Council is expected to consider and adopt ROPA 38. Phase Four, Implementation, will begin once ROPA 38 is adopted by Regionai Council, expected December 2009. Un Closing Sustainable Halton is a comprehensive process involving technical research, public consultation, internai. staff reviews, and Regional council and committee reviews. i think il is an exampie of a process where input from every stakeholder has produced a better, more refined idea of the future and how Halton can be an even better place to live, work, raise a family and retire. To learn more about the Sustainabie Haiton process, to read the research reports, or toi understand more about Halton Region's Officiai Plan Amendment process: go to or, email SustainableOHlaitonca or, cal: 905-825-6000, ext. 7455 or i -866-4HALTON (1-866-422-5866). Durlng Phases One and 1Wo, people had a vuriety of ffiufta to earnabout anidprovide feedbeck on the Sustalnable Ilalton research and proposais. Phase Threi edba process is now underway andwl finish in. fai 2M0. ~Phase On. June 2006 Four Publi Meetings )une 2007 Four Public Meetigs and One Symposium PhaseTlwo Januaiy 2008 Four Public Meetings Septefnber 2008 Four Public Meetings Phaseibhree April 2009 FurPublic Meetings May 2009 Two WflC5hOp Fail 2009 Public Meetings Population and Employment Halton's population and employment opportunities are growing. Sustainable Halton's goal is to plan for this growth in a way that preserves Halton Region's, and it's Local Municipalities' character and landscape. Population Growth Targets This chart shows you the overaîl Halton Region population targets set by the province, plus the projected populations in the Local Municipalities to meet these required targets. 800001 400000 300000 Okl 200000 --- w 100000 ,.~ C iIIZIIÏ Hall,, 0,11 0 0 2016 2031 Sources: Statistics Canada Cersus of Canada and Ilemson Consulting Employment Growth Targets This chart shows you the overaîl Halton Region employment targets set by the province, plus the projected jobs needed in the Local Municipalities to meet these required targets. 40D000 350000 25DDDO 20M 10 wallon, Regn 150000O Oakeill, . 0 2006 2016 2031 sources: Statistics Canada Census of Canada and Hemson Consulting May Meetings at Halton Region Headquarters May 6, 9:30 arn. Planning & Public Works Committee May 13, 9:30 arn. Regional Council May 18, 9:30 a.m. Offices closed for Victoria Day May 26, 9:30 arn. Health & Social Services Committee May 27, 9:30 a.m. Planning & Public Works Committee May 27, 1:30 p.rn. Administration & Finance Committee This page has been donated by this newspaper to consmunicate important information ta Halton residents ai no> cms ta taxpayers. 1 We ,,,.,,eicot-ne ý;0L11 feedbacký Contact Access Ha1ton at accesslialtotlh) Dý1i1 311 oi 905-825-6000 - Toll fwe 1 866 4ý2 5866 e TTY 905-827-9833 e ývvvý,v.liaitori.(,ï The Rcýgioii(-Il MLIIII(ll)ë.lilly 01 HJ'iton e 1151 Biopte Rd , OIkville, Oritlirio L6M 3H Hafton Reg-