Datelai e *fmom DATEUNE on page B10 The Salvation Army, 100 Napassing Rd., unit 3, holds ils Volunteer drop-in from noon 10 1 p.m. to help sort and pack food at the food bank or help prepare for other community programs. For more information, eaul (905) 875-1022 or e-mail rob@khicommunitycom. The Milton Seniors' Activaîy Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds billiards from 9 a.m. 10 9 p.m., duplicalte bridge from 9:15 a.m. 10 noon, ils Cyber Café from 1 10 3 p.m., tap dancing from 2 to 2:45 p.m. and table ten- nis from 7 to 9 p.m. The cost for cach activity is $2 for members and $4 for non- members. Bid euchre ts held froin 1:30 lu 4 p.m -1 ic heosI is $2.j fo0 oinociners andi $4.50 for non-memhers. For more information, caîl (905) 875-1681. Tuesday May 5 Halton Healîheare Services presenîs a free atm- mnar entiîled 'Osteoporosis Therapy in 2009: What You Need 10 Know' ai 7 p.m. (dispiays from 6:30 10 7 p.m.) at Southside Community Church, 2850 Derry Rd. E. To reserve a seat, caîl (905) 338-4379 or e-mail eliîîle@haltonhealth- Milton District Hospital holds a one-on-one breast- feeding dlinic wiîh a cccli- fied lactation consultant from 9:30 a.m. tc 2 p.m. To make an appoinîment, taIt Jili Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Calling New Parents, a free drop-in program for par- ents and babies aged six months and younger, mecîs ai the Ontario Eariy Years Centre, 410 Bronte St., from 1:30 lu 330 p.m. (ail (905) 825-6000, cm. 729L). The Milton Toasnnasters meets at 7:30 p.m. ait the Legion, 21 Charles St. Cail Margaret Barrie ait (905) 878- 6478. The Salvation Army, 100 Nipissing Rd., unit 3, holds its free Busy Hancis, Creative Mincis drop-in from 9:30 to il arn. for kids aged newborn to fiye years old and their parents or cafre- givers. Visit www.khicom- or cati (905) 875-1022. The Town of Milton holds a public mput sessio to view and comment on the final draft report of the 2009- 2013 Strategic Plan for Transit Services. it takes place at the Milton Seniors' Acîivity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., with two identical ses- sions from 2 to 4 p.m. wiîh a presentation at 2:30 p.m. and from 6:30 to, 8:30 p.m. wvith a presentation at 7 p.m. (aIl (416) 229-4647, ext. 2465 or vtsrî www. milton .ca. The Miltcon Seniors' \ctlrv ( ctitre 500 C hild'. Dr.. hl)ds billiards front 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., ils Downsizers Weight Loss Club from 10 to il a.m., drop-in conversatlonal French from 11:30 arn. to i p.m., crlbbage from i toi 3 esee DATIELNE on page B13 Enjoy the f resh air of the outdoors - indoors with Lennox5 Healthy Climate Induor Air Quality Syatems. A complote line of ozone-free air filturs, air purifiers, humidifiera and ventilators that reduce allergena, regulate humidity and fi your home with dlean, healthy air. Peceive up to a $1,200 PEBATE when you purchase a qualifying high-efficiency home comifort systemi T ERRY 92S Main. Street East SROWLEY Milton ON [ST 4l maech à n 1cat1 In 905-878-19 ý PR Af1E l f>i i 24.01..,,, ire Awla,, êttsn eires W12109t. do 2009 Lerrox Industries r. tenrua dealers irclude i,,deperdently owred and operaOed buorresses, *tee tour oarropaono Lenrox dealer for deraila One oyfe, avaiable ne, qualiOorng purchase. Resare oller is valid only rorOS the purchase of qualifying toonua' produclo Ensure your home insurance is updated after you buy valuable items According tai a recent RBC Insurance / Ipsos Reid survey, only 38 per cent of those Canadians who bought or acquired something of value, such as jewelry, updated their home insurance coverage. "Most people assume their home insurance policy will cover the total value of ail of their contents for any type of loss, but there can be limits," said Francois Boulanger, president and CEO of RBC General Insurance Company. "Their insurance advisor should be able to assist them in assessing their belongings, including jewelry, in order to help determine the right type and amount of insurance coverage for their needs." For example, an average home insurance pQlicy provides up to $5,000 in coverage for jewelry; however, a diamond ring alone can easily exceed that amount. In fact, that same policy may only cover the replacement of certain types of losses, such as theft, not for unexplained lasses such as the diamond falling out of a ring. To ensure valuable jewelry is fully insured, policy holders can purchase additional coverage, known as a "rider", on individual items ta recover the full replacement cost, for any type of loss. These types of additions can be purchased at any time and usually do nat require a deductible amaunt ta, be paid. For more Information, cmli or visit your local RBC lnsurancel branch, or go online to M . 1RBC lnsrance' VT Right car insuran ce. Right price. Right in your neighbourhood. Complote a home or car Insurance quote and get a $25 glft car<' The right coverage saves you money. We'll assess your needs to get you in the right policy, to help yuu save money an premiums and fram surprises in the event of a claim. To get started, visit your local RBC Inourance branich. a Milton Malt, 65 Ontario St. S., 905-875-3144 C REAT E A gwItUI WUTl MUc£ 0f wMI Home 1 Auto 1Life 1Heaith 1 Travel Business "02008, VAIIOC. Used unden licence. Underenltten by RtC General lasunance Company or RBC Insurance Company of Canada. *Registered trademarks af RyitnaiCanada. Used unden licence. Due tai the auto Insunce plans, RtC Insunance coles nat proalde auto insurance in Manitoba, Sukthonand Bnitisth Columbia. *Offer natyuallable in branches tisted. Wtile quantifies last. One glif card per rouserold. Applicable tonew quatesanl. 79 1 fENNfÔ2 ----------------- YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO OUTSIDE TO ENJOY IT.