Ilg uiAbuld -Ca A vibrant and growing food diotribolor located ix Milton, iv csrrentiy lookivg lu hire a respon- z vîble and reliable indîvîdual lv soix our ever grxcîng tesm. Tht soccesolol candidate shoold posses thse foilowixg: . Excellent computer skîls . Heiplol telephoxe manner . Hîghly organized . Fleviiîhly cîlh houro . Ability tofxllsc procedures . Abilily lv wxrk ix fast paced exvîroxmexl No experîvoce necesssry, iraining i bu provided. Plusse emuil roesumes 10. hgosal@f reshstarffoods com < 2 Billion $ Growin; Leader Seeks v a Customer Relation Su Mnmer Reps Avg Work Muot ~ ~ ~ ~ l ,0 mCîae sxsup To~~~ xuulîf l l me b o0-3246 $20thsr reoîtser '1x _d1 Cst 1-865-421-2127 '-p ICme SiMjme n ý le selmsar er Staff -( entrv for ofie &il stor a i lt slerxoes x we ekexds Saides Toelc o me e pr9oeIrsîixg.M have own rsnorutir Applye n persa 8590yen Trem los Rd. Rqiefor officso e l oe 90878-198 Food at its best. We have the followinq part-tlme Service Clerk positions available in most departments: " Bakery - Floral -Cashiers - Deli & Hot Foods " Produce & Cut Fruit - Grocery - Meat - Seafood We are also Iooluînq for experienced: " Bakers & Cake Decorators -Pharmacy Technicians " Meat Wrappers & Cutters - Floral Designers Wesaller flexible workinq haurs inciading weekends. Please appiy in person at thse Customer Service Desic at aur store at 280 North Service Road (at Dorval) in OakviIl. www.hait«u1search.cWV for Jobs * MO EY Sled & Hep Skilfed & Oolfed * ~ *EXERC S * 'ih * ecniulp Techoîcal Hein p chcal Mep *INDEPENDENCE* Paper routes are no longer just at H s Skid s stuffl. Excellent opportunity ceu inOakville for vervice-minded, FIRSTYEAR APPRENTICE, LUNES DEPARTMENT conscientious aduits. Ruporlîxg lx tht Manager, Engineering and Opuratîoxs, tht successul candidate cîlI xoix thetleam thal is reoponoiblu for tht day-to-day con- Part-time- Wedncsdayu. Fridays strucliox, opuration and maintenance of tht uluctrîcul distribution K. & Saturdays. You pick your systerrs înclodîng vrhuad and undergrouxd of varisus voltages (up 10 and ixcludîng 44 kv), usixg varivus utitity eqaîpraunt and apparatus. hours. Hu/Shu muaI bu available lx purform cuukiy standhy duly and amer- Interested adults ~ ,guncy and plsnned ovurtimu on a regular basis, and thurufore mrust may cntactrusîde cithin 20 km of the Aclox service cenlur. Bob 1 Pruvixus exyvaure lu eluctrical thesry wilI bu considered an assel. You (905) 637-8795. ciii torvî in and wvrk tocards the complelivo of tht 4-Veux Pocer Lixe ........................................ Technicien Apprunliceahip Progrars, satisfying tht competencylcertili- caso reuiiviieiiouuvrrrxvrvv,~u~uA To bookej yoeulmelr i caeerimx adcl Me HelP ralHelp lititHlp einerZ lp e Gemioip W orl Hlp SHERIDAN NE DA Full Time GrOoomer Rsquired Cashierane - *lor iaia.c J B Carruntly seekîxg a full limie grsomur, muat ca he Manager WanA HL oulgxîng individuel whv loves animais, Cul WE CA ansPorts ceil cîth other people and is ableto1 Cashier requirud lx work 3 dsys pur week * * ~Cali cork indupenduly in a grvcing business. pictuding aliurnating Sulurdsys. No uvuxîngo es îedfrR Fuli-tîmu pvsitios JOB CONNECT Muat bu able lx wvrk Ssturdays. Grovming Muat bu cualomur service sriuxlud, nuat, ceil park. Experîexced,i *Pleaou indicatu pruf- at Sheridan dîplomna and wvrk uspurine ix nuceaaary. grsxmed and accorat ix Math. This os a salary, benefils, ur ec ixr 9u0g5-878-4956 For more Information eleane call permanent partliepiionlsîaufr rsdeeFa bexefîts/&pnio 0k) 90545 43 905-864-836<4 ra. wt studenlo. resume lx L x810Pleine apply loi Milton Home Hardware 464156 Einal R.sure S fth lo * 0 4ýkuý, leFax: 905-878-4049 Say ou av he d i th Mito Ca pon N w . -siid -e euls F 4 L formai training program. Progression wilhin the classification wiii de- pend on salisfoctory on-tht-job performance and soccesofol complelion of mandalory training courses. Rtqoirtd Qualifications: * Secondary achovi graduaion diplomna - minimum Grade 12; . Must posseso a valid DZ or AZ driver's licesse wilh a clean ab- otracl, or be able lv ooccessfoily oblain ove wilhin 6 monîho; 1.MuaI be in excellent heallh and physically fil for yesr-roond suldoor line work, in ail elemenîs, in cvnfined spucex and al variouo heighlo. Will be reqoired lv paso a medical esomination and lob de- mando assessiment; * Effective inlerpersonal, communicatios, prohlem-solving and cos- tomer relations skills. Energetic and enthosiastic. Proven lrock record of a commilmneni lx sfety, teamwork, respect in the cork- place and continuai improvemnent of processes and procedures; . Proficiexcy, or wiilingnesv lx obtoix proliciency in occopotioxal health and safety legisîstion, Halton f-i ls Hydro sole cork prsc- lices, work protection codes, E&USA rulehook, ard sîfrer sfely policies and procedures. Corsent certification ix Firol Aid, CPR and WHMIS cii be considered an asset. Hallox HuIs Hydro xnc ollers a competitîse salary and benelît package. lxteresled opplicanîs should forward their delsiled resume, in confidence, lv: hr@hltonillâbydQ,m; hy 4:00 pm E.S.T, on Fridoy May 15th, 2009. We thaniiaiappiicaxis fortMeir ixterest, hoîtever oxtlyihooesevctvdlforan interview miibe coxtactet. 1 A GFS canada Company