Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 May 2009, p. 24

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vle M. 71se r*1T e m s M, e CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS. Monday to Frday830 amý 5:3 Op.m. 1 Tboky CLASSIFIED AD INDEX:*** * Rea1 Estate 100. 135 - Business 140-169 Rentals 170-196 * Leisure 200-239 ca sfe d c i *Community 240-299 - Merchandrsn 300-385 *Automotuve400-470O HepWanted 500-570 905878234 * lsi sFnr Circulation inquires, pînase cai * AD SUIOSION: By mai orinpersnnatBurlngton Post. SMOManyay, Uni 01 Ourlngton ONL7L 7Gh OEADIJNES: Monday 5pm. fur Wededay 905-878-5947 E. publication, Wednesea5 pým fmP Fday publiatiun. Specia Fauredea3d ne5 may vary. PAYMIENT: We wl accept cash, cheque, Inea Visa, MaterCard D AY IT APPARt enue i' accurano. The Canadian Champinwi nut bu espuniblefor aey errn appearinq after thel fst dayuof publiato n f anfi V un the follucing Moutday (I1iiii; Arartmns Cefli Tosottones ment C : Renllun Isro T o Rotiiiiiiiii Ilitom oFor Slele , rtm ts CO Rmitrto Aortn AuctAuccions Auctions BRIHT SPCIUS ne $95.0,1-DRMbrndGEORGETOWN, SMALL- HEATHWOOÔ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~lern HM RVTSAE l eoae3 ero nwcnouiofo40.2bdomem p..CerngAuction Sale OPEN HOUSE: May 2nd &3rd- 2- 4pm upe ee of hos n Fins clb noýr hne e.S.O/p j PusPr lt Georgeonou Harwo rudprigalicue. tftes Firs/aste en Poerty Soid C, 263 Forbes errace, Mito 1 flocntaai pinu orun yuiae wnesrqied suk Saturay May 9th, 10 ar. utilit 00 Bungalow ltO lots, 4-bedrooms, 4-bathrsemo, ed 3,386 sq. Il. 481.21 truntagoe 8 8.43 ft. depth. apai Double garage. walh-wu basemeer, whirtpoot tub r sr, in mser athroom, 2 ftrBplaceO cith speed tans, suve loi Hill, niaI. DîSTRESS Sais - Bank Foreclosures Free lot of Bank ocned properties t rom c 200k & ap Receîve n Fiee Compaterized prîntoul. A Pîe-recorded message 1-888 412-9651 ext 1042. DR ww.GTADistressSaliSt.comt HlreuLde RelSarce Rluhy nui. Brokeragif Irdepeedeify eened and operaed. STOP PAYING fuît ateoi Oukville, Miton. "OU mIiuuymet bu able lu' for uSa. M Fat For Reut GE yon puy en riche Fie - lî t homes, lînarcîrg sources. MILTON. LUXURIOUS 1- cm lic Onîrior aI Royal Le bedroom busemeet apaît- inn Page 905-878-8101, ecal ment. FusvaIn ontranne, ini riugniiior@ruyaliepnge.ca, laundry. ualh lu GO. Pinter i6i non-suokeî/ nu pets. 64 Juielst. S875/n. indlu- mmiisîve, 416-312-7791. Ot 1 AND 2-8EDROOM apaît- ha REDUCED- PRIVATE nents, ideai loi mature pi Sale. 100 Mlide, Milton. adulî s, rn dean, quiet Au Higi deed corer cor Onorgeteu vn building. M do2ediee 6 l2 bath. Aunîlahe Jure1 t o Nuupuot lOorig, S up- 5800/monîh and - pliaitnes $239.Il90 o 30 $880/conth plus Sydru. rn G day Cisg.Cl95 699 cludes Seul , incdige andR 1730. scaue. 905-455-4766. a 1.0/2 B DM apaîl- S nfutil merlu,60/pot plus C Cm.Speciat utiliSes. Anailuhin inuedi- R atly ie Erir. Cai Mary alter H REASONABLE fNDUSTRt- 5;00 pu 905-785-2688 AL uarîit s loi milt g 1600.3200sqtr uîlh iuad- 2 STOREY apaîlcenl in a iMdocks &drilue in country home noupieeliy 95 -2 77 -9 3 47 ni sepurute. 3-hdru & bath 905-275-6834. upstnîrs. Closed in punch and balS or Ist fleur. u C/H, hî-speed internel 9 Otttcelflusieem aunilabie. Aduirs on,in Space _ pots. $950 à.plus ahi lis. G SMALL PRIVATE offices-2 beautifuily nppoîrtud. Hey 2 BEDROONI BASEMENT r 2 5 & 4 0 1- arrarcent. Reluienices ru- le - 905-2 7 7-934 7 or tuîred. Nu smoking/Pute. k ý5.275.6834. Cali Brenda ailler 3:00 pu 905-452-1888. Murtgage, ACTON -1-B EDROOM f LaS Aunîlable c medîalelyý .03 S88/coit utîlîties înciud- S$MONEYS$ Coîsolîdate nd. 2-hedroon. Aunîlahin Oubîs Mortgages ru 95% icmedialelyc 0980/corîh No ircoce, aud cîndîl OKI utîlîtîns inciadnd. 200 Butter Option Morgage Churchill Roud, South. No #10969 1-800-282 il 9 pers. Culi 519-853-O087. www.otgageontariu.non ACTON BACHELOR,1 - aid 2-bedruem. Aunîlabie * Accountants îmuedîaîey. No puIs. Rtf- 519-53-0577. ACCOUNTNG/ TAx pran i A c H E L o R lice uaîted le purchase in $eSO/MONTH. Studio, Hairen area....iling lu o 700/mnlh, 2 hedînnu.m cash and mcmaii prindiroulis)i 0190/nir , P-î rn ndvisory, 'i' h. t n irplus oet 905-827-8566. dean buii -Orige- loue. S., 0ng/ pers. * ApartentS & 905-702-3371. Fiats For Rent DeDOM AARMN to uIîundinly in An i-BDRM COTTAGE f 0r f 03449 C E 1 i rer on 60 acre larc,' 10 0 45 minutes North oI Mirton. 1905____703 ____4 Pinter rnlînud person. C s 1-BOO $ 7 O O / n I 0 BA S EME N Te Da pt. 515-4334. $850/urh ail inclusive. _Ta '# eF inundry, parking. 101h lne/ Iii L<IL lle¶ idntentutiles en erry. Suismkr ne Imanno. 905 -785-7136. us. Prîvaru entraînce iîg for muo Close ro GEC pilles. No smokig or 2-be -Asaîlabie Jure Tst hour 100/cuinth INCLUPES pin ns. 519-833-0319. non and WNOWN GEORGE- ing. fN. Opanînus repnaat $ 1. 2-berdonu main llooî utîlît tunert Auailabie Jure nier $1,375/uorth inu ns nu smoking. Parking 905 2cars. Cail Matthee Realtur. Johnson Asso Mi es 4l6-892-4723. 711 A/C iW iON pari RMuhide Toer Mn 82 Milisude Drive.- nînacîrun quier buiding, Tf-i Spnc.oiis rirgit clean n 62 budînnu units cîrh Fir laundry lanility and qui social îum nc esile.1 Cal fegular rendenl nuents 6-0 Open 7 days & eeings CaO 005-876-0249 ORGETOWN 1-BED- 24 1D asuî apaît- ho et. S 850/cuirh ail $ Ionise. First/lnst, park- Cr g, laurdryý No smuk- 90 g /p erts . C ali 3 7-203-1004 rer EORGETOWN 2-OED- 3DM hasemnt, use ut îckyaîd. S835/m'Oir b us utîlities, Parkg ho vailabie Jure int. Cafl9 ike 905-840-2367 orP Se 416-809-4670. ni EDRGETOWN 2-BED- dh OM unit. $1,000/nni I inclusive. ACTON 2-bed- M inn cîth prîvate yard, hi 925/mntS plus utîlîîns. cg ail Elizabeth DOu l, Sales ut np. Johnson essucialeS dltnLld. 905-8775165.- .EORGETOWN LARGE lu5 rîght 2-bedreen base e ont nuire. Laundry/park - igard prnrae entrance. M 800/math plus shured 1 t i 1t e s-. C ai11l .05-877-8029. f IEORGETOWN LUXURY R -hedronu. Legal duplex. 8 iluto lnundry, dishwash-p -r, lîrepiace, euh eut-le archer, glass block, A/C, îunkeaîd garder, codair shed. BrigSt and cean udh rush paîînt, caîpet, tiles,. I paîkîîg spot. Noi nets/smoking Approxîmate - y 9 0 0sq . ft $1,1 50/meurS. Cuit 41&-524-3110 GEORGETOWN, SMALLj 2-hedrooc sudi. Renouat- ed. SI .000/mnontS pion utîlîtîns. Fiist/nsi/referenc- esnrquirOl. No scok- le g/pts. Aprîl îst. Cati 90o-46-5449. MILTON 5-BEDROO basemeel apariceit, 0750/crS, 1Ilaie g n mon0 hnseuunr 5500/utS Ai1 nl 1usiue, separate en t C ai1l 647-688-032. MILTON LARGE 2-5drm nunîlainl înuedîatuly. 01050/crS pins parking. Cai Jar 416-723-4801.- Fftati Wmîantejd WANTED 1-11DRM nlart cent lo legi nain, non suokur,0 M iron aieaý 905-78-2246 alter Spu. iRGETOWN. SUNNY ;e cilS soinriu . lire aE ce, cenral air dtiînine.haplnee 2 undergrond park- MtL No smoking/pets. cilS 200/cuirS Plus ru n ues, Eupînymn leutr, duod lr checks and îelerenc- laun requircd. Culi ru -877-6047. 905 TON- 1-OEDROOM, MIt SI.. laundry ensuite, inn filînens, undergrnund rnte ring. no puIs, Anaîlabie Oua 1. $1200 per nth. 905 .510-8279 E SANDS. 2 bedînm nu f ild o l oirre roi io st/last/renlinces et red. No puis/smoking. sur i 905-843 1449 aIrer 90l raaHoosen i - ForRen O $51 .00 SQ. fl nounriy me en B allinalad. mi 800/dOh plus urîlîrîs. av, ail Pere Hikan Se 5-877-5211. Or BEDROOM house luir nt. Minern, 416-648-0414 Ml OWNTOWN MILTONI, 2- rn lic apdnie Cenirr ai me, 2-srorey, 2-bath, le C. jetrtub, nshei/ dryeî, $4 ,îkîng, wraparouid porch- dech. S1500/mth icin- Ri un. 905- 8 705 4 8 24 cl kanburgs@gcail.nom iON 3+2 bedroem Rt ingainu, 2-baths, 5-appi.. mnures ru transir, schuels R shopping 19/cSnu ilins. 905-875-0857. la iLO.4BEDROOMS. la th Lnen/ Main Or. Large 9 rt Aorkshop, Ovaîlabie in îedîate. 416-837-3027. ILTON, AVAiLABLE May st.4.d-bdîu, 1.S halO, eîily moum, ail hardcood M nooire g, esced y nid.r .1495. "0-54-1020.i rENOVATED MAIN Fluer lungalue, 2-hedionm, suir irofessierai single, couplec r scail fanîly, Ne-scek- r ng, ne pets prelerred 2 $1300/ce includes Sent, îydro, laundry. May.l. Ref- r rennes înqnîîe 4. 905-878-2647 RENT 10 own. Near Rer t ay and Guelph Street.i Soiid brick home. 3 plus 1- bedroems, 2 bath, originali h ardceed fluors. Quiet strent, large bankeard. Moure rn condition. 24-hur cessa e 811 credîl ok. Cail 1-8 c86-0639. ~Ownuses 2-BEDROOM TOWN- HOUSE. Georgetown Du- mninî Onîdens. Garage, 2 -bur th i n ons. $1,295/munrh plusý Cal9587-862 aock it odo~ EXECUTIRE BRAND nec strn,Agaraig , S applîan es, C/. mi2/n.lne- dînre, Scot/ Derîy, Milton 416-877-3047. TON, LARGE mon 2pc bathronun loi moit eue quiet fmnie, in les uhiliiies. parking, dry and cahie Close caîl. Cali Cale -878-4977. .TON"UNFURNISHED m, utilities, paring, net nci. 1eV last mni ilabie iccedintely. l-299-2171. ITON BEDROOM. loishhd, privnln bath- mparking uirelnss in nei, TV & cnbln, no oking, mustli ke cars. 5-875-1002. ITON FURNISHED m fer rent, Huninhin uedinteiy. Oerîy and osirong. Fieht and lasI. 0 Cal 905-878-2068. LTON- ONE moum ailable on brand nec 4- drunu hause, Onrîy/ tarin urnu. 5500/un. u8l- lusine. 416-456-7564 ILTON- unlurnishnd ru nunlable iuuedurely nec house, Oerîy/ScoOt nu. Noi suokers lire- rrd. otilitins iecIudnd, .50/mn, 289-878-7110. OOM AVAILABLEn nan Milton hou 100/un. Ohaîn bart onu, hîrchen, landry BQ. 905-693-0885 OOM FOR mint, doci ci Milton urna. Laundi cîlitins aval 1able. hîrsl st and relerencesinîq 05-878-0225. Acmodation ItiON PRIVATE ber con, shured uccnnuod nris en Dorset Park, faci oom uîth Fiiepince, gan con, pool. 5800/rit tîlîlies & interner are i luded.' Fiisr/ ust/ me oces. Cail JO 89.878-7911. LIVE-IN NANNY for 3 ci lien, uges 3.6 & 10. Me prepuiutions, laundi rousekeeping, $10/hr. rs/ch. Cari 905-636-130 LIVE-IN NANNY for peur nid bey. Cail Susa 905-876-9397 lutter 5PM) MILTON- MATURE, C îîg irdiuiduul POA, ui ends Orly, overrîg iuquîind loi senior nu Cail Andrea 905.876-248 EXPIERIENCED IECE C SR,0-in -daycaîne i Oroîle and Laurinr ai Fun rninîr uliniti craits, music, idooi/ doni play. nutritionun ii snacks. Firsl hid/ C backgrund chnck and erne. Shar 905-603.8253. - JED bargan Bcentre La Ho ANALOG 4-TRACK n h corder uîlh îrstrucrrunp h Sook. pings entouputer, Lt $890 90-78-9483 Fr CEDAR RAILS. 1012' ne Ion g 10 tom $70. f5 905-878-4828 si1 SHALIDU WELL Puup and 40 gallon pressure tank .120 uvolts, used 1 year, $90, 905-332-1886 WHEELCIIAIR AND Commode loi sale, enui used. $500. or best uRfer. 519-853-4334. FOR SALE, pire dîrîng moum sel, sein gond curdo- lion 0775.00 film. Coileclîhie pluIes lrom Tie Bradford Luchango. by O ArtîsI Chaires cpsenkl. and MI by ariie Lena Liu, dînftîng sun rable, $50.00. Carl Cumul sh 905-878-7308. $4 AL HEW Beds! Plus/ pîl- 90 luelops, 10-15" lhîck, mu 8t en plastic, Double $250., lui Queen $275., King $500- go vîsce Mnmory-loue cal- vu trs uwith cover, Queun huver. 905-961-2073 pu -BLEACHED OAK boruni 51 dînîngronu seltnini large rable, huîn S aid 9C chairs. OWi delîner. $1 300 pi r mnl condition. Cali ci i9050876-9028. E CA-RPET t have seunmai p 1,000 yards of nec Sînîn n -Master & 100% nylon car purý 8ili de lîvînrîon &I hall lui $389. incluOns Car - -pur, pari & instlaion ( 30 t905-630-8192 Iy CRAPTOMAN LAUN- C e MOWER, nuicher. Maytag lueriy sire Irîde. Cal( luir imure mIn 905-460,1250. eHOT TUB (Opal ConCis Ser puice. Rosi rialilo. Ali R - shaîe oor.Cl 1I ~66 -58 5 -00 uec.heconrguy.ca i-HOT TU/ pu-Branýd nec ai2008 codel c/nil options., aind cuver. S11111 um wappnr. Cosr $8995.. Oucrîfîc e 8 $4750. Cuir 905-971-1777 -POOL TABLE. Brand Nec. Ssîiî rn bion. ouird Wlood. n:10 jOite. Ail Acceesurres. Cuel $6.00., Oeil $1.950. - 905-304-9994 rk- WEDDING CAKE Ornîrs it loi ingrourd puni. paîd mn. $750. ciii souf hest ofPer ir- O cludes Ine in Pool inunge. 905S878-0118 are- .ur A BEST Ca$h$ Pnîd- Se Coins. Juceliery, Gord. bul un. ver . Pînunîde, China. ns, Cryslal, Oivur, Figumînes, oui- loyal Donlon. Ounrouskî, ch/ Ail aniqiue Iurnnshigs. Arr. Ff, ColleclîSins. etc. Eslare mlf Specînlîste. Top Cash. Cui o n John/ Puni 905-331-2477 wwwe.ttraders.com For Doug Draper ITractor-Loader - Backhoe - A.C. Forklift - Badnew home furniture un Mocers - A.TV. - Golf Carl - J.D. Gator - l dcolcro chpil.I rse Tack and Accessorieo, 8 - 48ft. Storagel adecr l i ctoipi allers - Shop Equipment, selection of House- gities sports memorabilia, Id Itoms etc. and much more.. ication: 10583 Second Lite, Nanaageweya. om .401 hcy., Campbolloille (exit 312) go Milton Fair Grounds *rth on Guelph Lite 2 kmn. ta 10 Sideroad 136 Robert Street, Milton et went 2km. to Second Lite (watch for gna). 1 Sunday, May 3rd Snmething for Everyone. Terms - Cash - cheque, interat diai t 01sale. Lunch booth on grounds. jtm McCartney Auctian Service Ltd, 905-689-8778 Walerdown For photos Ciaue See: www.auctoustind.COMlMCatne NIATURE PUPPIES, nulS and long hanr, uts, naln & fnmalen 00 S600 , Oakuilin 5-849-7136. OAUTIFUL BLACK unie aduit car, lie u ud houe, han ail shnrs. ry quiet. 289-878-413. ERNESE MOUNTAIN noies. Had 2nd shots, ad~ loi a louing lauîly. 56-0470. OTON DE Tomeai pup- eh. Ohois, micro- hiîped. hnairo guaranten theni CKC CF C render. 1800. 416 282-9253 nyzankenel@hotl ail.cou Car Wted WtLL puy cash for y 'lu sud cars and trucks ail Oteun 416-562034 SISteSac oa IUTSIDE STORAGE for eol Cars, hontes open ruiler, ntc. Mion 905-e7"-202 LOT.1 CLEAN DRIVING Record? Grey Power cud saun you or lu $400 or yuur car en sura n e. C ai1l 1-866-473-9817 loi no- lîgaln quore. Open wnek- ends. LOST &FOUIND Found Something? Ptace your "Found" ad FREE of charge. Burt. & Ftomb. 905- 632-4440 OnCifle 905-45-3824 Fax: 005463248165 Preview: 12 noon Fotr Informnatiof Call REI Aoctioo - (416) 564-1275] Don't miss rt!!j 'PR M A C Y r- management company us expandtng aur >-Z outine Patient Hattl portai. The tollowing key positions ors avaiable: GENERAL SALES MANAGER ACCOUNT EXECUTIVEINSIDE SALES EDITDRIWRITER WEB DEVELOPER * FtNANCE/ADMIN. Experionce wi1h cR0 based managemet, oiir*dutpbcr4oesc sales, and applicafions0a definite aooel. Resamea satfng positio tchich you are applyingin oublectlineto0into@primacy.Ca 1 ~ ~ 7er buste cens. exr oce men faedc hth cs of employment ..y c. Ta ee rt abut Ifnlls succuss ~ ~ ~ , oii osii.r Se.f-EmpoyeRt Sn.fits Prograrn 199 Cuunty Court Btnd Stei102, Brapipon 95-460-8311S i uesnele S5 Citp Cuentre D., Bte 7 1 OtMilisaeg3 Muat Onu irnyee lmI inCnk Ani. pion mumnnennner.Cel m,.ihi _89îuif nirniO 72OfJ3)e IRegîster for an upcornn hm p Sessin0 ý ,ti si 1111LLe Ci 7

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