Hospital group handed $25#000 By Tim Foran CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Milton council unanimously decided Monday [o give $25,000 t0 a local group committcd 10 getng the expansion of Milton District Hospital onto tlw provincial govcrn- ment's 10-year infrastructurc plan, expectcd to bc finalized tbis laîll The money ts being directcd to Friends of Milton Hospital t0 belp kickstart the commumty groups campaign, which it will launch at noon May 5 outside the hospital. .The group is beaded by former Halton regional chair Petcr Pomncro, who dcscrihcd hîntisclf a.', Ilclatcd- altcr cottncl apptos'cd thc funding. "The council support is a critical link for sure," Pomeroy said. Pomeroy said the money would be used for communications matcrh- aIs sucb as buttons that thc group intends t0 distribute to raise aware- ness among the community lor thc need of a hospital expansion. The groups goals are also to develop a business case sbowing wby Miltons need for a bospital expansion is greater than requesîs coming from other Ontario munici- palities. Halton Healtbcare Services Corporation (HHS), wbicb operatcs Milton's bospital, submitted a busi- ness case and master plan tu expand Milton's bospital to Ontartos Ministry of Healtb and Long Tcrni Care last September. li's still await- ing approval fromn the ministry to go forward to the next stage of plan- ning, during wbich the corporation can estimate bow mucb the expan- sion would cost. see ALLOCATION on page AIo Toclay's Champion CLASSIFIED A24 ARTS BI DATELINE B10 REAL EsTATE B17 PAMTU*k~m.. ai MatIMKe.GPrrsWf-MM- N FamMM .s GMV S1M 9M GORRUDS 3i 1 . --i