National camp awaits Kelly Big playoff start for Haydar Opportunity caps eventfttl season f or defencem By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Lauren Kelly bas once again made tbe eut. Extending a breaktbrougb 2008- 09 season shat included plensy of bigbligbts and some serious interest from NCAA Division t scbools, the 1 7-year-old Miltonian will be one of 44 players su participate at Hockey CanadasUnder- 18 women's strengtb and condisioning/skasing camp next week in Calgary While realizing tbis is merely the firs step toward a spot on Canada's Under-18 team, tbe local defence- man was tbrilled to tearn about ber recent invitation. "Being there witb ail tbe top ath- ltes is going tu bc a greas experi- ence," said the Bishop Rcdmng 1t h grader. "Tbis is sometbing t really wanted and t was so bappy wben 1 found out I'd made it." 0f course tbat didn't comte as mucb of a surprise ta fellow Miltonian Stacey Marnocb, bier cahwtb tis year's Stoney Creek jr.Sabres of tbe Provincial Women's Hockey League (PWvHL). IRattlesnake Point aims to keep titie Wîsb home-course advansage, Rattesnake Point bead professional Allaan Husbers will look to retain the club's TaylorMade Toumnamrent oil Champions crown when the 200Ç edition sakes place Monday Togesher witb mens club cham- pion Brent Rebus and women'ý champ Mary Miller, Huibers is ready for a strong showing on th( Copperhead Course. The evens starts asil 1sm. IaMWavnlà*noees'ehlaoeauadbaaaw Mrw ItRy ~Aphfl4 -Apr ffII IProdu:SoISny40" RAVIA S-SeanfLCO HDTVI of th@Apri 245y mp ivrfieilhtelc<etr IThacoracprnieO $249.90 ,nee rsngn5tU 10120386. Samsung3Serras 3 1(0 HDTV (LN32B36O) 101058. O d 4 24Hyr, plage 4, pease *noe tlratls product vsadvudisedt nllncorreci *plioelln% rred prkefamt icai nd beS499 Ia aunenwwd bYD~mi'flbIff IPndusr Teehha Saellite L.eptop 93W0. On the L386Zil 2 fep"2Zpes oethta nofJ lesura etnry waz adS'nltised nOIr tira product. TIre aptop se nqupped nOir anr Inn86 Coe'2 Duo Proenunu no ued Cre Pntsur SKU:10 9&3 " Laurens definitety improved this past year, especially in bow she thinks the gamte. Sbe rarely gets beat one-on-one and shes making better decisions now in termis of wben to jump into the rush and when tol hang back." One ofstwojr. Sabres beaded teo Calgary, Kelly will be part of a four- day camp (May 7 so 10) invotving variaus fitness tests and skating drills, as wetl as a number of off-ice sessions - att designed so help Hockey Canada officiais better Lau evaluate its Ke higb-end prospects and stars making decisions for the 2009-10 Under-18 national seam. Tbougb developing inso a solid overatl blueliner in recent years, the former Brampton Canadettes pri- mary asset continues to bc bier skat- ing. "lLauren's got good acceleration and foot speed," noted Brian Hart, bead scout of the Ontario Women's Hockey Association. "She bas wbat we classify as STP - tbe ability so execute with speed, tempo and Pace." Added Kelly Yeah 1 guess t've always been pretsy fast." That speed benefited more than juss Stoney Creek this pass year. WBecoming the second Bishop Reding student in as many years so be picked for Ontarios Blue (B) squad, the capable defenceman showed strongly in an ultra-competitive SCanadian tinder-18 champi- onship this past faIt. Arguahly the most improved team at the tournament, Ontario Blue held its own in the opener with Ontario Red - which squeaked by 2-1 and went on ton wi a fifth straighs gold - From there, Kelly hetped the defensively-sound Jr. Sabres place second in the PWVHL and reach the finals at provincials, where a tate surge by Mississauga spooled their championship bopes. "Big events like that bave defi- nitely given me more confidence," said the NCAA-bound blueliner. "Tbis camp is a great opportunisy for me to tearn and show what t can do." L>arren Haiydtar tincis himsetf in awfully familiar territory - namney, around the top of the American Hockey League (AHL) playoff sconing race. Sitting second as of st night with four goals and Dam six assista, the 29-year-otd Ha> Miltonian is headed so round swo, after his Grand Rapids Griffins dispatched the H-amilton Bultdogs in six gaines. Delivermng bis fourth multi- point gaine of thse still-young post seson, the Griffin captain erased an early Buildogs lead at 5-on-3 and assîsted on a last-minute empty netter in Sundays 4-1 sertes clincher at Copps Coliseum. Schoill's in. Pease drive sately. PUBLIC NOTICE Proposed Street Reconstruction - Design Approval Oak St., Bruce St. and Ashbrook Ct Projeci Description: The reconstruction of: Oak St. (Ontario St. ta Fulton St.), Bruce St. (Pine St. ta Wakefield Or.> and Ashbraok Ct. wiIl include the installation of new starm sewers, curbs, sidewalks and the replacement af bath the water main and sanitary sewer on Ashbraak Ct. Natice is hereby given pursuant ta Section 11(2) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, as amended, that the Community Services Standing Cammittee of the Town of Milton wiIl consider appraving the design for the reconstruction of Oak St. (Ontario St. ta Fulton St.>, Bruce St. (Pine St. ta Wakefield Cr.) and Ashbrook Ct. at ils meeting ta be held: - Date: Monday, May 11, 2009 Location: Milton Sports Centre - Banquet Roomn 605 Santa Maria BIvd. Time: 7:30 p.m. Plans detailing this praject are available for viewing between 8:30 arn. and 4:30 p.m. at the Engineering Services Department, 555 Industrial Drive, Miltan. On May 11, 2009 beginning at 7:30 PM, the Community Services Standing -Committee will review the design drawings for the prapased works and not withstanding objections approve the design for future construction. The Cauncil repart indicating the propased design will be available May 8, 2009 either at the Clerk's Division or on the Town af Miltan's website. At this meeting, any persan with unresolved concerns regarding the prapased work may present their concernis as a delegate. Persans wishing ta be heard must natity the Clerk's Depariment in writing, no later than 10:00 a.m. Manday, May 11, 2009. Delegate application farms are available on the Town af Milton website at Any inquiries should be directed ta: Rick Tîpping C.ET. Coardinator, Infrastructure Engineering Services Phone: 905-878-7252 ext. 2513 Fax: 905-876-5029 Email: t sne ArILs top ptayoîs producer three of the past five years, Haydar had at least one point in five of the six gaines. His plus-5 ratrng against the Bulldogs is also encour- rrn aging, since be'd stmaggled licir at even strength through much of the .regular season despise finishing sixtb in scoring with 31 goals and 49 assists. Haydar now squares off againat former seammate and good friend Jason Krog, who led the Manitoba Moose to an oiverati first-placç fin- .ish and a six-garne win over the Toronto Marlies. Grand Rapids and Manitoba begin the North Division Final tonight. CROSSWYNDS GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB 2009 Spring Green Fees AU rates include tares " Weekdays (Mon. toi Thurs.) $58 " Weeketsds (Fr1. Sat. Sun.) $68 * Earlybird (before 8:34) arn)$4 *TIwilght (aliter 2:00Opin) 1' $45 AU carts include GPS " 18-hale Chamnpionship ~ Golf Course " Driving Range and Practice Facility " Pebblestone Pub & Patios Du d " Golf Tournamnents Àsr'NS " Weddings and Receptions * Crosswinds Golf Academny www.CROSSWINDSGOLF.corn Tel: 905-319-5991 6621 Guelph Line, Burlington :00 QEW (just south of Derry Rd.) m 1~ The Corporation of the Town of Milton 905-878-7252 TTY: 905-878-1657 1-800-418-5494 - Rockwood/Guelph