UCO~liiERCE onthly Newlette 11ca www.escarpmentcountry.ca U NI WFLCMF to the following Milton and area-based businesnes aa new Chamber miembera. N ew iv em ners %Ae invite yîev tv parlicipate in ver mvnthiy events and encvurage yvv tu lake part in one or vivre vi lte Citamber cvmmiltees. liDenvtes Escarpreent Cosuntiy lm Tvurismn FarIner AIR SEPARATION TFLHNOO{ lES FUZION HVAC CONSULTING & DESIGN Coîmmercîil Manicipal, Agdrsgaie. Rarai, East, Milton vn May 5. Thte fi9S ern R1m d. St, 214 Mltoniv ONS teisdenlial. Agricvliuiîl Imîlerials: steel. SsiI Spa iv s apsucate spa dedicited la y Milton.Oil 19T 71 Contalct: Caiii tiishoia. olaver alvminiumavvdi. iloy Cuide CîbleiPlex havds and feet. tn additive Coit Pvee laoe leu l'ici Tc]l 1i6 576 65 10Ileas. Secarity Pence, [ressaie Tieaied Fiesta, lv mavecures and pedicures Tii Natl Spa Fv SS5155licaiO inA ,VC design yod cievsulievg Sigvage, Mail Beines. tivg BavvltKevrels, wiii speceateve vn vaturat Pv' 9il v693 941)] sevice to local arvîsaclis. inslîlleie aod Bollardsetcý lvvkeeîg gel nail mnicures. Civil ovov alcevile ilvirchris.i WCi îv *211ivîars iii fivld mwe.miltvnvaiivpa.ca iovaiea thievr Ais Sepi.eieîi Technliegs îeiierv coiplIiv Lvperieivcî aiel ail 1 RA RAiSlT cvrtiicaioni PERFECT DREtS. THE amazevg grand vpening ceiters. lusne'airi poillaution cîivlril evilivie iha and il aie lIIAC Techeeîloiîfe gradaa. vcecai 781 Main Sti. C..4 1 t 17 mîîvîiîr aid ilhrise assis iininîialiiue oe iei'ii aîii lieieing,. VC ai venilaioni Mtilton, O 1,5 AS TYKRIS INC. lriiî ndasirial diesi. vielavl veldegfuavie., iseeîve lia prioiîiîv is ecvelomeîîsisfctîion Conrtaci: Nelson Damasîî. Mavager Camplsellville, vN AIS THE GROCEBY INC. aid colîri Nîiîg lise. Tel: 90S 878b-4900 Coentact: Gars Zemias. Freseiv C rfi i.S ax: 958768906iT Te: 905-8.94-3009 47 vn~S. . nilt1 INVESTMENT PLANNING COUNSEL - aasv%.iheperecdree.c Fi Pa9015-854-3012 Mîllîîv.Oil 1.87 558 JOHN BARRETT Re-delive yîevî hiipping espeiievce foe lites Taxnciai services lier titi dierevily iitled.. Contlact: Avihîîn Cliva. Mavager Mieltonî ON5 apecial occaionse Wit iiiîîdîedî of bredul FilipeilOieeiil eStore. grieri Siore. We SelI catd (oschps roensefoi ad Convtact: Joehv Dîsîvil, Certiîhîd Civ ocial paris' dress Aeigns. gliviîriias accesserees, and VANESSA PRANCIS DESIGN dcaoi frvidt chilipinlrîevs.eîid Pvlainer excepleeînal pisaiivied service. or streve iv Miteon, ON5 dilîacei SiviPhieppnesTel' 1-888 827 ilyý make thte uearcit eer yîaî leerleci tiresi av Contact: Cavesia Francis, Convsultant BOND CONSULTINC GROUP INC. awwa.îîhharretiica.cîai experience iv remember. Appoîimenis TeI: 416-668-2806 103-36 l asnes Sce A 30i va residin Oil tonî. and a Certetîrd vecessasy itecavue voit desrve tite attentions' Aiea.canessafrances.com ToroivlvO .58Z 1t K2îincil Pianveo'ihîîves Ili v Ciemplemevlveer periecl daywihTiteFeriec We olieialfull range iivterîvr desigvserre Contact: Jlie Boînd. Prsedeee esperience, John virieti avdeisiiodv o itîeoi Diess ivclvdivg coviiîr consultatîions, spacr Tel' 416 503-460 hs;ielp'cou miel vous goals and lice' îî,îv divans. planinvgeichevand bathdesignvand Fa 4i6 503 e9(177 Specializnvg ii ustile plieng, CC and STAPLES ADRANTACIl lvrviiviceieciii. We iteip oe naigale a'o'ei'.bieedciivealting.cî iiîlal fod,. Johnîî acîceives thi îpperianiî 550' Peerdant lis iirigl al[ ofi the design pîîvaîheiîeieî ocie Boind Ciiiivaiing Crouap spîcîîiee inci ork i veu . î Miaseivgi liN .5 10a tenme Ihal s heaulsiai. cinvlîriihle anA giocerOnaflri seievda aid granleitsr Cavadiesi Contact: Slave 5iahoniîi. ilisial CFP laneleiival, coîrpoiraions. Weaspeciilize iv tha SR&,Eli JAZICUTZ HMIR SALON Tel; 9015-696- 4444 credilîlfCanada. lh i ilenied ie.eiîîî 1580 lierre' Rd i Pas: 905 sc9a 4385 XOCMI HEALTRY CHOCOLATE 1h11.w acpou ,j(O cliiîii ioS l.cI112 Mivilil.il'iilî. llî i'5 '1 'Ili iî I il . iý lii.cl i .ii.igei %l.cllle5 l agli.e Ci..î iIe lieicli uibiîi'l i l 905ii si, .217 hiiîii's ic W.,îîîe di.i'l'i;ipi ii. P :t i500 EDWAI1D JONES [NVESTMEN'ES Fax: lv W*107 01ill1 iiirîgiiahîssîaiiOfice aeieiarîdrcieîiec 3101 Mais Si. E. 9103 laiCala Hiais Salun se, Milîîv's newesl avises prîidncte. IT ciosenables. farvelase avnd Cet Civeviate ite yonr solutieen. ur deice Milteon, ON L9T 1i154 hir salisn ifeirîagisde range ofiservices lacilîtysuspplees, Siiples Advantage prvdes Beailey tuile Citecotate is aitseeiteiy lesade Contact: John r oîer. Fîvarcial Advens aicit inclade cuis fitrsens, perins. cvivnrevg. cuateimere ailS thi Iîwesl listai delivered cvst osith Atisoidants. insi 3 squarsa day=t Tel; 9(150864-6959 oaxng & ltreîdsvg and mvcit more. laseCata titîvagit s olive îîsdesng system; excellent antesîxedavi value of 2 ibs vi rau spevacit. Pas: 9015-864-6962 Bais Salonv itasiever tii oeais of expereence and castvumer case: cataloguesîrnd sent day Alonvgaîit lte vststanding heaitit benefits Our gealis au imprîîve the qniliy iof liii of s ihrslied iii illes the Miton cemmvvily delevers capaieisies. sa a î ng basiness vpportunsl se titi endevsdnali evesivrs nit a prîîvev investiment periîenaiued and lriîvdly service. heîlih and weliless erdusiry. piliesephy, saperevr client service andi THE NAIL SPA carefuiiy chvsen sinalit envesimeris, We ONTARIO HIGII TENSILE FENCING CO. 335 Main St. E r&ecmmend Seat vas cienS~ itîd qaaliy Sleeies Ave Miltton, ON L9T lPS envestments fer thse ivng-iern oltin a Milteo, On Contact: Surah Nosek dîversified pvrtfolie and ceodnct regalar Contact: FeggyMalitarten. Office Manager Tel: 905-878-6050 portfolio reviess iv itep tem meet shoter terre Tel: 905-878-3976 wwwreiltonnailspa.cai and long tarrit goals. wwwe.igtsil efencing.com The Nuit Spa will open ut 335 Main Street ie il h Renewal frernberships -Denotes Escarrent orTuisPane A special thanks toi the foilowing businesses for their continued support. Armur Gardes Centre and Nursery Davis Wire Prnducts Hig)sroad Computers Inc. Partners ln Planning Tielemans Interiors Inc. Atlantic Bearing & Drives Inc. Envirvsearch Limited Inner Sanctans Yoga Studio SC liair Design Toy Sisappe of Nature's Pire The Bre-Mar Office Equipment Inc. Pire Safety Honne L.S. Walker Machine Tants jvc, Specealined Wetding & Pabrncations Willnwliruok Bed and Breakfast By Design Gifts Gvudtite Fitness Neasco Industnia UdA. Ltd. Yvungs Insurance Brokers Balsb Clem's Painting Giyphon Law Chambters Ontariovdgri-Fvvd Edacativa Inc, Spningridge Fans Clariesvn Conservation Haltan iProfessional Corpvration Ontanio Steani & Antique Staybridge Suites Oulevitie Copar Marketing tflc. lalton Machining t'reservers' Assvcialion C Burlington Daisy Muids -Miltvn Gardes Haltin Wvsnen's Place Faquette Travers & Deut.schnvann Tackmasler Eqnipment Cary/Maintenance You may qualify for one of six Milton Chamber of Commerce $13000 SCHOLARSHIPS If ou are aftending anivernit. an apprentioeship progmam or are a çhild of a Chamber memrber. VW wwmigoue amberca fnr an application furt or dlrop indth Ie Chamub«S nfior mure infornatin. -7429 Fifth Lîne, Mîfltoil, RighLt at thie evatt endi of MAain St. Soils, Mulch & Aggregates Flowvers Shrubs & Trees Garden Decor IDesign & Maintenance 'nriiîuoi tannaS landnapî,gLid. 706 Main Street, East Milton, ON (um) 87 6-1110 Wa wii exceed your expectations OPE SATRjY 0m- 1 2 u Fo te hor apinm t c il 0)8688 ,,Ier 4 Courier/Expedite 0 YOUR FAST MIRERONT AND COURIER LINK MAKE 1 CALL, WE'LL TAKE CARE 0F THE RESTI SERVING MILTON FOR il YVEARS Anywhere ln Canada or U.S.A. - Emergency Delilverles On Cail Service a Modern Tracklng System SERiIIcEAVAIL ABEP SUPER DIRECT- Immediole Direct Dnve ONLINE ORDERINO Visit oas websj new poeefekcouer.com DIRECT- Deliver in 1-2 hoars ONLINEADVANTAIIPS. RUSH- Diefe in 2-3 hours taeus lime ASC- Debver iv3-4 hours cnfiration vatra itne e4en pitiup CoasCesseaou va emual upndkewhsie gature SAMEOAY- Deiver by 5 pm CALL TO CET SETUPI Zbei C~anabtan (&bampion 555 Industrial Drive 905-878-2341 www.miltoncanadianchampion.com Investment Planning CounseI* Brin¶lnYleur Prsvlonlyi -E Sye ooks Fer An ln-Store Credit! 150A Mill Street, Milton recycledreading@bellnetca collision & iPaint .N. MIL TON'S FULL SERVICE COLLISION CENTRE 0811 Steve Boers eý - Il ààâîâàâm rrrrrr -- h(titib ýi of 'Fa n n e, r-ç Il 'Ma r ýe Every Saturciay morning in downtown Milton May 16 to October 10, 2009 7:00 AM to 12:00 NOON Main Street f rom Martin to James 905 878 0581 www.r-niltotifarmersmarket.corii