AI Co Te U Fa 0- MA j 2010 FORD FUSION ý'h\YL3LU3[LIi " Full Service Accounting for Individuals and Corporations " Personal Income Tax " Financial and Reirement Planning " Estate Planning William J. Mercer, FCGA, CFP Blake Mercer Hon BA, CGA T 905-876-1144 245 Commercial Street F 905-876-4209 Milton, Ontario, L9T 2J3 *Soles & Services Miltown Software & Accessories u n-Site Service Computer Repair Depot Services Network Installations *Consulting ~ E<~L L~lEiXM,ýRK 75 1 Main St. E. Unit 2 9 5 8 8 4 5 (Acros. frae lh. 00 Staton) 9 5 8 8 4 5 Mon-Fn: 9-5:30 - Sot- 10-2 Fox 9054876-1013 President's Message Rosa Martins Chamber now uccepting Scholarship Applications Callîng aIl Milton hîgh school students aflenrJîng uoiversit- or crîllege in 20019. The Milton Chamber rof Coîmmerce is gearing up loir its 2f090 Chamber Scholarship Prrigram and application frîrms ire neiw availafrle. Chamber is offering several $1,000 scholarohips rasne for a student from each Milton bîgh school including E.C I)rury Sehool for the Deaf. ose for a hîgh schîrrl student registered in an Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program and risc for a son or Aaughter of a Chamber member. cao also be downtIoared trîîm the Chamber welisite at woww.miltion The deadline fer applications je May 22, 2009. Milton Farmers' Market... This famous nmarket is celetirating its :th yeas in town and t9th os Mainr Street! Serving river 15001 patrions evi-s Siiorday from May 161 throergh Oct 10 il rîffers srrioethîsg forv eservirse. regardîcos oft ige Or liste. Mile sure erre drrrp i hetween 7:it ..o. and 12:001 oos aird hîîv àî hicon-> a hon frrrm the Sctnrlarshîp tafe. 20th Annual Golf Tournament... The 2Oth Annual Golf Tournament tees off at Granite Ridge Goill Club oni Tuesday Jane tfith wîth sur sholgun start at 12:45. Ilegister kv calliog the Chamber office at 905-878-0581. Ask how your business cas hecome a [tIOLE or TEE sponsor in the tournament and gel voue business recergnized. Il's a great day foîr "social -grlfers. anA those ah> take the game more scriously. Come and enioy a great day sout wil h friends! Application forms are availdble at aIl Milton high schools as well as E.C There le always somnething going on at the Chambe! Upcoming Events Contact the Chamber at 905-878-0581 for further information about these functions. Chambor FanreT',.Narket Opens Mtay Business After Hours July Business Afler Itours rtrlr v1'0>Tucsselîx Mas 1> Tiiesd, ii\ lk,20) ((o ii» suvi bixevirSteiin oi o»> Co-hosird he. Advantage t'hysioihtrapî of Mltxon aniA lUe%s Ilosted h%: T-lli.o O poerScnr>c>, Lid.. Corne experience the F arm Fresh Fon'. Scenic Acres / Scotch Block Winery Miltowne Collision toc. aoed Stide 550 Ontario St. S., Ste. 7 75t Mais St. E., Ste. t 2 Beos Your Busineus Seminar Wedoesday, May 201, 20019 201h Anual Chamber Golf Teureumont Topic: Marketing Turstay, June 16,20109 Niki Papaioannoo of Boston Pizza wilI opeak Registration from Ilarn Looch t1:30 ar to Chamber members about newe and excîting Sbotgun Slart-12:45 pm marketing ideas and concepts for pour Granite Ridge Golf Club business. Join us for a day of fon, sun and networking! Location TBO Look for p.our registratin form ontîne at Itts tÎirne for GOLF! Have you registered your rno~-. Jim us for a day of networkinq, prizes aýid fvnù' 20th nnu . Lse, uêet Kim mItduImww . il nha b @b.IIn.t.ce hlmmitdisll@blliwLca w .n l ocob -34~ Ve*r Of "HMeTwnrury School fo the Deaf and the Milton Chamber of Comnmerce. Forns ELECCYRfCAL CoVACroRs * ndustrial *Panel Building " Commercial *Pole Line * Troubleshooting 400 Morobel Drive, Unit 1 Milton, Ontario 19T 4N6 Tel: 905-876-2519 Fax: 905-876-3903 BobL boblu r, MERPCEFR- cme'd>gent aiaCCoutnttl sl &MRc~ pi-rf t niai o 5'.