Dîiteline is ci fre listig ax'ciiable te lecal eeniriit' grcups tii assis( it premoiîtng tlîci t ering evelîts. Pnb' chiairitable tir niin-îitiiitt t ii iiut giiiups max' use tItis servite. Vi'gutil aîîîce tile issue of piiblii i of the esent altiiîugii ct inser tins arc ptossible Ï1 spitte petitîs. Pateline noîtices sittinîr bt e-niiileii toecii til Cîl@n ih Ittîît eediacit champi onecîn. lte finail diaillinci's îîîîîît Niîîndax' Jir Xtensii' dit ien andî 5 peti. -Iuesas foi- ltidii ' euiitiîîîî Ntiiesx aenit aicecpteel by telephotne. Thursday April 16 The Milton Histerical Society mccix ai 8 p.nî. at the Waidic Blacksniîlî Shop, l6 jamecs St., with Richard Ruggies speaking on 'A i listory cf tue Lerne Scots.' The Deck drcp-tiî centre, 200 Main St. E. (rear enttiduit). invsitet sitdetts tutti (_rtles (i iii 9) Il stol,' lîy besx'cen 3:30 antd 6 p iii. ii lilasa gaine cf potol or jusi bang coit Higbh sciîîil studeits arc welcin hetix cci 7 ai-d 10 p.ni. Visît wwv'thedecknilteiî cent. Morus Supporîing Morrs un Milton - a suppoîrt graup Ici nîcîhers struggliig xx it pesiparlun depressiit andiit auxiets - niecil ai Haiten Kids VWesl Miltern Hîtb a tillr iLadls tif \ ut ttrv St lîtl, 54(. t. nrnerciai St. irtînt 7 ii 8:30 p.nî Cail Janet Sivetuis ai (905) 825 6000, ext. 2927. Milton District Hospital hlîtlts ene-en-elie breastfeeding elini ix'ih a certificci lactatioîn taînsuitaîl frein 6 iii 9 pin. ftî ruake a appcintmnl.t caîl Jill 1 licks ai (905 878-2383, cxi. 7610. flic iltotn Seiors' Xctii' Centre. 500 Childs ir., heldi hi liards humi 9 a.ni. ti 9 i.rni lin dancing frein 10Oto 11:30 ani., cot tract bridge [n 1:30 lIo 3:30 p.ni clegging frein 2 ie 3:305 p.. tabi tennis frein T:30. te 9:30 îî.în. and t Vbursday Afternnen Mexie fret 1.30 te 3 p.in. icatîîîing Nigluix Riidathelu liei csi fori cadi activt is $2 foîr inetîilit'rs atît S-4 liii ni itîctiîiîe s Bici cuclîre is fiteM [rt 1:30 iii 4î 1i.i1 at a itîsi ofi $2.5O 1, tinlesatit S4,0 for lii îtt-nier lits nA. bridge liîclicett titis Iro 11i3t a.i to 3pîu iit ikî'isîtsi 'ý 55 liii itlittîe"-s huit h andt ýiitet itît bîritdgtue s \rid a huit cri cliii s lîcId lîîîîî 8:40 ,î iii ii I 1).îî1i ios tîsi s s ý 3iii ibît' iiittliii sV li tgt liiiiý,11 l i tl t os iti illait iii aýppîiiliiI liii liutit t lii 1 riday ý\pîi I 17 Il i'-lih "t poo ot ! '1 *i lt t i .ii i i belixeen 7 and il p in. VtiiI xx x'x.tiedleikiiîltoi.t tiit. Milien Disticlt Htospital htîlts a drîîp-in breasîfeeding group xx îh a certifietl lactatîin conîsultantt h1-01îî 10 ttî 11i30 a.i. ai Oui Ladiy ofI \'iutors St hittl, 540 Cotmmtueriai St., xx tîl infoirmatin shateti atit babies xveiglied. Pregiiaii i xonieli air cli tîe .ail jli H icks ai (LlOi) 878-2383, ext. 7810O , Thi Salvatitît 1it 00lO. Ni1îissîng Rt., util 3, cttîîîts its free, 1O week Alpha course Inuit 7:30 te 9:30 p.ni I expilores ilie rneaîîiîg of life iii a relaxed, frîend- ix suti îg, tacklîîîg questîitîs iîîtludiiîg 'Is tliete a tdi anîd \\hi' tînti 1 itre?" i tr lociaition infitrmation, eal (90-5)> 875-10)22 tor e utlail -jenh.ihc or-nlîîtiîlnitoiî lis rce S. Yeuilî Greup liii siui.îlis iii t.oatits 8 iii 12 ) ldtl" litd \l11l 'lii variets of acti ites. V tr a silietîttî ef evenis, x'isiî iv\Nv-ix' ornîniîuni- ty ctni tir e-mail dltn«uîklitttinitntli itty.teu. Anrd ils selunteer drep- in tiRes pîlace Irein 10 aii ti 1 p.ut, te hei1î sori aîd pîack ftotot at r the fooîd lin ci lielip lreiare fori o tiier tîînnîtniIý pîîîgiaiiis. (ah tic alîtîx îiuiîer iii e-muail t r-oliîttkliiu:tiinniiits\.c îîîîî -flie Nilîit Seniorts, \tlx'ttv Cenuire. 5i0.0 t. ilds Dr. liilds hi- liards lruîîî 9 a.im. iii 4 p.iii., lai chi lrîîîî 9) ii il:30 a .m. hinge lrîîi 93 c) . in. iii tîttît anid centrait bridge I ttist fi blrs an aitt $4 1-ridas 7 iii 1 t 1tniîb D 'flic ftîîvii tif Milton insites resi- tlentîs, scbtîîls anîd lotcal eîîlîî)l\s e Ioi îari i çate in Ile Nllon Makeeser Morning. Iret garbhige lîags atit gîtises, ire piicicdtit wxlile tiîîeslasi ai the Miilton 1 cistire .eîit tht Milltit Sports, t. enitre. [-()\Nii Hall the Niîîisstîiig Yartd ai 101 N tlîissing Rt. antI tue MIiltont batbt i l oitit te t 2î tegistet participiattion tu xxi xxiiiltî t tr t ail i (05 878 722.xt. 2189. S aturday April 18 i1 lie Otrio iii c aits i eIttie 41 ( lirtîtuteSt. S_ lîîlts usý 1ad and Mc 'Itgethecr drop-in frot 9) 30 Il il 30) a.iii. -ils itiloriîiai llas îîîîî ts for (lads-. tîntes tatd gi antla, itlî chltîîtei aged Ioes b "tINi alI 1t)90,5) 87()- 1244 e\ cm 0) I he Milton seniotrs Utîlitsl t. etîtie. 500 t.1lîiids D)r. hlt itlt min lo Muti Sale rin i îî ) a Intt i Attention FieldGate & Blason Communities Register Now for Junior or Senior Kindergarten with the Halton District Sohool Board Where: Milton District High Sohool (396 Williams Ave, Milton) When: April 16, 2009 Time: 10:OOam - 6:OOpm Language interpreters wiIl be available on site, Please bring the following original documents with you f0 register: *proof of residency via lease, purchase agreement or properly tax bill *birth certif icate, passport or "live" birth documentation for your child. proof of immunization, or philosophical or religious exemption forms ( and completed medical authorization where necessary) If you are not the child's parent ,or if you have sole custody. please bring proof of custody (court order). if you have questions please cail JWVS: 905-335-3663 x 2207/2202 vww. getra lis it. comn iD o i onl 10 a.ni, tii roon. T he netin foi [)copîtie \,aiitiIig te bits or uinleer dmp-iii lrotii tiet n iii I 1i cat h actsil t' 42linco 'cil gettîs ,,, eci bldreiils Itemis to bl0I 'sort antd patîtloo ai iez ti S4 fo iiiu nienilirs. Tl e t able to'si isý $20. Admission is food batik et belp prepare liii oi bei : tikts pilace 1 tin it 30 i(i 4 lice . Lail ltifi) 875- 1 81 t otinitlitii (,,g its ail it)o- i . a ct of c $2.50 for nihers Monday April 20 875i 1022 oir e tiiail eiltlit toiti 5 50 1 )r ncm n-iienibers. Ilis Milion Hos rti epital loitîts a niiii5tti 1-vnig Mvi i lildfrnt neOri01Lbi-asfedint clinic Flie Miilton aîîd DSistic >e 3p.iii leattirig \ights iii xxjj tlattiîîtlit tjatitîti coItusitliaiit Hluticuliiral Sutocit tiieets ai 7- W0 M ic 1 lie cost is $2, Atýid lîid lîtii ttti ti 4 mn _10 iiiakt iii pIn ai Milton bible, t hurti loti a takts place a-i th app1iîîîîiiii til i Itl lit Es ai qcuesiot inît arisîtir csssion vit tilt -lilie I titis I lail Irtîit 7: 30 f90 îi 8î 8 3 \tý 7010. tIlie 0.aloî lic Sia-tet i tttt mint H ie tîsi is $,2.5i. I tr fTe i ')atîti nii, 100 \tx initiits aie t xt tt i s iiý titi i-o5 8~75it1681 s *;- i ; ',, Di 1 ,t - i hldis t i .oi- ixx x.îiti it tîiitiîltr nsý, il" 1.1 CORRECTED. NOTIFICATION 0F PROJECT BUS GARAGE FACILITY TOWN 0F HALTON HILLS Project No. 077114 GO Transit, the Province of Ontario's interregionai public transit service for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton areas, has initiated a Bus Garage Faciiity. in accordance with GO Transits Ciass Environmentai Assessment IEAI process. The projecti s of a scope where there are normaiiy no environmentai effecis and public concerns, and is ciassified as a Group A underlaking in accordance with the Ciass FA, Group A undertakings are deemed 10 be approved under the Ontario Environmentai Assessment Act, and are not subject to the full requirements of the GO Transit Ciass FA process. The proposed facility is on 5 acres of land ai 19 Mansewood Crescent, Haiton His and wiii inciade indoor parking for 40 buses, a bus driver layover and an administrative section. Aithough no formai documentation for public review wiii be prepared for the projeci, it wiii be subject to a monitoring and evaluation program, the resuit of which wiii be kept on file ai GO Transit. For f urther information about this project or related background studios, please contact: Mr. Anthony Louie Senior Project Engineer GO Transit 20 Bay Street, Suite 600 Toronto, ON M5J 2WV3 Tel.: 416-869-3600, ext. 5404 Fax: 416-869-1563 E-mail: anthonyi@gotransit.com Pursuant to Section 39121 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of PrivacyActyou are hereby notified that any personal information collected is for the soie purpose of meeting the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act. The legal authority for this collection is the GO Transit Act, 2001, c23, Schedule A,s.911i. Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez composer le 14161 869-3200 ou le 1 888 GET ON GO 1438-66461. GO Transit 20 Bay Street, Suite 600 ~ Tra n Sit Toironto, Ontario