Ro 4ý'PN0 51 z 0 Readers Ioot i ' F1Iai edt oi 11l 1-', ifItit 8E(?lCONSEP*VATNIV Q 0 t. i t il t-, St PauI's church part of Milton's 'BuIIy' parents ruin heritage; needs to be preserved Thi _1olleîaing h/ie i o(S Is'iotZ and (i'mnbiv- jtts/ ivt thî Caut ta on,î. tt li MAs an tîrvoiveti citizen otf Niltoîr, l'in very coîtrerneti abtout tire potenîtai destrc- ltot of tce historie setin osf St. Paul"s Untitedi C bnrcb. ias'itg reati ail] tire rationale ireiinti the cirercb hoarti, tiecision airt tirini5 îîrg a lort abtout tite une irur cituit ites ptlay' inthIe itistîrri- tai aitt architecturai land-i st aie tri ittr dtitotssit, i re.ize titis i', a sets'ý cott- tentltis issue. i \X ititit reiriiistii i o tirai i'lestiirî Mîitoni 2 states Issu tiirctîs t's thar pertaiîtii t tis Diîtýti\is 3 oi tce saiie us' ablre Cittiiii5.Pistect andr etitaîtte oui-l iritage, ietti- ix aitd citater. -th 0 Respect andrt bcnourih titsn's rîebi bisîiiîs D)ireti\îîs e f tire disci se anti sustuitabie tîtinmiinity Make lte centrai brusiness diistrict îbe mtain ltocai pit ni tbe t ei nit. eRcinfîtiee anti encerir- age îbe luniction ofi tbe cen- Irai business districi as tbe adrntstatis'e, cultu ral, enterlainiflerli commitercial, social and hi',îînic focal potint ni tue ctrinnruniiy. Oui eburcbes are beauti- [iii anti signifitani builinigs. Fo iti o',e s bc wui sbip wtbiit tirn or attentd ictn- terts, ceorittity mecetings anti sori5sbtps witbin flient, ibes îeînfoctre tse corninsini- lx7 spirit ltai stere sti îggiing ILt irataiî. itiose r îuîzc'îs \v bit ijtt no reasîti tt eîtter a thuntir. bhein 1rescire on the -sretscape i" a icininrier otf ss'iaî sirnaii tV is once v ere, anti aree a syniboi it' itr deteriiialititn tir respect anti bonorir our bîstitr. As oui electeri ufiiciais, su htl ave anî oh)it' ilIon no tonsider the impact ihiai the i cittîts l iii o5511 bisti(j buîildingsul ssi ast' oni the centrai busiiress disriti. 'st. Paulsis' tise oiti congregatîion struggliig lt inraintaîn an hisînrie build- ing, but ils, tise fii Si luCOn- sîder dt'noiiin ais anI Ibis issue cnuit1 bc the thin etige oi the v ,etige, ant ste ettuit ]ose so u c îrrib v,ýiai st kirîw is important ti oui bistuîv i wouid urge yon iii coin- sidei otptioîns ier linanciai support for presers 'alit (balt wittid aiieîs the churcis It carly on tlirir mnissiotns anti the rcitizen,, if M iltonî 10 keep tlirir rislol ir iruîitingsý I beie are noies ibal tan be adjrîstei lto reileci oui- cbangiig tiînographie s anti inaînlain ui etr itlage. NANCY CUTTLE MILTON Easter egg drop DEAR EDITOR: Tbe excitentent itat becit building ail w eek f-r the big egg drop ai the laingrotînts. As we arriveti witb our îwrt cildiit ai 9, tirere stas a srnaii group of peoiple wiith smiies un their faces. Wbat a greal tiay the cburci planned, aîtd tc sui was aireadv itigb. As the crossd poured in, i notîceti one litie girl, rnaybc ime, stant to pick up plastic eggs aiready on the ground. Tbitking tbai ibis svas gnîng teu be a fun rlay for the kitis, i sîatceet as she tank tite eggs back n lier dad. i was sbocked ta see ihai hie didnni tell hier to watt andi throw tbe eggs back. Instcad,. be opened the egg, pulieti nul tire ticket anti put it in a bag. Ibat saite girl weit out fôr mitre, andti îis starteti a trenrd, as i waîcbed a rnom push lier îwa kitis ont to aiea get eggs. Thte evert piners cainred îirings dowît, but tbe crowd seemed on edge for titese plastic eggs. ht was a bnawi waiîtg to happen. My iiine-yean-old daugbîer caime to nse andi saiti, ",Dadi bis is chaos." i decideti se wonlei Icave anti have our osvrî egg irunit ai boitte. The churcb bati ils hearî iu the righi place. -il was same of lte parents wito diin't. Titis was for tire kids anti tire buiiy parents destroyed it. Sbaréne i thent. CHARLES RANDAIL MILTON Food for thought Ontanio's doctors are ticveitprlreni tri cbîrnic caliing for calorie ctoulais te kitines tissease later it fice lie sltosvn irrmiietcnis ttn to chilciren wbît arc irser- cltaii restaurat airc ss cigit. scitonn cafcleria menius andt 9 Mitre ibait 7 lier ccit mrenu boasrds pr'intce- ot[ obese citireir hecîtri ssicie. lts a inove ste cairI tbese atinits. tiisagîeess'iih. At 2005't ()M.\ repot An impetus frrr ibis îîrticaîes ssw rii ire i rais- cornres frcrn a îtcs Ontaio ing the lîrsi geiteiatîiîi oti Medicsi Asstociatiotn e'biitirc' sso b-it5titt ot us î'( (OMNA) report t hat irigb tlitir prrects. liibts tbe incrcasilrg cpi- U S.-hast'i '-uuii'sirts tiennico n ilho iitiocsi sitîss r tit euîstîtîrr ss ho tN,. sa\v t ,t i ' tt inf oa tti \îtrîîîrgý lit tu kli Il,\C t 1~ ss tilt i il ir, e ,Itsîî iii *A citirt Ici tiiitai ii itit t o its idi utt t iiitrett arcî ithele andt kîrîssuirîî tutaîts airt itail art' mnacivis caici î's cs r' c nisit * i î'e'seiice inis anitd itr' iinrtifl ho\\siîî ir g type 2 ciiabetes, p etlias ni\ts kid i c ii' ls iclt it't's ie-ait loîlic liî ste' cil oitt is, a surtatl step lîsecr tiiseasc, certan tsype" s a.ui, lit'ililit soit et ofi siecit aot's utiiti' ehîss r s\ite itttit Hatr HelIdr tioit [ti ( îînd1 M ILTON SANTA CLAUiS UNTE Y 0F MILTON ýA iý1Y YMCA A ,TIIENA , <. 91 7-- Q>t canalyan Qljanipion Ailtol, (omm y Nerstaîi ýne 1860 555 Inetustuja Dr. Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editoniat Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Faxý 905-8'76-2364 Classtfied:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 vwww.miltonr'iiaarnrhampîDon.oorn V.P. - Group Publisher Il' 'ïIl Oliver Generat Manager Editor ini Chief Managing Editor Production Manager Circulation Manager Office Manager The Canladian Champion, published every Wedniesday and Friday, is a division of Meiroland Media Group Ltd. CCAB Audited 9âocfla pumîA' ot