57! * ' 5 Dams* s I V 1 Jm a 5tm WO REAL OPEN HOUSES * STAGING AD VICE NEWSPAPER ADS * DEDICATED AGENT FUIL SERVICE * VIVID PHOTDGRAPHY * APPOINTMENT BOOKINGS COLOURFUL FEATURE SHEETS & MORE! AIL INCLUSIVE! $69 o0 449 90 $4989459 900 $399,888 $319 90 $25990 in< .. 0 us .< AbsluelvA rea HmeHome oer ayar ewenegy Beo Vlu Fo Tffaynarks 020 Th n ne A Abalte ho Nw Bnglaf Fom atamy/0 Stnnig bdm ownom' Picd a s/t5Vey rg lve Mtayulît Ergy S.t r' trMatm 'Gienwoud'model Sql ThIbr oe! ru ann Miton Trails!Fully Hawthorne Vilge On The Absalute mave in condition backsplit detached home. Wel Hoe awthorne napremium lot, -2572 sqftl Flo aol ge-Size BedQooms La~ed W/Extras,LargestWaad Escarpmefll. $25K In Upgrades, home boasts a cathedrul ceiling keptW/lg 1~Ia rms. Eat in VilOel-0 SFt. Lded w/extras, maple hw tIs Each mib AcesT B athroom' Tms& Buseboardo Approx 200Sq./Fl Premium n iinpm /abtfielue Roc haven' Moel On Premium & ataîrs w/iron pîckets. lot & ext. Loaderi Witb $47,000 Wort h 0 Througbout,Ouk Hardwood LokulÈcarpment'46' Wîde W/O ta lrg ýdeck & backyard. ireplace i0 famiiy, W/O ta large 56'Frontage uligha ulyendya. Upgradeo. Forn.otRecently renovated waohroomo backyard tram dîining. ý-629I 899 439,800 276 100 $419 900 $304 900 9 4 :E 1 i- <<. in c Abn sho tper e olutley The 8001 Value For Ahouey h et Value And Fieldge bultDurhum'mode! ouel bon gBolVue s0 fEu horia model n Sup edl 2Bedr om OfTe et f bulcon I nnn! et w/21 Bî saren'Bidn The Entire Hawthomne Village' Mattamy' oEnergy Star* MoelMoam omme In abter Milton Traîlo community. Executîve Townhome In o undd baco loode w/$ Th AreGreBul ing oncp VillageMoot Po utarWelington' Beauthul AIl Brick On Premîum The Most Desîrable Hawthorne U nrd. muotero ensuite & Mu0amyo Moot Deo rablo upgrci iricl. rw h/rn, crowne.ra Oe ocp Model;3855S + Profession- Pie-Shaped Lot un o Quît Street. Village. kitchn w/granite cournier, gao Humhorne V loge On moulding, granite counter/opo oyu Wîlh A Lot Oh Naural ally Fînîohed Basement. ireplace, & ceil. on 1 st&2nd 110 Escarpmenl. upgradied cabinets & more.' Lîh 489 900 $3890$409 899 $369,990- $254 899 $7990 $16990 %Jm in 111 . z Ma amys ai-brick Stanechuc Sunining rare 'Junipero mue b Aolutelï Stunningl A Almo Aloo 00 /husundss sent Beatihuly AgFanted 1300-Sqh ellngbelowpurchaso price. r bdrm townhouse w walk- oel. -30 q.huy s de SondaI in desirable Hollybank Ne iI gale Homes Boild onngd.&yt-$2000 below BentrîdgoEnAd Uýnit By Superb value 70 ITrîdel-buîll ou bomt. Desirable locution in w/hrw~d ceai Drai i eghbourhsod, oacîsus homo Camhridge'Modol In Milton buIdr bge.lc anled M0m Juol Over Ove Yeu bdm+dncnoPotgan cmp/en, Wol anand tirs, higglos kîtc. ca w/rnite w/aponta above toamiy room. A Trai/o! Premium Lot AcrosThe moe ilgaehmnw4 Q d,3Bron Plu un.5 ponhoune s/olig 9-bt nOwOl 2 pc bath w/ceramîco. Counterop ctre oI nd fIlot muot seel An open concept Park. Loaded W/Eotras. 9' bee.&ugrmota n WhrmoWhWQTu cnogvru-izo roomo. Kitchon boa nom mindow & overluoing forma living room home w/lot aIugads Cilmgs. On Th an~or / ik.0ciig nmî I acony. Coe1pulctas& ohoppin cerumic f/r Hw F/ru tbroughoul. Not intended la Solicit Buyoro or Sellers currentty under controot with another Brokerage. @ 2009 AIl Righto Reserved MinMoxx Realty toc., Orokerage. ! Basd on Më Mn Br o IRecord's highest numbor PA Y LESS! of listings sold January '08 - January '09. *If listod and sold by listing agent escept cýompetition. **Baued on units led & oold by MinMaxn Roalty Inc. tram Januory - Decembor 2008 in Milton Statistîco sourc(I~ G MRE Independenit Source. Based on TREB Statiatias. **Based on 1% va. 5% on a 350K home.** Based on sold vs. ask prîce differonco tram average OTA Roaltor in '08! tSold vo. Aok ratio. FRRA