www.meadowtp~~~iç.COm .. that's in rare move-io candi- tion. Totally renoated sparîng ns expense, and located aust west of Campbellvitle on 10 pic- igturesque acres. Open concept kitchen with centre istand, gran- ite counitertops, backsplasir, stainless steel appliances and frardwood tisors -perfect for entertaining or sust enîoying th irelw trom any onle ot tire many windows. Perfect tsr the irobiriyt s ot ooty is tire a double attached garage. but an oversîze double garsge/workshsp for ail yosr toys iThis ose is a muot-see. Cati Pst tor your persosal appoîstmest. $649,900. Great 011e and location te bonld yoor dream country homne Joot viest of nom dritled wett in place, Located across trsm Tuscasy Ridge estate newty created building ltt a rare tînd, so don't miss out osi this uppurtusîty. Cati Pat for turtirer detaits. $329,900. Huge end-unit towahouse for fease mitir oser 1800 sq t ot space for a groming famity. Granite coanters in tire kitchen, hardmood in the ILR/DR and att tire apptiances incfaded. Acrous fromn schoot and proposed park. tins corner unit boants a huge purcir for enloying tire warm sammer eveningo. Tirere are 3 uarge bedroomo on tire upper fevet and tire master han an ensuite bath. Contact Paf for tuther r '7 77defails and fa vÎOw. witir ail tire upgrades you cufd mant. This hume iu apprus 2700 sg t sud iras a LR/DR cumbinatson Mâ Ê ýwitir iardweud. a mais fisur tamity rusm m ifir gas fîreplace and a ceitîsg tirat ~~ oufendo te tire second tevet, open csscept kitchen wîtir iîgir end onaistess steel appli- asces, a mais fluor taundry, and main ffeer des. Tire upper tesel iras 4 spaciaus bedreomo and 3 fuîlt hrrsoms. Impeccably decorafed and mainfained - fi shows heaufitulfy. $459,900 LAWARD iNINNER ITop 11 National/y again in 2008'ý ci IWWW.MILTON-REALESTATE-.COM 1'( 905-878-8101 r Joph Brazela, Sirginia Brazeau Jodi eMar Kim Couferru B.. RX* B.A. Salesep l5 WOODED ACRES Beautifully updoted Ececutive home, Updated gourmet kitchen. Main floor tamilyroom, >wifh 2 walkoufs and fireplace, Formol living ond diningrooms. tTriple car garage. .a:6 0c 2 PRIVATE ACRES siîy Sepaisite liioîrg/diningiocms IGourmer kircnen wîith b/I oppliances 21 & Farnîly rooms. Fin Ioweî level. VaCalion ail Uý w ý ;_9 hom0e with stunnîng îngiound pool, hot /f Itub andCclana 1 ACRE - CUSTOM BUNGALOW Double sorso ennuance t0 10es 3 bedîoom f pdored bungow, Main rouir iomîileoom wilS weî soi and w/o roi sunroom orauirul f ooC el in kitchen with /il opplisuces Formol Lotsyefmlro Ounlmer kitches. I eparote 52' x 31' goîsae/woOîoP MI10 i1/2 Oi .elingu are double 9 garage nis ; coMplete Wilh inuc)end icompressuoi *S 3 bedroomn faroshoose wft spaaious, higri ceilins Oversized roos Counry kitchen. Main Oir famifyroomn w od cruve Sfable/bam ri dàt a ois Lean 10 U and garage/worrshop, 3 tencea pad- docks wfth run-in shled Oeairtful peren- niai gardiens, Ideallyiocoed jusr non/i of 0401 and west of Hwyi25. r CENTURY HOME Stone 5-bdIrm w/oit the charm of yesteryearl Wood floors, high ceilingu, lrg principal rms, 3 firepi. Bank barn, d/shed, dbil det garage, tennis court. Creek, woods, meadows. * Incomparable! CHARACTER HOME 1 Acre with 3 bedroom rhome. Oversized garage! fworkshop with hydro. Paddock and run-in for the horse.lover, "Great Value" e fFABULOUS 4 BEDROOM HOME I n sought affer Bronfe Meadows area of Milton. Mainy upgrades fhroughouf. Main floor family - froomn wiirh fireplace & walk ouf f0 custom deck overtooking park. Finished iower leve recre- r afion om GORGEOUS EXECTIVE 4 BEDROOM Grea/ locaion loi tio /oioiy renovaied home sel bock triro Matuvri irees and iiower beets Hardwood iîoors thioughouti Gos firepiace in formol /iaioom Wahl oui trom OiningiooiS 10 deck, gardons and hoi lob The garage nos 0000 coivereni to O Xa1dio", dea home office loi proiessionol wih roomitopark 8crs. Home isa0'VW nsid0 and oor 3 BLDG LOTS AVAILABLE IN FREELTON 1; ~Pleose colt for more information. L For further nia vnon on and photos on rhese propertios please o sit -~ Milton-recifestate.comn SALES REIEECTIV lafflA -1 r 1.6 acres, part freed. Well in place, S natural gas ai the road. Located less than 10minutes from Hwy. 401 & set amongst other fine country homes. Rab is Spring! Build Vour Dream Home... Barb $309,900 Sales Represoffatif hg. 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo ai 100 Miliside Drive. Ç_ titi " lf î