Im*<a' à à V I TAT lVIrtLIs I ELUr Cali mua OPENNOMUSONDAY AP1IL 19 2-4 PU 399 PETTIT TRAIL PRF FIN. BASEMENT 2yr Beverhali Drurrrnd aii Brick Detach approx. 2,95Osqt /rpb) o quietsi, 5 Bed.5 Bath. 9 Cellines.Ex Lg Custrom Cat- r it w/ail apis. Eareoded Cabirrrrr/Panry Main Floor U m Derduem.Rn w/Gs FP.rO dry u/Garage Entry. Oak Stairs womght ion spîidies. C/fnt C/Va. Neutrai Cerairics. 1Tastekul Decori K/m -Sare Mstr c/5pc Ensutei 2 Wa/k-is ja ack r' r/IiBa/cory. tt/ly FencrA WaIb to Parks/Schools. to- NEW RACE - Asking $549.,U8. 2 CAR GARAGE Mosty Brick Detach approx. t,800 sqbt (as per vrndor) 3 Bed r+ 3 Bath. 9' Ceilings. Hard woods. Open Concept grear for enrerra/ning. Spacrous . e Dining Rni Versrs/g Errin Kitv //a l s ncl Sit up Brklst Bar. Neutral Ceranrcs. fies/r/Y rirrirea Main tOr Faimm v/Cas FP lrgsr Master w/4 pce E nsuite(sep sbwrr-soaker tub) WaIk rn cioset. C/Air. C/Vac. Inside Garage Entre. FulIy Fenceci Wal k to scbooi. Aslslng $359,18. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY APILIII 19 2-4 PM 248 SHERWGGD RD. - ~~ACROSS FROM PARK kyr MainStVage r/ Bnic Deracirapprox 2.400 s5/(pv /on quitrrt. 'reni ot, tBertI Bath, OCeirgr. xori rclwd s. Pro Det ErtminKit w/SS rpl BrktBu. Nirtrramrtrcs. loht FareroCu r. Cmb LrvDin R trrn/ryi'arrter m-e,- -rgiroset/ ensrutsuiýsep fror3 C/ts o/ trisr ed Ertry. Externte Stone Pavrsrontr Entrante. tu/hy trote 2 cr Garage/Dr-un Wr/k ru Schoot/iarlu, 1 mi ru 401/GO. AiaS $429M& I iehrIwr ee 1 kno you 'o n mrkt rr- . This 3 Sedroom -- -- home m/fb large yard, deck and bot - tub. Stonorng addi- - - r-r,.tron pot on f0e bock et the bouse in the latte 90's including Great Prom and Master soite or 2nd Leoel. Extremele desirable nerghburood sîtuated sean ait amenities.$339,000. OR EMAL US AT... InIothmulunMaicmI Tof&W dhr Il - Exclusive Listing! 30 Acre tarmi Protty as a Prcture Long tref lîred lare leado f toO 5s farmbsuse wîtb more opdates - Stunnîng views of large pond wîth sasH beachltr ris court , unt dnomeru Wdx outbuîldîsgs. garage, hrated workshop, charmirg bar i/ivtf 5 sta/Is paddocks, studio plus a separate 2 Il room n ilava Hors/e Vau/ted ceil/sos. opnef / oifpt Errchintirig garder/S A r u$1,1500K .< its best! home sestled Camphellsrtle. Walk go shops and parks. 1.2 acre wooded ravise w/stream Moiti isaîkouts os botb levels Master m/essîf hrdwd f/replace & vaolted cel L.L. Prof fin surted for teens or Ilaw $759,000. -- ~. I 22 untarîo ~t. 5 Milton, ON 878m7777 Iz Absolorele stun- t 4f ning 3 bedroom 'a bungalow os huge lot. Totalie opgrad- ed. New mapie family room, beautdiu maple hatdwood filr w/fb ceramic inlay t/lles. Crown mouiîg tbrsogh-out, gorgeous tinished basemeot, ail this backing osto park. Waik to Sopercester & Go Station. 10 n 10 gardies shed w/power. 2-NiGas lise tas to back yard, $358,900. Stunnin r- - Greenpark 4 bedroom home, baisement inclad- ilîs 3 piece bath, 9ff ceiliogo. bard- moud & ceramic t/le on mais tIonr large deck mîth beautîtolly luodscaped gardeos. This home shouîs exceptionaliy vil Close te ('o $419.900. Executive sestied os 8.74 private escafe- me/if acres. oncredible lasdscapisg w/rock gardiens. pereso/als. isg deck, gîeat for eoterfaiois Mais level has paooramic tus doms 00Fr lookisg yard fram tbe Ir & dir 5 fp, indl pool oky- lights, malk ols tbis home is a must see. $1,099,000. CLMATTON HACKENDROOK Anne Trevor 7uu.aaBroker Sales Representaw $tK SERVING MILTON SINCE 1980 j H www 90-699-4303 www.backenbmBarookcmte rainford He ro a chance sn ows a 4 o ai brik feeo rv rame on tirs deorrable otreet close f0i ochools & shopping, You wiii love fhe Ige gresphoure fitcher. hardwood mlors, mars floor tam/i ter ertb a firepiace, spiral oak staircase, big master wrth a 4pce ensuite & wNaik rc/ coser plus a frsrshed barement wîth arotser Or & 3 pce bat/ifom cai :oday for lurther fertras & upgradeo iscîudrrg a hrgh effîcescy fursace. reshiogird rosi ua 2 aipgraded Sue windows CI for tuether dIls MON'? aE SUT, ME AN OFFE Then bost close thf door and your on y 0r way sn thrs 2 Oedroom condo mîlhor mu kiso dis- farce torshe aoworrom core, Puer the years thîs building has ber costîsoalie uegradea and improoed. Thrs unit iscludes 2 baiconres niSt southers enposur 2 pcle ensuite, iausdry rm., frrdge & stoof, t couerfu asd t nuturde parking spots. CatI for furiber detaits. FABULOUS CONDO! a ra plnsadcsIp3cure utmk e Beautiful Spacious Corner Unit 2 BR 2 Bath hrVcadlt fmdw feoe ee a g Condo by Millide Pond!! Want a condo with kl t aku a psprl ud, o r n fees Ifiat cover EVERYTHING!!H??? INDOOR f 1- . -ý pvdrm hr oseces aifrfde eal SWIMMING POOL, SAUNA, HOT TUB, GYM, FORDTNE CaISU"FOR WOOWIKRM and walking distance to the Market, shopping Her's usomhirtyina om eed IiorsownliaIs etc etc etc! CALL DEB!!!!! $259,900. l'cuiganil/ rm wihua gus Ip and caireOra oeil in,9f eilirgu os rouis level, ensuite Ours m/o whrp o f0u s d a ae bonus ru u saurai guo lui- ~l'gI~AIVjabT.92.acre lotbackng onro greenspaco 50 o ~jTHERE'S NO SUBSTITUIE FiDIR EXPfEUFC'r r - -Office: 905-878-7777 S15,000 INCR[DIBLF PACKACT 3 Bp bungalow os sio acres sf0 f/inutes to Town. Total prîvace, a moin of mouds and lameis Home offers main figer des, solarium off kitchei possible rial suite, large deckisg and plasted gardes. Idea for bosse buosess, eotesdeO taml, sud of parking. Muîst be seen. sot a drive-be. Cal Arrie for more details. Stussrsg property (or sature loyers, artîstu, hîkers etc Set back vs i7 acres close Ig conîservation areas, rikisg feuils, Uniqgue logis/e usti adaptable fluor tplan, pot. for mother-ein-am/home office. 24 o 32 cgach Sotiue cd. be mork i hop/artiot's studio etc, Spectacular Escarpment settisg mitS woods. nfream Iand total prîvace and uf f0 soins. f0 401. Cal) Trevor or Anse for detaîls, htt://ealorsmlsca/ataylor TOUi Free: 1-877-878-7729 i m'I W M