me-878-8101 ROYAL LaE. MILTON/CAMPBELLVILLE 905-878-2341 Mattmy Aiston model. Appro 2700 oq fi. 4 bdnm. Open concept kit/lamilyroom wir goro fp. Main lon den. Monter willi opgrsded 5 piece ensuite. 2nd floor laoodty. Amazing hoase & salue!!! For furiher Information and photos piease vioit. bcon Prior oos-87-7777ABSOLUTELY ST'JNNING Prior Thouoards spet rn upgradesi This home reatures 91n crîlîros, dark handeood floors rn living and dining mrins, gournet rat io krchen ariti dark cabinets and custon-nade partra. Tire greatroo 000titurer oaoired crîlîngs, décor colon ard RW - a tîreplace. This beautl ns pricrd to reliri Plise cati Scott toe taril dotait, ofria m u book youe tersonal tour. $415,900. m-e878-777~ forUibis gran home of airnosi 3500 sqvare teel of luxury ouefiookirg a sirerm i, n fullroe of the Niagara Escarment. Orautiiviiy appoinird îith nîch cbnt a rdodad slte arth tamiiy 0000 hoastîrg a tan storey high relng o u launes irciode O sîdro tîreplace rn master main irvei liiraiy ardua CENTREN 000e prrmsm lot coi Mike $685900. CeCattor Vliit ~ f Z Today For surrows Ga e Ful fait efta S Absolatele Tire Best Valae And Location, A Stuneing'Emery Modal fMattame Townhome In Thre Most Desireble Hawthorne Village Witn F Loto Of 'Upgrades. Tis -t .5-Year-Old Home Ils n37tgâf Sqare Peet ~'>& .. 444 And Featarea An Open Concept Layoat Witn Anr Eate Ki ciren, é2&Iul 111 Complete Wlt A Breakfast Bar AMd Walk-Out To Yard. Cose t mlnaxCOm Scloos. Padea, Malla, Go Word Pubic Transt.- w05-878-81 01 ROYAL LEPAGE 20 ACRE HOBBY FARM B1, ACTON & ROCHWOOrJ OneSi î wt 50 reroatîos ---open concept taoiiy rm. oins 000 kitch3 Bwdr.s .Lg'Lis Om w/tp, double Garage. Long unsta 0' postures prrOty woods alth traits, pond, haytîeids, Nurous out buildings, Workshop a/ dag-out pîr ton the car hoiibyist. Brins your dreaos--great value For lutrw Informtio ndpos pieuse elsit. Mifton-meleste Mon PREMIUM PIE RAELY AVAILABLE 101 WITH VIEW OF NIAGARA ESCARPMEN'T Wîthot Long Wall, Ja k Rearo To Move lnFe J arcwk i Months Excellent - V8 Otierrg ver 2500Ail ' 905s542-2745 LancasterAMde m~52-5 Open Concept, Stunni 4 Bedrosms With 5 Wl ClosaIs, Terriffc Neighborhosd go-5 î35 Msdern Large Upgraded Krichen. Opgnoded Star Un osio.e u '. Pickets And Itailngs, Lscated rn Mlon Tais w Newest Subdvison Surny And AeryBrght. Ravine -,.,lvW ot.L The Rae Oppfunny2 ruve lnOne OITe Mos M M & - Breathaii k fng In Th GTA. Unabstrucie Vews 0f The Niagara Esca pment And Paks P onds Ad Aces Of sa c $524,900. 9u5-878-9100 UPIIATED FAMILY HOME IN Il M 2 àUM DEIRABLE DOR SET PARK S Joot m050 in-ail the work hos olrood/ been doTe' Raîsed >1 bungalow oT corner lot w tîered dock & full/ fenced yard. Pirudential Gorage acceso /AC /gos fireploce /lsads of parking. Ovîck MATTAMY POWELL, FACtNG TREFO .01 eiaaeeoekunettoor foot celnos, hardwod iloors rirrougirool main and second fioor, atirs, Supgraded kitchos ait backspiash, trio, glass doorod cuplboard, dlsk and more master wt h4 pirce esuiîte, soaker tub arts jetr uiassager, wolk in closot, coid - ela r basment, deck, rooced garder. $372,M0. i Abouel n 0 h Ba lfeg Ee Tr awhm CilgD ARr idO oetRvn oainWhFnse WCDu aeenToa odd&UgaddLnir oe #2 41 1 ~ % L t WOs g taak mto,&gDoprsdo mJnmm ,2fl' L~daefrareoeorfikeini itaasd 1en no APRIL 15, 2009 V~1ZSU SPACIOUS 3 BFOROOM% HOME ginq818 8101 Spaciouoo3 bedroom touenhome with tully tîniohed bosoment, Open concept lving/diningroom with gas tineptaco and walk out go dock. ROYAL LEPM Bright and spaciaus kîtchen. Close to Go, ochools and shopping. For lurther information unt phoos euse ci. -ETE MtEoEHalstteco teAl ý ;1ME FIOR AIL SEAsabs! tmm etaou Once in a litelinneil luckded 1.8 acre Moskok setting tucked away nl village n R'1 Campireloile walk o ail arnendties spectacular pond oneas frntm thîs toton/I u pgraded bungalow ails walkoot to concrete pool. Pish & boat on your ovin CENTRE pond custom cherry kîtchen wfth granite. audted ceilingo in living moont wthI _______ vensîoe lite lce Charong 0Tul flot need a cooago__$6q900 q .~815 343 HAWTHOlý'F VIL LAGE %,,2703-2M0 Ail derached orea. Mattam/y Scotswood, 2355 sq ht. pnomîum lot. h3 wwew katîrinelbamretcon teet mille, intrlock walk and patio, casernent windows thnoughoot. clfri hutters in kîtchen, centre îslond and waik in pantny, main 0/oflunr. 4 hedroomns master wîth 5 pc ensuite. waik to shops, - gu an parks, $419,900. Cliff Barron sain Hp an _ Îttae A heootîft Mottamy bult Shady Gien modeli n Hawthorne Village. 3 hedroomos, 9' ceilingo and oniy stops to Hawthorne Village Public School and Goondran Anglais. Prîced ot oniy $354,gOgl! Log 0000o my weborto fon mono detaîls and a oîntoal toun Todmy For 247 M-Ginis Crescent rFoul Detellt New Bangainit Frarn Mattamaj At Hawthomne Village On The Eocarpment, $25K In Uodes, Agrox. 2,000 Sq./Pt. Premiso Lookoat Escarpesent 4 Jllde Lot oabie Car Garage W/tnnide ~264 1111Accena, 2 Main Floor Bdono Witr 4 Pc. Batirs, Loft H as 2 Lare '-4264 1 111 dns. Open Concept Main Floor Plan, g' Ceîlingo On Main Ftoor. lminm« M t 0 Ve Ask PerMW colliNs 1.01i 81 7 1; 1; 12:1 r- -NEW LISTING