Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Apr 2009, p. 23

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Drivers Ir,,eeru atp I ~ Geeral/Hep Tpesbnî ii:/b/1 e/n ToHn il 4un LOCA COSRUTO COe . AZ DUPRC DRVE 'o ~mlMelpI *MONEY* ,4 S-i *EXERCISE* *INDEPENDENCE* S Paper routes are no longer just S kid's utuffl Excellent opportunîty in ()ak\ itte l'or sers ice-rninded. ~»consceentious adults. SPart-time- Wednesda-s Vridavs & Saturdavs. Yuau pick Nour houre. Oâb In terested adulte max- contact Bob o( (0/) rt37-X79)S The Milton COMMonitY Resource Centre Repaires s Part Time Cleaner far a c/nid carte cen/ru in Milton. Tbe ours are tram 2.OOpm antîl 7:00 pmi Mandsy ta Frîday. The wages wlI bu dutermîned hasud on exerîencu. MusI bu ah/e to praside a police check înc/udîng saînerablu suc/ar scruenîng. Please cati Betty Read 905 876 1244 extl 13 for more information Local Night Clu b innGergetwn * For appoîn/ment ca/I HUNT CHRYSLER JEEP Experienced Car Detaiter Rust Prooter and Maintenance Must bavesa goud va/id drivers lîcense & bu a bard worker. Vile offer a Faîl-Time po sition, M-F, 8-5pm. Wages haoed on esperrejnce. Please drap off resume ta: 500 Branle St. S., Miltaon email: lioisen@huntcbRvsier.cam Phono: 905-876-2580 Job Fair Coma and loin the Beaaer and 8a//dog Taam at our eociting nem location, 2020 Lakashore Rd W, Bur/îngtan in the Travel Lodge. Lookîng for bîgh/y motiva/ad positive people for ai positions. Please bring resunie f0 the Travel Lodge on April8andl19 front 9am fit 2pm. Apar/ment building in Bronte repaires an uligiblu candidate that wîll posses o/rang wark uop. in maîn/eflance/repair. Fluent in wrîsten and oral Eng/îsb, somne compa/ar ski//s, ps uap. reuired. Fax resume 416-364-6087 Sup e ri-n il e frit d ent ;u Please call 905-274-4788 or lainait resurnes to: i va nkui hotimail.corn - __ --j ra orang P.a Flexble Fropevoigs Cvndation auray cusomrn salesiservie aou epee e ar [905-632-43651 WorkPooSb.>de.o0, fo enuoday MONAffATPMI aor davi WDEDYAT 5PM Pease cal son o7e-2341 fan. 9a5u7e-2364 Contour Landscape & Design III We need yau on aur team! Labourers and uuperîenced Supervisor requîred for oar Landocapu Maintenance division. Sesonal and/or fa/I lime yesr roundi mark in tbe Mlton/Mssîssaga ares. Must bu bard morkîng and au/f mo/iosted thal marks Weil n a teamn environnment. Wageo commensurable witb uaperience and attitude. Please fax resume Ia (905) 854-0644 and cai (905) 854-0640. / 0-years plus. Faliy eeperîenced in ail aspects of custom miilwark fabrication. JUIRCAIE. MKR 3-yesrs plus. Custom mîllwark, veneera, souida, plastic laminate. Gereon Fao: 905-702-1854 TRAFALGAR GOLF& COUNTRY CLUB « han the following seasonal position« available: If you are a team player wîth excellent communication akillo and wsnt ta work in s fan tast paced envirooment, pleane farward your resume to: Fax: 905-878-1699 Email: martha@trafalgargolf.cflm Long Established Paving Companyl I vquIrvs *O'Z Driver I.Asphalt Rakemanl Operator Eap, nucea ary Good puy wit /roas Caîl 905-842-4141 AUTIJMOTIVE PAINTER su lime Min 5ys Eep. Reg Waler/Base Ie an asset Great Wages! Bavas & benefits RIRSP's Fal/y eqauppud busy collision ceotrr wcfhrd@nmail.com or aller 7pm caîl 905-981-2014 equrs Eprncud FNSE/CABINET ASSEMBLER 6 bhears Euperiunce Minimum. Fao 905-877-6451 or app/y in persan: Ofic elp elp fa19(5-8 78-2341 ýW1 To book .aee opportnît.a SimpIy Accounting. Mion If you are an eeperienced Cas/arn Bailder or Renoua/or who os ready ta work tor an awsrd winning, established Oukaîlle builder, we want ta heur tram yoa. Wile are Iooking for a PROJECT MANAGER wbo knawo haw ta drivesa projeot, is client focuoed, and underotando haw ta baI higb- end esceptioval homes. Your day ta day resonîhlîties inclade projead planning, aile supervision, budget adherence, trade tendering, satety, and ensurîng the pralect sas an ochedule. Candidates abould pusuesa a atrong techaîcal an aile abi Exparience in Micrasah Project an auset. il you are ready to join a fast paced teamn, who love what they do, send your resume f0 custom homes@hotmail.com L CEMENT Construction!/ Maintenance Electrician This challengîng position in the Miltan ares prosîdea electrîcal maintenance services for variaus types ut manuacturîng related eqaipment. You wîll diagnoae causes ut breakdowns and make necessary repaira. As part ut construction you wiii be învolved n removals, replacements, and inotaIt surinas composants. Repaires a Valîd Elecîrîcal Certificate af Qualification (309A or 442A) and a warkîng knowledge ot PLC's, instrumentation, motoro and motor conitrais, relaya and transformera. Job invooea s'orking iv ouldoor environmvrint. Locatvd in ile Mi ion i iu isv rnioni position provîdes a compsîilivv Saiary and renefîl package and wili reqoîre shifb work. Please su bmit resumes by tas to (905) 878-3442 Bookkeeper Part-time z -Grl Help Drwo odings R e aires (a lae-inl te ta anga n /uosry high-risa build- ing in Bur/ingtan or Ki/chenier. The aac- canoti candidates mîli have eoceptîonal casomer service. A provun /rack record Oi leasing,, mainte- nance & manage- ment of residen/isi ap/. bai/ding. Com- petîtîva oa/sry & benetits atfered. Please fax resume ta 519-673-0809 drewloh Idins.com f ,' of Agents& Agents The Oakville Beaver a division of Mefrolavd'a Ha/tan Media Grsay, han an immediafe apening for OUTSIDE ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE The qualîtied candidate wîll be a motîsated, in- dependent, selt-starter drîsen by achiesement. You wîll pausesa excellent wrîtten and verbal communication ski/la and bu famîliar wîth Mi- crosoht comparer applications. In Ibis raie, you wîll be castomer focuaud and wili bud atrsng relutînohîpa wîth new and ea- îstîng clients by enaurîng that their adsertiaing needa are met. You wîll bu goal orîuntvd and capable ot meeting rugular monthly budget. If you would lîke so wsrk for a leader in the mu- dia înduutry tbîu opportunîty may bu the rîpht one for yau. Wu affur a compultise compen- sation & buvietît package as veh as opporlu- nîties for ftrre caruer growrb. Reliable subic/e is reuarud. If întereatud plusse forward your rusumu oCI Kendra.miller@metrolattd.com We appreciate the interest of aIl applicants however osly t/rose selected for an interview usili bu contacted. No phone cals or agencies pIease. Out's'ide Sales iaaapnst ilee/ "W I sks Ryaeeu t4e0%"lmqÀud£cemssi 4 oel t4 rMactut i. rtwuu NI Ul*A adCIaR cOuE/uuesEO I Meeseu IsIs buct5iL De/J eeI nlu 5tr Doe ro ho .ovss ,]rowr/r, vme ors seekiog dysas -, indivduals for 'l/ ul fa/ioe postin of Natianal/ Retai/ Sales Rupresentatefe the I/r Cearer Toronne a rea. L Ciry Parenr Nvwsmogaznsv a Dinîsion af Metrraad Merdia Group Lrd1 us Cavada's leaduog reguosoal o prooides rargerud, cosr effecrive aduerrîaîng and > marketing opporruvurues ro local and national b unse .5erse machng faorivs. Award vv ig conn relevant la local tm he moisi camprubunsîsu i nformation for the wbole Rami/y. Gar an/une par/ai lcityparent.coml, and mo//ip/e specia//y publications and eaevrs prooldu adaurtauers wl/b ane-stop Nimarketing salutians /0 reach Canedian famlues. T/ru qualufued candidate wîl/ bu a mvtiuated, Au ndependenr, self-starter wi/h preaiuss retaîl, oursîde nr insîde sales exerience.fau wili posseus excellent viffwnneo andI verbal communicatiaon ski//s and wî// be motîvated torauc/neye resu//s. sIc n t/rus rolle, yvu wil/ bu cuvmer tocused andI wu/l bau/d ae, s/rang relatioansbups wur/r new and eoistîvg c//en/s by u nsurivg that t/rur direc/sry adoerlîsîng nuedu are l" met. You muIl bu goal-oriuntud and capable of meeting el>/.movrh/y targu/s. A rulîab/e ebucle ns requurud. vt/ad If oa wvald like to wsrk for a leader ln thne media ktu indas/ry rbis opportun/ty may bu t/e r/g/rt ane for yva.We affur a campetituae compensation and beneftt package, Full rime compensation incisudus: - eathcare and Dental Benehîts O e/ered Pro/il ShariengP/ana -Lite Issurance - 3 Weeks Vacatian ro Stars M sales Incentives and contests - areer Devetupmsent andI Astvascesues/ OpportuflitieS - compesîsîve Salary & Commission Structure * Automotîve AI/owance POSITION AVAI/ARLE FOR FREELANCE & PERMANENT FOUL T/ME If interested plusse forward your resumne toi: vdillane@formulamediagroup.comn I INSIDE SALES Fastener campany un Miton requirus an uvaîde sales pvruan, eeperîevce us lastener îndoslry prii but wiuoe.gttrai th~Ie oneren Pieuse fax resume to 905-670-2506 A TTN: Mike Jones Part Timie Receptionist Lexus ot IJakville reqaires s part tîme receptioniot ta mark 2-3 eoenîngs pur muek tram Spm-e îOpm and uvery Saturduy Ram-Spm mitb evury thîrd Saturday off. T/e ides/ candidate must bu mature and paisses good people okilla, excellent command afthbe Englîab language & weii orgsnîzed. Comparer ukîlis a must. Automotîse des/erabîp euperîence an asaut. Fax Vou resume in confidence to: 905.847.4598 or ornait: employment@lexusofoakville.ca service, z *0 classified z ads. lyo can t anwod ilc i.ed mD fa, ] , n ., SnlIaleadsitep CaASIIodhEWD E-rrI Permanent Fuil-Time Staff Needed Immediately Lookîng for a career? We are a tant growîng Mississaaga-based commercial swîmmîng pool company. No lay-offs. Year round wark. We otter bene- ts, bonus programa. great team, Clean drivers abstract required & must bu bondable. Client Relations Coordinator Pont Sec. Ed., Pool apura/ion & AccPac euperîence an assaI. Wîll prosîde in-field maintenance training. M-F 7.00 am /o 5:00 pmn. $35,000 ta S45,000/yr lnterested in an apprenticeship? Aquatic Service Rep General pool maintenance & aqaatic experience an asset. Wî// train, $30,000 $40,000/yr Warehousel Delivery Person Know/edge of GTA, 25+, Lift 50 Ibs. Warebouse organization an asset. Foot Sec., Confract, $14.00/hr Fax: 905-569-6160 or email resumne to tclarke@sereiceplusaquatics.com EQUAL OPPORTUN/TV EMPLOYER M General Help 1 1 - - 1 M la 'es 'e'p & Agents Skilled & Skilled & Technical Help Technical Help

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