SPLORTS CLAOOIO CUGLIARi / SPE( IAL PC THEl CHAMPION FANCY S11CKVVORK: Assistant captain Jordan CuIIum of Halton/Peel Cruisers Sports for the Physically Disabled showvs his stickhandling prowess during an exhibition sledge hockey game against the WNindsor Ice Bullets Saturday atternoon at Milton Sports Centre. The game - which Cruisers Sports won 8-4 - was part of an afternoon double-header to introduce fans and players to sledge hockey. Members of the local mîdget house-league Stars and Blues took to the sledges afterwards. Homner reigns supreme at Ontario Cup The Springers' golden girl sîrikes again. For the third lime thîs season, Emiiv Homer bas captured overaîl gold -doing so this lime around at the recent Ontario Cup event in St. C atharines. Highlighting the weekend with a firsî-placc finish on bars, the Milton gymnast placed top îhree in al four events en route to ber overali vîctory among 70 competitors in the Level 5, 12-year-old division. An ali-around winner at the first and final provin- cial qualifiers, she took silver on floor, wbile ber heam and vault performances were hoîh gond enough for bronze. This marked an impressive lune-up to, next week- end's Ontario cbampionships in Windsor, where Homer is a bonafide contender for an overail medai. Nearly jotninig ber on tbe allariîund Onutario ( up podium ai ber nxvn event ni trangevillc wascl tub- maie Sydnevlnnsn On the sîrcigtb iif sîlver- medal efforts on bars aint flior. thtlinesaI piaced lnurtb in the t evelc 7 ranks. She finished fourtb on heans antI lthl tmn x-atlt. Also pari ni tie [.ext1 5 Ontarin ( up iii Si. Catbarines, 13 y car nId Atnanda I-nrsstrim 'sas I Oib overali - îbani<s to a fnurtb on bars antI sescnt on vauit. Ilcaîber Sadler, 13, anti Victoria Peetnnm, IL), caclh placed 141h tu the al-artmund standings i Orangevîlle, whilc 3Oth overail in St. Catharines was iinne yar-onId Anje Samstag-Sthnock. Ail îhrec seccred at ieast nnie tnp-id sbowing. SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail sleblanc@miItoncanadialchamPiofl.com Moffat dlaims hnational gold Just third E.C. Drury wrestler to win Canadianjuvenile tidle High sîaktcs gnltf hit cluîtetl Dtuntan Moliat Hlnng enntigb i fas îng badtl I settle foîr tht l->fs las ntrahle shitcles ni miedais ai a 11nci ni prnoincni t- t-lits ns t-i i(Drcîr ssicltler lta iy reathed the tnp of ilte pothim - He dîd sn cariier tis month in Fredericton, New Brunswitk - thîrd-esýer natinal v-e nde thamspiton.Dna -I think i sxent in Dn under tht' radar, saîd Moi-fat, wisn tIainset sîlver cil prnxvincials antI bronze ai CF SAA lac-t innnth Aý-ftt-r I \xois I tottit stopI-t c-u ing. I \xas talling mxN sxlsofe lamîils xx ibmi fis-t mnutes nf' geîîîng off tIse mat. Il ditînt ,ceiii reil 10 me.- Perses tring tht ntlghl soîsse tough tlrasxs tht îtghot the lotît naineni. thc 58-kilogram tstn piîtritkt-ti Iis goltl-issedai rns xx ti a nucastîtc of' rex enge. Up agatîssi I ndtons Richard BJalfour - w',ho'citlcnîed bits-t Ontario goltl - Moi-fat ralsied frons a fhrst- i ocîrtd lnss via t-linch lo is n 1-0, 2- Hîis îratlesark imipressîse defence scrsed bits- sxcll otsu cast. en route to thc finals. inclncling O(ne oS cr biiglsioitcd T (li (QsiapoNwicb ni Regina. Said Moffai, -I just 55vcnt out tii-re cairn an< l ad fno rcal expet- and sbut everyone donn onsbip triumph solidifies Moffai as a tnp toniender S fnr thîs years Canada Sumnîur Cames, sith Drurs set tn bnst tbc trials May 9 and 10. Moffat Wbile stîli feeling the elects nf a receni sbnulder injur>,, f.C. cn-captain stili rnanaged to rcacb the sernifinals in the 5-4 kg ranks - \Nbere a font injurv and sribsecjuent iwo-round loss în cventtial chamspion Nnlan Denhami of London ended bis riedal bopes. The former iSiSAA gnld inedalisi snidicred on, but drnpped bis nexi îwn matches hnih by one-pomnt decîsions - 10 end up sixtb. He turcd bacl, bis fîrst îxvn oppnnts of ihe xx ekend, bigb- lighting thîs caris, succcss wiîh a buge fixe point supiex in a quar- terfinal vîctory over Sarnias Trevor Huckle. HiDI, levai, intensive tacholcal training, tealuring coaching and training staff tram ialys A. C. Milan "Warldwida Camps" Dlrectad hy visiting Milan Traînea, tha Milan Jiunior Camp consists af 1 or 2 waak summer camps basait on A. C. Milans training phloasopieas; individualiiad training, hait contret, possession, conditianing and game vision. CAMP_____________ SUMMER SOCCER CAMPS 2 m iA Athiala agas: 9Y eats ta 18 Yats $580. JuIy 2Otb*24th j JuIy 27th-3lst : a W Full Bays Tue W ok Full Un y SHERWOOD FOREST PARK & S ERWOOD FOREST PARK , m ilivM ual aite ad Tom Regihalo Availablo At 7junifor Camnp WwwsoutwestsoccracadmyCOm