Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Apr 2009, p. 17

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P;IrIçrçhin kç in ail o f LiÇ sneaker telkis non-p rofit cjoups LJr. Vince Molinaro says cnarisma is over-emphasized when it cornes ta leadership. By Tim Foran CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF The future leadership ut Halions non-profit organizations shouldn't be leit in the hands ut une executive direcior or a cbarismaîic figure, according tu Dr. Vince Molinaro, author ut The Leadershipt Gap. "We think ut leadership as a special trait that unly exists in some ut us," Molinaro told a receni gatbering of non-profit organization empluyees and Sheridan College studenis. 1I îhink of fi as a cure human irait... something ihai exisîs witbin ail ut us." Molinaro, principal wfîh Knighisbridge Human Capital Soluions, was the keynote speaker at the Leadership Maîters Forum held at the [lton regional auditorium. Planncd by various non-profit groups and Halton Region, the forum was a day-long train- ing session beld tu huild leadership capaciîy wiîhin the non-profit sector. According îo Adelîna Urhanski, commis- sioner of social and commnunity services for the Region, Halions non-profit sectur is -under a iremendous amounit of stress." Along with financial challenges, mure Halion residenî.s require assistance from the sec- tor wiîh increasingly complex problems. Molinaro, a noted speaker to the business e se e e"Ice i Enjoy the fresh air of the outdoors - indoors with Lennox® Hoalthy Climato Indoor Air ûualmty Systems. A complote fine of ozone-free air filters, air purifiers, humidifiers and vontilators that reduce allergens, regulate humidity and fMI your home with clean, hoalthy air. Peceive up to a $1,200 PEBÂTE when y.- purchase a qualifying high-efficiency home comfort system* ' 925 Main SreeOEast, Unit 3 Millon,,ON LRT 4H8 meefanial ni 905-878-1I979 ý.srt,,oh.ca PREMIER 24-1i5,r ,e, tNI')x Offer expires 06/12Jt09. E V vI~ 72 C©1 lLno, Industries lic. Leonox dealers include indepîedently owned and opecated bosinesses *See youi pariiçatiln [innox dealef for detaîts. One otier avatable per qualitying purchase Relate olfe, is valet only witO the purchase of qualilying LennoxO producis. e9..~o'aku od $B SAVINfîGSMR44 AT MILTONS NORTH END NISSAN 2009 NISSA ROGUE S $ug,40MR FWD 0/0~ 48Mffthi 610 MARTIN STREET, -- - 905-878-4137 2.9~_ 7 MtS I uGR H EULU SALES DEPI. HOURS: Financing Up To 36 Mths. No Payments For 90 Days mon.-Thurs. 9:00 - 9:00 frih f$500 . par0 ii,0 I hn k i t pl ubeioOSG sO c ' n yOolo,rlae's~e LTD. Sait. 9:00 - 5:00 WW Pn, o' ,O0 ,,ogtl 1u' ,lu'Inpee E l.,,l o,,. .,Oor MILN~ w.nissafl.c8 HF 1 community, carrted bis message of collective ! leadership to forum atiendees. "We don't need Z beroes," he said. "We really need to figure out lm buw tuo create a community of leaders." To do this, organizations necd to move away M from the colt of personality that exisîs around z leadership and which over-emphasizes charis- ma, Molinaro said. Molinaro wilf also be the keynote speaker ai ' a second insialment ufthe forum, ibis lime for ~ board directors next Wednesday from 6:30 to 9 p.m. ai the regional audiîorium. For more infor-~ mation, visit www.halton.ca/leadershipmaiters. TIn Foran can be reached at aboran64bni/ton- ~ canadanehampion. com. CC

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