P/Iaf's arrn burned in blaze A Milton marn sulfered minoir injuries too close to the lurnatce during a [ire at a residence Monday nigbt. The mani was taken to Milton District At about 10:3Ô p.mn. firefighters respond- Hospital for smoke inhalation and first- ed te, a cal1 at a townhouse complex on degree burns on his armi (.)her occupants, Ontario Street near Steeles Avenue. wherc a nctoding wo dogs, wcrent injurd. 1 [ire had started in the basement. A mie rela- Thc btaze was containcd to the hasemnent Z tive of the homeowner - in bis twenties - and irelîghitcrs had it knocked tlowsn in 1 had heen workîng wx th anl acrosol-tx Pt glue mmnutcs. About $ 10,000 lainage ws catîscd Office fire under investigation Fier LytlHoecosrcinst rdyigitcgue. gi-lgit l ot the l il 1 Canadian n n n iît rini. mlChampion remains~~~~~ Lide inetgain miuts police were called to the Dcrry Road and an cstinmatc on thc damagc wasn'î availablc. NOIC OF PULI OEN S Sustainable Halton, Off iciai Plan Review Directions and Proposed Regional Off iciai Plan Amendment No. 37 ("An Amendment to Incorporate the Basic Requirements of thePlaces to Grow Plan") The Regional Municipality of Halton has been undertaking a series of studies through a Sustainable Halton process to identify the preferred land use option and associated policies that will flot only meet the requirements of the Provincial Places to Grow Plan but also represent the five-year review of the Region's Officiai Plan under Section 26 of The Planning Act. You are invited to drop in to one of the following Public Open House sessions: DATE: TIME: LOCATION: DATE: TIME: LOCATION: DATE: TIME: LOCATION: DATE: TIME: LOCATION: Tuesday, April 2 1 st, 2009 6.00 Pm to 9.00 Pm (presentation at 7:00 pm) Milton Sports Centre, Banquet Room, 605 Santa Maria BIvd , Milton Tuesday, April 28th, 2009 6:00 pm to 9.00 pm (presentation at 700 pm) Rotary Youth Centre, 560 Guelph Uine, Burlingtor Wednesday, April 29th, 2009 6 00 pm to 9.00 pm (presentation at 7.00 pm) Halton Regional Centre, Auditorium, 11 t St ronte Road, Oakville Thursday, April 3Oth, 2009 6,00 pm to U0O pm (presentation at 7:00 pm) Mold Masters Sportsplex & Park, The Hall, 221 Guelph Street (Hwy #7), Halton His The purpose of this Public Open House is to give the public an opportunity to review materials and ask questions about the latest findings from the Sustainable Halton studies and proposed directions for changing the Regional Officiai Plan. It is also the open house to provide the public with information on Proposed Regional Off iciai Plan Amendment No. 37 under Section 17(16) of the Planning Act. This Amendment is intended to update the Regional Officiai Plan incorporating basic requirements of the Places to Grow Plan by lune 16, 2009, as mandated by The Places to Grow Act, 2005. More information about Sustainable Halton is located on the Region's website at www. ha lton.cal1susta ila bl ehalIton. There will be opportunities for you to provide comments prior to, during and after the Public Open House sessions. You may direct your comments to Anita Fabac at (905) 825-6000 ext. 7187, or foll free at 1-866-442-5866; or by e-mail to a nita.fabac@halIton. ca. Please note that the Public Open Houses are information sessions only and do not constitute the statutory public meeting of Council under Section 17(1 5)(d) or Section 26(3)(b) of The Planning Act, for which there will be separate notice. Oated at the Town of Oakville April 3 20t9. g ,M 13U WTHCONFIDENCE WORRY-FREE PURCHASUNG ilCab I NTEGRITY A DVA N -lAU EYear In these uncertain times, we're making things essier - with the K,;, 'Ii y Advard.qe. It's designed to prcr'o r yj, ,,id yû jir'~-. ,: And i ts the ftirst and only prograre of Ifs kmnd in Canada off ered by a manufacturer - and it's avallabl" t ejror Right now, buy any new Kia, and we'l l et you return it without penalty should you lose your income within the year. lits our way of taking the risk out of leasing or financing. Because of ail the feelings that corne with buying a new car, worry shouldn't be one of them. 5yrIl 00,000 km Comprehensive & Powertrain Warranty with Roadside Assistance. "MILTON KMA EXCLUSIVE" Milton Kla ls pleased ta annaunce aur new 'VIP Cris .nicr Proq1ran' whmch gives ail New Vehicle Buyers .NG, CHARGZE" Lui-e. rOu, Fit,-r, Changes for the First 5 Years of Ownership. Certain rp.sfrictions apply - visit Milton Kia for complete detaîls. V / PURCHASE SFUNANCUNG ON ALL 2009 KIA'S' FOR STARTINGTODAY! n ir"- PA () T 11 I I i xý,/ // __r fi' JUSI NORTH 0F THE MILTON MAIL 5Onalo g or, Milto Il Th etoSrrs 1" I"lz- / L - 1, t là , 4 , t. a 0 1 fi 11 Il