Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Apr 2009, p. 21

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SLaser & Cosmetic Centre Judith E. Fmon - froctor 25 Yeats Experîence HOW TO FRESHEN UP FOR SPRING Maty of our patictts conne it islorn persoaie I J alysis anJ progranu 10 look, their bcsl for the new saon On a reteni trip ici the Anti-Aging Show wiih a grîîip tiflDerntal Therupisîs. we found t nîyriad oh crealîrs. potilons, humne des jes anJ miracle promisitg treatmntus. i is nmore ihan a Fuil confusiîug 1h rnt of the public. This is why ptrsi>naliedi skin c-arte and lreairneîîs are even more impotiranti fit ycur specifit needs. I-or iresher hnîghler skin: getling rîd oi- suai latitage. hyperpîgmenlation: bruîkcn blîîod vessels/capiflaries; tic-ne scarring or refiniiîg the forte anJ texture ihere are several technoloîgies fihal are hoih effective and c-t efficient. Only nuedîcal grade Micrutderiuabrasiot, Lasers ltor Hair Reinoval. BBEL, for Pholorejuvenation and Prtîlraciional lasers have the abîliiy iii achieve the resuts yîîa are ftîîkîng forin the c-ast ainouti of treatments. Spas tir clînies that otly have tint laser will not be able t0 achieve ihai. which yotr skîîî mu> nec-J. Efficîenlly trained professitinals ure ablet ii cîîslîînî.' the Ireaunietîti, or spetifit skîn coînditions iii eil-eeisely îîîp rivc tlie Cetisiltii aitisat aice lTe iacte cnolositigie, utl- t lli , ci b and effective wih no Jotiniue reqtîred. This spring lry several body or facial tretlntls lui look yotr besîl CALL OUR MEDICAL CLINIC FOR A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION AND PERSONAL SKIN ANALYSIS WITH ONE OF OUR DERMAL THERAPIST TODAY electrolysi scol lege (& belîInt.ca 69 Main SF. E., Unit 9, MiltOn Medical Arts Building, Side Ent-rance 9 05-864-0000 E layne Tanner & Associales 1 c. Elayne M. Tanner - PhD<C), BA- BSW, MSW, RSW. Dîp Soc Admîn Counselling & Psychotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 Eiayno M. Tanner www.etasolutions.com 0: My tbiid is alraid to go to schoi and has ail sorts ai physicai comptaints that go away as the day wear on. 1 amn alraid ho is being boitied. A: Buhlying ts aggressive- itenfional behovieur repeafed ttver lime Ifal tevoites an imbalance of power or sîrengîf. Il con he physical such as hilting- emefiotal fike faunfing and leasing or rumors in peroon or en-lite. acte such as slealîng the viclim's possessions or passive as in ignoring or footing ouf the effet individoal. Viclimo tend fo ho passive or shmissive atd are effet cautiess sentiîve, guiet, wvilfdrawn or sfy. Tfey are oflen aise anetoîs and insecare mîff low soif esleem. The buli s on the tfer hand, are cffen of dtminant peîsonalîfy and fond 10 ho impul site, easily angered and wifh fitlie empaffy. Solfies are fregîenfiy defiani and sggressîvto leadaîfs înclsdîng parenfs and leacfers and effet demonsîrafe antisocial behavioors, such as active raie hreakîng, 501h boys and girls con be bai lies. Boys mho bsily are oflen physîcally efronger tfan tiller btys te generai Shaffering moey mylfe and aifeîîng the may mie otk milS Stifies, if is ntm recognized Ifaf btifies dt not fate seif-esleem profliem eten ffotgf Ifot ts mfaf is often saîd, This meons 1ha1 înslead of lrying le bud the confidence of o faly- which rosi/fs te reînforcing Ifoir flling bofotîtar. me must leocf empaffy and btîid o comprefensite response Ifaf inciades feachers, parents, schoti staff ond aul sladents Stidenîs react 10 wafcfing btiiyîeg at actite tr passite stpporters of the btiiy ot of tîclîms. A social cotint meakeing tf normai cotl ond inhibitions agotool oggretsite londencies tcctrs wftcf meano ffol os btiiying is Seing tbsetted, il focomet mtre occopted and no tne rakes responsibifly for stppîîîg il Thero ns a tory effectite omoîd mînnîng anli faiiyîng progrom trîgunalueg frtîn Normoy Seing iaed in maey scfttlin the USý ltis tapporlod by research and ts meli roceised. il is the Cimeas Buiiying Preteelto Prtgrom, Ftr informatîtît tot fhîo prtgram see mmm oimett trg. If yot fînd Ihaf yttr chtd ts Seing Stlied or es o btiiy coul Elone Tanner & Associales and mie con tef youtt deol murS ut effeclteiy fefore the prnfiems gel outIü hafnd. I'H E ,PI1NCG Y ouL H E1, P You L R Ei1,F" GREG J. LAWRENCE B.Sc.,D-CH- FOOT SPECIALISTSI CHIROPODISTS 550 Ontario Si. S., Unit 205, Grog J. Lawrence Milton, (905) 878-6479 l.c,.h A Princess Anne Dr., Georgetown (905) 702-1611 mîthelle Mummery Ilth. Member of the Ontario Society of Chiropodisis and The Ontario College if Chiropudist QI have foot pain as a result of walhing barefoot on my ceramic tîle in the house. I wear orthotics but do not want to wear outdoor frootwear inside. What do you recommend? A. Wc now have an orihopedic slippcr available through the clinic. The slipper i, issade b\ Bîcîltinte and lias a ciît.ll insole that accortinodates orthotic devices. The slippers are avaîlable in both mens and womens sizes in vartous colours. Please cali or dr-op by t~he clinic ito try on a pair today! d1Î BARROW FAMILY1~ -, CHIROPRACTrICU 180 Outarlo St S. Milton L -'41 (905) 878-4994 DAn» 9.ci - Fax(905) 875-4485 email: barrowfamliychlropractic@cogeco.ca MY SPNE IS ONLY A UTTLE MIT 0F PLACE AND PM ONLY SUGHtY OVERWEIIfr. WHY IS THIS À5BI DEAL? Il is itcrcdifiy ditllîculi lu relax knoAn ila o atnaoii fpol icid aluicstIicihbat docsni t.k int onýicai it Iec, Rih nx as youtcead tiis iwhcict o rai/lo ou >narink k liiýtml Cnrrent reseatch ,hoiws us that etet ubile i stuc-s regaddlg >oiii îiiiu spitte. you til iiient lts.antt ettC il u 5ittit l ii tid radic:aIls uic-ci whethc' rrii r yr ichîidren caie a hate The dli iiin ol discase is any crOtl esisiitg ti tu nois ii att Parti yirnr lîlelyle. ihat tshen preseni dritsfile attd teati ti pretiaitîre ticai A goîîd esatîîpie sý the Itiss of cure in >iitt tecký ftinstatl licad pîturt. anti oiliss Wiien pi eset ihese drain îile and cause death. iThcý liait thais, c-alltO "a nittnaIty rate. i hertitire flie> arc tilt sittîpiy spinal pitiihic'iiist nri tus di sea se ifthttttctitrcrch fiid the sauto tbc truc abutntt ca-ar> ng a tti esxta pittitts sý eitiiigi ii iticase fic rîsk ii deuli. c-idit It Iwtt large sItItiies oi itatietîts s'hi ire titi i iankiy obce.t A piitsIiectiitestLii(i 527-16 Atitericati tutti attuol tîtîîtt i ittît 5ii1t,71 eiI, a l [tiie iii the s it tiid thai hciniugttte igIti ai ittititi tige titi iticîislel t risk o\r\eitI i, aîsîs.îîeî tit iii anilcicîseti n iii tit eititi, tepttiil Kisciilli Adaisý ['ili), ii flitc Ntional Caniccr iistittite. i Tetet tilt etc-il i iti a Icii c-tira pîtîtîtîos oii uu îdi sý. ls dct ituiîiitatis- Rtstcacii- i tittî iti ot ýic- t n ang d utc1 peopls e i aciii titiiiciciic laIt t il i lieAtgîsi'4 iitsiiti i lLti ni catna ert tttttit,îi ii \tiiciecp b , d lit A \îicistn itii aitOMil 3 i iol iut eiteciiiietitsiibesetiiict>uii1ttiticcii -5 tii 21Vi regartiet as utc-u ltîptî na itititti tii, deliitt as cmi llie t ittiaie at stifcnritiinittdti liiia ait iticitasetil c-duiI 1 iittu \ýde pithinhiifgitits %xtt il aî hlît ii chliitc disettes" chuiliti S'ciec(I clin tii sIiets ettilligit [lie itii itice ii itktiig citec-l hui litd,, belotte il cai ltiti i titnrake c-att (i tontit f is c atiet sttt ,,si iti hi are tic-ce-tode ilts n atd t O i c'ii > Ittc lt. it%\ t 11110 site f il. itatdie stiecst. ithel [lt it clîlîtSe Ili CWstîtî an t xitisieîo-îîîiîttîti tire gtitg tri lake care oii 5îtt spin.Tte cîîîeiîîîs 't, litent 1 M ---- - -T 7 r ril f L-j 'i DR. RON STROHAN O PTOM ET RIST Wakefield Professional Centre 100 WAKEFIELD RD tir. Ron Strohan MILTON. ONTARIO -L9)T 2L-8 Optometrist IPHON[: 905-878-5882 -FAX: 905-878-7158 HOW OPTOMETRISTS SAVE LIVES 1. -ni IXAMINAIIIONS INVOIVII VII WIN(GO <if I I'N II ION Ol 111 NI RVOIIS %YS IIM ht hi-iti IRIS a, ritte , i,îe thtiri issi Ilit unmo ol louiIRIî ohi ngt- is l i-ihu ItîuI- î atu rîîut it t't Ir - uitîi v ur brain Iii ar t \ttsîihîhîaiu fon c gt fýur u i n adg ituiui c-tlo(it i ri h rg r fcidt(c il A ig i, )-lni ýiti(ot - -i t rit i~ an ilir orgatit l udn Il iulîhpîu d- r s l tuuîl î unptit .. ri ,,ý i ingllf i ,iî Aîî u to ,Ili, vN -î ui s oint, ar - - I II tuilant I i l 1 r 111 L lu l- ...l.. rîhîuîîîiiu-iî tut -Io ,.îiîi-aiR s - ý -ut -ui-.i.......ilI iti e-,ct I uulliuit~~~~ .......i c- Îhu ,~iiu2tI -' t'giiclîu lilli-icu i 111- lil ,11a 11 ( ii lNl L .[Iti g 5 1 1 - I"[lii,(,, lip l " Q l\ 1 r I w nt to be ale tol h garden whe I icit eea1l RN I~ ~ ~ \' ik t u Ianaid to f I purchae rnou nllow, ai, wiIb, i re pb h ti, Iar eayt usýen itay sugtgetins Myik smit od it) wl e al svcrie wcary he trna 1OI am> ieadiy~ c- to t> aidc sgetono buying your Blk BG arloyeryyo'lb abieý,iiic to take adana often god weadher as ît csone, fise peruaot dai4 wîîn sdoe suvitet lhiii (> a volt -ci fli oiet) rinw l, keepigrc- o ado soil dr> and ready fori Plariog.ic No uir>r>> loise it rlil. It i re-adyv ttiell t >ti arc.

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