Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Apr 2009, p. 7

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Spieding iniDre ak ~ .k&~~ has indeed become a problemi out cash-strapped Farmers Bank DEAR EDITOR: i appiaud Tyrone Seeds for expressing bis concemrs in bis tetter te tbe editor Marcb 27 regarding tbe bigb raie cf speed cf some drivers on Cabot Trail. In reaiîy. ail cf Dorset Park bas corne under double tbe amount cf traffie and mucb higber speeds iban tbe posîed tirnits in recent ycars. Lorne Scots Boulevard, Joyce Boulevard, Mapie Avenue, Woodward Avenue and Wilson Drive are aIl subjeet to the sanie safety concerns. Ever since the ocning cf ail the box stores along the borders cf Dorset Park, trattic on ocir main sîrecîs bias ciecbieci. 1 have lîvecl in ibis ccfltttciti- îy for more iban 30 y'ears ancl bave scen vcr> litte police actiN ity in Doîrset Park. Monitoring the tour-way intersections scirrctincing tbe clemenmary sc beels - aitbomtgb important - faits te addclrss ibe beari cf tbe proein Drivers cointtntalIIy c ut mrougb dilr cenîntniiy in thec effort ici take short cuils, and ire doing so ai clangerocîs speeds. in ibeir rcush, ibese dcîrs are îgncring tbe pesiec l)ect( lirnits ancid ibct'îl, Ible DEAR EDITOR: inst past sc-L otas\ suitite îî cils tittît hockey played in M4iltcmn, as tbe beucilagcca son cîîncclect wvih the annuai chanmpionsltp iccirnaitent. Dur ieamt, the majotr aicîm Leats, Itac te ptas the Blues iii the finals. We're taiking abouct i1c- year cids, se ycmt cati imagine thai tbe es\citeiinent tif tc day ivas lîke gaine seven cf tbe Sianlcs f upt piavoffs. As eacb player caine inîci the dressing lin. sotie saîd îhey wcren't nervcîus sitile îts had buimerfiies in tbeir sititachs. AIl geared ctp tîtr the finai gaine otf tte scistît ptarents anti sîblings ciresscd in Lcafs noti and Lottery winner should DEAR EDITOR: aiilte ic- 0II F'm writtng it response tut onis dît sît ct Rob Thompscn's recent letter sua îîany îiîys a enîitled 'Loceal man keepîng jtb free tirne beftri afier big lctiery win seems your bair ot. raîher sclfisb.' its not Ket In my opinion, Thompson is ycu losî tocur the selfisb one. Yes, $12.5 mit- responsibilîîy t lion is a lot cf money, but the job. In fact, it winner is oniy 3i. Couid you resptnsibility imagine how bcring fife wouid Evcrywber. be for hîm if he did notbing for there are sigo saletv ofi ibe ciinîonity i hate cocnîac ted myý tîîwn and rc'gîonai c otîncilsîr, ( olini Besi, asking for bieip mi res( lving ibis issue. Il y'oti re as c oncerniec as i arn, iben 1 cîrge sen te (Io ille saine' XVard 4 cocincillors ,îrc t3est, Patil St bei tci- \ eil Sebau. As Otir tos'. gr.os'.,, sc s.e ec to aclîpi lii a respiinsibie mrnecr ici ensu tîteie salet, ef ils citi zenls. iii0 [ib0se sîbui ibey ie spcLi hoiits lit Dorset Park. t ltciikl s îo DOUG WILSON MILTON s0tttc ltca\i 5 icic't t'. aittteig oui icatt bttt tl i a'. 'cc- prtoct. Ilîîckc us alitsc antd S c Il ini tIt t1c s Icaguit ranlk'. ii \Iltoîî. 10i the piiis ofiIltle I ca~ls andttli tc'tis, tltttttý sou fon\,oi- stuppoirt on Iliat i . \nd iii îttt kistu ibank sou liii tlic ttc utirtes, dit seil lic \ii t l t-- coach Paul, \ikc tîtl ii.'i li sc SCO n't have to q uit his sutec Su tîtels ni C it lteiig alItîtoi gem al tes Nre ioi higb îta" i ammc ittisi iftl iett art fcast foodcl tut sîtite i betterthib mut inctne. cip) yecir precittus pride binng cicr)on elte s ntscrun'antI geî a HAYLE~ mnatien ivitactcd /rern p)asi issues o/ iht- Chamnpion atid other- pub/h allons in on/ct to prcmvide ai iind-ow imite Mîltoî 's pasi. Evp/anotorv e ciniflcltt is soinctlmes pi-vlcc Ie p/oc e the' silia tlomî in conte. October 1912 Farmers Bank sharebolders have been noîtieid ihat the), will be rcquircd to pay the double tiabiimy An order bas been issuedi by Geerge Kappeite, officiai reterce, calling upon ail shareholders cf tbe wreckcd banik te pay the amouni of ail divi- dends wriglully paid me ibein k' tbe Farier'. Bank anel 100 per cent cf the arnecint dcîe by themi as share- bolders under the proi'simn of sec- t ion 125 oil the Bank Act. 'tbe orcier s.iibe stcîbilsy con1tesieci k mtan>, tiI tbe sitcrcilers, especiailsn it tn, 'edculra il '.cboin aire incro Illce aritolnt of titi face valoc ii tlle stoc k for \viih the\ sub'.crtbed. i li genierîl ciletice t'. tîtat the tîrgarnîzet' oif tbe coniot i icN e.ci compieci tlt the Batik Xci antîc e ceriite \vas net legaiis issuecd iAV W liîîtt, K.(. et Milten and \Vi. I aicikt'. K. of-t e rente, airc coursci Ici-thie "bars'- holcrs. T WEIR I i l li tttclusl\ ,vaisic' MVILTON c artie inc Mtiliton ton \liiida\is ti b aois t if 185, oîtls toutr eiectîîrs job iîinkiiîg ilicit. balloits agaltist il jo lciiv te ccliiis realîzect tbci a .\(lit(e lot clfcît for mIte b'. lai'. wiiîld ittean lt oi) c. Ltittitsg aiitl td mI)te priîgtes'. ibat rig tilbs. tht' titi'.n lis bccnit nckîtg latterly. cucul ori Wittu powser Mitions advaniages tuinsus fsituation. waîer supply [ire protc- tien, railway connections and siîip- iîld -stick pîng facîlities woutd notm nake bier aitt stop te nanufaciuring centre which ili' tii iti announced that the Hydro-Etectrie îbConmmission will rush the work cf <JARVIS wirîng se that we shall have the MILTON ime Capsules power vcry soon. November 1912 Town f ouncil recommended that the tenders for equtpment [or the hydro distribution station as suggesî- cd by Hydro-Flecîrie Commission he accepîrd (transformers $3,650; switching and protection equipiTtent $2.060); rcnt PL. Robertson Co.s building if saîisfactorx' arrangements can be mnadc. "staggering' ltghts on Matit Street, tsi o lîglbts on each pole I rom Mec ebbon's liotel 10 C ommerrctal Strect, the placîng eft he poli". o be oinder the suîpers ion of 55 I Io k te t, dettc h\ umtit at -, l.t a- pessile îhaî a bc -las e pared andci 'ohm jîted teo il te t aise b dceetures a suIT suttî'ctent te meICi ce-m t oittstmtling F\dece i pe rancl liglit, thai iighm comninimc be loiti- tc ed te visit Brampton for pciîpiîse id getttng inormaion te: 1-lydr cli u atters, A biaste ratse $20,000 bs clebenue for purpose ofI installing I sit eiepexier anci ligbt wîas reaci the rec1cmred ocîmber et rimes ancd passeci. Ge te i.1). Hcumes loi s ecî Flecti. RollecI Oats, Fiaked Weat, \%heaitlîs, Panc(ake Fleur etc: Don't torget thai the Princes. (Theatre) iii be copen on Monday, Wdncday and Friday evenings until further notice. Doors open ai 7:30, piemures ai 7:50 and 9 o'clock. This materiai is assemb/cdon behaif o/ i/te Mltont Historîcal Sec lai. byJlmi Dl/s, iv/to can bc ivcîhvd thi-oug the sec lai' au' (905) 875-4156. (~ Pdt«~~ Cuisine Provided By Allison's Gourmet Catering Easter Weekend e Saturday April i lth $1 EASTER BRUNCH: 1llam-1:3Opm EASTER DINNER: 5pm-8pm AAduits $1 5.95 Aduits $24.95 Kids (under 12) $7.95 Kids (under 12) $12.95 -. RTHE IUrADUATIAM I Plenty of excitement on champ day t' eis cr loti tait1 .mîd hase st ilttttel sîtoit wani ils pucll vin iterrîtit" failli jcob, tiotr t'. iî bis ci gei vola amtsîbc soit tne". fauit tir but yctcir own. e i go iii tîtuin s up saying beli

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