IÀ I LIIL7Â 0 OAKVI LLE MITSUBISHI 191 Wyecroft Road, OakviIIe Between Kerr & Dorval q ý. i --l d,-ý*3 f, 1 www.oakvillernitsubishi.ca Sales: Mon - iliur: 9 arn - 9 Prn Fri: 9am - 6pr Sat: 9 arn - 6 prn Sunday: Closed Service/Parts: Mon - Fri: 8 arn to 5 prn Sat: 8:30 arn to 2 prn Sunday: Closed OAKVILLE --MITSUBISHI'IS ASK A1PU UR, LI7F1IME WITH P~URC4ASC OFANY k ~" ~ v~ CHOOSE FROM. SI~~ --~: i - I 25,900 s3kO *Biweekly paymenSs are based on the foll0wi g i Seca $200 dow, 72month @ M CO G Cos Gof Bor0W lg) $8500. t Ail prices are plus Administration Fee, Lense and ai appliable taxes Oehice may no se exacty as lustaled, See Okille Mitsubishi for detaiîs. MflMIBISHI MOoe iii MITSUBISHI MOSORS Drive @ earth -~ M - - - - ,à ()X OUA R I i àNzzRMýý