Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Apr 2009, p. 30

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v - Il Jo i î~..~r*11mr.~ JusyrIington harmacy requires1 a FxII tîme Pharmacyi Technîcîun.' ',Cmpunding experience required. -a eue o 90e 3782 19 p-eurs plus. Fullp experîenced mnail aspects of custom mîllwork fabrication. 3-/lears plus. Custnm 4mllwork, veneers, souida, plastic laminate. Georgetown Fax: 905-702-1854 a PRODUCT TECHNICAL STANDARDS ASSOCIATE A Hamîltan-area Consumer Electronîca distributar la aeeking a Product Techercal Standards Assacrate. This individua witl be responsible for coltectrng, mansgîng and pabliahing in vaicus formats (i.e. spec abeets, packaging) the technrcal/ specîticatian data for ail of the company's pradacta (Englinb & French) as wetl as campetitive pradacîs lx, lacîlitate the sales and marketing pracens. The candidate should act as the expert internat reaxurce an praduct-related qaestions ta ail stakeboldera, employexa, sales agents, dealers, and xnd-users and wîlI be reqaired ta retersot with ali stakebsîders in s positive, productive and tîmely fashion. Wsrking knawledge of Microsoft and Adobe praducta is a muaI, bîlîngualîsm an asset. Respend mit h restiue by email tei: emcmahon6@cogeco.ca Deadtîne for responses ta April 25tft. 2009. Only csîdered applrcants will I k caslacled. Reqaîred by estabise Qakaîlle csmpanry. Must bave extensive esperrence an electric lorlis Excellent wagex and benefit package. Send resume te: HALTON LIFT TRUCK INC. Fax: 905-849-3515 Email: glendon@ balton-lf fIcern Debt Col lectors Caîl Centre FIT, Perm. Ns exp Req. Must boxe gssd phone manner. OEW & Erîn Mîllo No Stodents Fan: 905-855-0603 Ref #91 ayward Pool Producîs Canada, lac, a ldîng manufacturer ut resîdantiai awmming pool equipment, requîtes a ilngeal Customer Service Rep for oLit Osaîvlle localtion. Yoa'll be responsîble for managîng thre costumer experrence by providîng crîtîcal sales administration and costumer service support withrn Canada. Demonstraled phn klead problem solvîng skîlîs wîil be key. The succeseful candidate muat have a profîcrency rn both Franch and Enqlrsh. previaus costumer service andior sales order management experrence and profrcîency in MS office prodacta. Plase sabmît your resume ta: Attention Customer Service Manager, by fax ut 905-829-8067 or mail ta 2880 Ptymouth Drive, Mississauga, ON L6H 5R4 Wn t//ank ail candiaates, but un/y t/la e velectnd for an interview wîll se cuntacted www.haywardcanada.com Fî-me& Parf-time Reception/Greeter IWeIre lanCllina for people witlh outstandîrg personalities and enthusîasm ta juin aur winning team. t fli tîme yod t part tîme pos'trn ava.ilals Ol i/o s c mtc r rrol>jii api Please email yaur resume ta: cgauthier@mittatavoyta com Cancer con be beaten. pliease give generously. 211 __ _ _ ___Wip « 70VlcrciSrie 100 Houe for Sale :211 Molor Homnes 102 Open Hause 212 Recreoion ehicles 103 Privai. Sale 215 CompeesT'railers, Sites 5TOWnhlous ale 225 Camping Equipmenl 110 Apertmene Condlos for Sale 230 Sports Equipmienl 112 Cafleagea for Sale I231 Aviation 115 Ferme for Sal Rent orW«Mtd 232 Boats, Supplies 120 outofITOw Propeâles 233 Snowmobiles 125 Prmparly Outslde Ceacle 234 Pools miel Sup 130 Houing eitee1 235 Resorts, Camps, 135 Lob, Ar-sages I236 Travel 140 kwesfmt Businress Prcpeeles 237 Hobbies and Crafs 146 Indutiel Comiecl Spece '239 Wvomen's Coturan 150 Offie, Businee Spece 245 Birttrs 1l5 SSlores for Selle, Rent orWned 246 Adoptions 159 kfesbt oOpprtumiltile, 248 Birthelsys 160 Busines Oppoetunlties 249 Comlng Evenîs 151 Firchlses 250 Engagements 162 Inairence 251 Forthcoming Marriages 10 Prohenelw Dlectay 252 Marriages 164Tiex, Finacla 253 Anniversarles 165 MSegoge Lomie 254 Graduations 166 Acooem8.5s 255 Announcemnents 167 Of111liS, krduerle Equpet 256 Deattis 168 BuelelesServices, Pebrsoal 257 Obituaries 180 Compe*aerteet 258 In Memoriam 170 Apertnent s, or Bugos 259 Carda ofThanks 172 Fwtitetid Aperimenits 26OTenders 173 Nacelleneos Rentale 261 Legal Notices 174ShortT@rm Rentals 262 Public Notices 175 Apmlmetts. Mslstd 263 Car Pools,Transportation 180 cOrondnle for Rati 265 Lost andl Found 105 HOUses for Rit: 267 Comapanions l90nThtmuse finr Rerm 268 Personals 191 Houalngantee 269 Support Groups 192 Rooms for Raidtr Wenitd 270ONannies, Livelni.Out 193 Roand me Board Availbl &Wanitudi 271 Moîhers Helpers 194 Strierel AccommowdatIon /272 Nursery Sehools 180 Rwelema Living i273 Daycare Available 196 Hall Lodgs (274 Daycare Wanted 200 vca*mo Propertles j275 Babysitling 206 RenitatsOutaltlCaltad 276 Privateutions, Sehonîs 256 Beel miel Breakfast 277 Music, Dance, Instructions 209 Cottage for Rent 278 Registration 210 Moil Homes eld Park 279Ttoring M8 Lessons M8 Places of somip 284 ESte1retica, MAY Services M8 Heafl andl Honnecurs 2W0 Sentir Servicee M57 Massagemerspy r 38 Mr.. Services M8 Party Services nGo Câlrfing M50 Ummso Services M8 Funeral Dirctore Cemetery plots 3M2 Ferra ServiceS M5 Poulr MWie Llvatc 306 Fumilluir 307 Oletrkg 30 Sergei Centre 310 Articles for Sale 311 Bicyces 320 Gerage,4Yel Salea 324 Arts; "d rate 325 Auctian 328Werehou»eSale 330 Firwmocel 331 Seesoinal 1335 GltelstmaesTrees anel Gifa 33SYAxxdsova, Fleplacs 340 Antiques ante Are 348 Restaurait Eqtprmr 360 ndutrial Equipmenit 3F2 arilEquipmrenit 353 Appliences 1355 Computer and Vldea 360 TV, Soundl Systeras 365 Musical Instruments 370 Pets, Supplies, Eloarding 375 Photograpry 380 Swap end Trode 385 Tickeets for Sale 400 Cars for Sale 405 Cars Wvanteel 41OTrucks for Sale 415 Trucks Wanted 420 Vans, 4 Wheel Drive 1421 Off Rosel 1425 Sports Cars 430 Antique Cars 435 Motorcycles 440 Auto Parts, Supplies andl Repairs î445 Auto Leasing oane RentaIs I446 Auto Financing 447 Driving Scfiools 450 Auto Cars 455 Garage andl Storage Space 460 Insurance Services 465 Automotive Plus 501 Cameer Counseling andl Resumes 505 Cameera (507 Employvnent Agencles t509 Drivers 510 General Help 511 Retail Opportunities 512 Summier Empicyment 514 Salon orie Spa Help 515 SkiIled andTechnical Help 530 Sales Help orie Agents 532 Retail Sles Help 535 Hospitol, Medical, Dental 536 Veterinary Help 1537 Holistic Health 540 Restaurant, Motel 9541 Part-lime Help s 45Teaching Opportunities 555 Damastie Hetp Avait"e 556 House Cleanlng 570 Eveplayment Wanted 6S0 HOM koprovemenvs 001 Animalt Removai 602 Air Conditionlng 60 Appliance Repeins 604 CUMpUMn andl Ploong 606 Carpet mael U11phlisttery 606 Cftimneys 607 Cwmanng Serice 656 Computer services 6w6 Demailtion 610 Design 611 Dom"s mie indows 1 612 Oreiles eld tJplolsary 1613 uce Cleerdng 614 Electnlcm 615 Fenice mael Dec* 616 Fum, Anel Uptiobstm Reopai 617 Meetn 618 Meetin and Ahr Caendllntg 1619 HOM secal 620 Ladscepkig 621 Lackeri 622 Mi Services 23 »lving mie Storage 624 Palntlng "ie Decoretlng 625 peving 62 Peo Contio en9Raoflng 1630 Snow Remlaval i 31 Tservi On 2&s Renmat 633WartepmUng 634 EaeeOrouhs 682 Heyrfdes 700 Hom inWramrief 704 Ptumblng 705 Handyman 706 Ctimney Cleanin Renseir 708 Mosonre and Concrete 7on Carpentry 710 Painting, Decorating 1715 Moving and Otoroge, 718 Carpet Cleaning 720 Drapes, UIptitery 725 Dressmakng,Taloring 730 Ptooning, Carpeting r 735 Gardening, Supptyn Landscapxng 1736Tree Service i737 Stump Removal i738 Lawnmower Sales, Repairs 740 Snow Removal 746 Courses 750 Appliance Repaira 751 House andl Pet Sittmg 753 Party Services 760 Service Directory 800 Home Improvement Directory 90 di nertiment 910 Massages 930 Aquatica 931 Arts andl Crafis 934 Cookirng 1935 Dancing Classes 936 Daycare 1 937 Dog Training I 938 Educatian 1939 Equestrian 1940 Gymnastica 941 Language Arts 942 Martial Arts 943 Miscellaneous 944 Modeling 945 Music Lessons 946 Nursery Sehools r947 Privaite Sehools i948 Recreational 949 Sports 950 Summrrer Sehool J TO PLAC AN AD CAL 90£7 1 FAX 905876236 e clsiiee * cndinhmi nri, Adjuslments: Every effort is made ta exaure thre accaracy aI ysar ad, Pieaue chreck yaxr ad an the firat insertion. For muliîple insertions aI the oume ad. creulîl wii be maux anly for the hirst insertion. Credît gîvex for vms/rs in cannectian with prodaction an adul iî lmîted to ther prntecl space invaived. Canceiiatîans mut be made by telepeane, Do nol lue or emari cuxceilatraos t- 1r 1: Ia N ný tý ý ) ) K Fernbraak Springs Bottled Water Ca. reqaîres an Accoonts Payable Clerk. Accaunting1 sof tware aptitude and Excel profîcîency requîred. Full cycle A/P fa include month end aournals. Accuracy, attention to deraîl and a great attitade are vital Email yoor resome te: hr@t ernbrooksprinos.coin Phone cais witt nat bq accepted. Onty suitable candidates witt be cantacted. strategies inc. Innamar Strategixu nc. is a prîsately-awned Canadian service arganîzatian wnicfr assista pharmaceatîca and bîatechnalogy clients. We affer întegrated services and expertise tsar include strategîc cansultîng. market research, patient and healthcare professînnal support pragrame, distribution, pharmacy services as vieil as rursinq and ci nic services acrasa Canada. We are currently searching for: eBilingual RIN! RPN Caseworkers e Field Nurses * Manager, Health Oulcomes " Reimbursement Speciafists iAdminisfrafive Assisfant " Assoc. RN Projecf Manager r nomar Sirategivs offers Fiexcie working 0001/ jManaay -Friday) Salarîva paf a 10h seesI Opporni lor advar ement For r/tare irrforirrarr via/t thle carnera sectiorn ut www. innomar-strategies. com To apply, send yoor resome to: ca re ers@innooa r-st rote gies.com or fax to: 905-681-9598 Timn i, for .6 jtr i/Oris ini i/i 011/ar Sitr.-gs We i/rea/i r (i/rI op/iortii/i/e cri/p/ai ,î ~equdFulTim eîin j Georgetown Dental Practice Dental Experience R7equired. Plaefax resomne ou 905-8-4003J 75hatel / restaurant m ~i/htrxstarant Hiring For: Catering Servers and Busing Staff Sîlver Thyme Events and Catering is currently Iooking for talented servais and susing staff ta foin our ream. Candidates must se available 10 work flexible ochedoies, ce team players. and fonter a positive attitade Candidates wîl recaive hando on training in banquet and costumer service, w1111l an opporunity Io grow within the company. Resumes and caver tetters can be farwarded ta: Cliltord Da Silva Catering/Banquet Manager Silver Thyme Events & Catering 62 Miil St., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 3H6Ï Fax: 905-877-7095 E-mail: clifford@siiverthyme.ca We thank ail applicants but only thase selected for interviews witl be contacted. Oaknîlle Senior Citizens Resideoce PTCOOK Redal etiied. sound knowledge of ana ex- perierc ein quantity cooking met/lodsý prover anilt 1/ /0cake familiarity wîth WHMISil and CH5S standards: superoisory experienceý able ta use tact in protessiona woririnq retatîonshîp vith other staff Fond Services Manager, 2222 Lakeshore Rd West, Oakville L6L 5G5 Emoil oscr@nakviIIeseniors.com To1 boo yorcaeradc EueOPEtaN sOUSE f, 47 88v2ýj Imp9vemets OPECIALIZtNG IN FrO, ng, Ornorl & rtapp NIl jon i ro i[j 17 ,ea-r exo Basenertldori ur >Ar/wo i F ror liii or"ý rg Finisr Carinr'x C I ,ý_ovevents COOL SPOTSCr Reouailiv exr-O Ce re idrta 1e, tnrirr rn' exrr or Ehn a ID REAMWOI1KS CON- TRACTING ARDWOOD FORING PROFESSIONAL PAINT- ERS- Ar'i 'n-aol L Oltring FREE LESSON

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