Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Apr 2009, p. 29

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f etnec Widw Financial Planner and Poprt4 Tk. kcnr,4 ~ Branch Manager ONos Et better time tai seIl windows We have hundreds ot leads every week from our uggressive marketing support program plus... - A $1350 Government Tax Credit *ecoEnergy Grants *Low interest Bank Financing jain our Award Wi*,nning $ 1OOK+ Team! 99 Profesuional Level Incomne [9' Exciaing Monahly and Annual Incentive Pragrams 9' No Cald Calis - Minimum of 10 homeawner leads par waek *r Na builder or contractar, soles - direct sales acraus thme kitchen table 99 Laprap Computers and IT Support U' indepandent status allaws pou ta manage your own achedule Be proud of the company you represent! Confidential Interviews wiII be held the week of April 6- 10 for only 5 exclusive positions in aur product training program beginning Monday April 20 Reserve your place NOW' RylBusk TV cammercials, mnaîes, Cunadian Tire aas, music vîdeas ana more1 r Don 't Miss aur Search Event i : * MILTON . I. Monday, April 61k . I ~ Best Western Milton Inn . 161 Chisholm Drive * Attend anytime between 5 pm - 8 pmn I" No eaperîenca nacausary -3 years a up . * ~ Reg'ltee of $3a plusGS T Refuroled if pou ao nul quahtfy. l ~ www.StarCastScautin c« r' so book so ad cal 90.88.34 B0,j cai bat Ielpil Prooperity ONE ha been servîng the Hallon commanity sînca 19057. Wilh nearlp tt,000 members and locations je Acton, Burlînglon, Milton and Georgetown, Prooparity ONE bas more than $300 million in lînuncral produats uandier administration. Wv ara dvdîcated ta proxîdîng oar members witb a tatI range of îial and "oalue-addvd" prodacto deliaervd througn quality personal service. Wn arn currnntly looltirl for two dynamic indivtduals to joie aur Prosperity ONE tnam. e Financial Planner who ls highly-mativated, seil-driven and resuits lacussed. As a lînuncial plunner pou wîll olfer sound lînancial planning adeice wîth a locas on ralirement andf iroeutmant planning. You wîll hvlp clients identilp, goals and polential batriets, rvcommvnd appropriala solutions and provîde ongoîng rvlalîanshîp management. Yos are a protessioral team player wîth encellent relatîonshîp building skiffs and a demonstrated ubîlity lu galber assets. Yoa are an vocellent crammunîcator both verbal and wrîtlen, and have good prvorantlon skiffs, You show a demonslrated sbility in dexelopîng internaI and exnaa natwarking ralationohîpu. Qualîtied apiplications mast be lîcenned lv salI Malual Fanas and have 3-5 peurs indaotry vaperience. Yoa must also have a CFIP desîgnation. e Dranch Manager who is strategic, snel-confident, and resolîs facussed. You will uctîaalp lead and manage one of oui largeot branches, you wîll initiale action ta improxe growth and deoelopmienl oI the hranch voan ana inoasîment portfolio; pou will bave the respansîbîlîlp of praaîdîng leadvrship and direction lv aIl staff and theretore soald posseso eoceptiooul interpersonal, people management ana communication skîfîs white ulso înteractîng wilh membors and meeting thaîr lînancial needs. Qsalîlîad applications reqaîre 5 peurs aI branch management exparience, a aofîd undarstandîxg oI reraîl cradît ana invesîment praducîs îaciadîag a Mutual Fend licence. Wie lhank ail candidates; however, nnly thase te he inlerviewed will he canlacled. No Phone Calîs, Pîes dppIy i sîifidîrnce to search n prosperîtyone.ce GenalHelp MiGeeiHelp [I enral Helv LANOSCAPECLA AI TREE SERVICE § LA AI F/T position uvaîlabla. Atlascare TECHNICIAN Stadents welcoma i Are vou anthusîastîc, carîng and dependable No exp. needvd. wîth a passion lai custamar service? Wauln yau Transportation Io enjap an oppartunity i ath a companp ihat iruiv pard reguîred. apieciatas saîir staffn Please cati: Are pou a roal prafassianal? 905-876-126 Wa are racruîtîog for a service tachaîcian ta de- Leave messg lîaar dlean air solutions ta aur resîdential cas- tomais in tha Grealer Toronto Aiea. Excellas' verbal ana wiitten commanication skîlîs a must. No tiermect exprîorennî renirroî Traînîsa wil ha 7Apartment building la Bro ta raq ra unis elîgîble candidate that wilI passass stroog wark ap. maînlenanca/rapair. Fluent in wrîttan axa oral Englîoh, same computer ukillo, paat eap. requirea. Fax renomse 416-364-6087 1i Here we grow again! Our employees are the key to our success Joi us on Thursday, Aprîl 9th 2009 From 10:00 arn- 3:00 pm at the Burlington YMCA Career Developrnent Centre 500 Drury Lane Currently recruiting for , a variety of positions Excellent Compensation Package! Our Expansion is your Oppartunityl prouidaîf. Candidatas mnustpossesv.a Gdiiv- er's lîcensa wîth a dlean record. Wa hava an ax- cellant compensation packaga for qaalîtîed candidates, Senti resumes la: Rohin Hanson ait rhanson@allascare.ca or Fan 905-829-9519 grass cutters lanascapa laboarero interlock crew personnel WE VALUE EXPERIENCEtt Fax rasume to: 905-873-0662 Lodn Opadunplain cr avncama rhsiaru imet. 0blifgrestrtlaas.c Mutra faorsm llcean 05-878-9010 /Propey Mint enarnce(nerrExei) centra Mîltaeen Salis iet Jntna alracmmen osaae th atec Ofax Resume la: 905-87-95 mai: tenneinscrl O@maitnace QUALIFICATIONS TO APPLY. D rivers Abstract in good standing *"G', Lîcense minimum 2 years *Eojoy workîng wîth chîldren GREAT FOR: *Stop at home parents Ipre-schoolers cao ride alongî *Ratîrees who haee extra tîme an thaîr hands *Anyane laakîng for a positixe axd suppartixe envîroamant ta mark IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A CARING, SUPPORTIVE AND FUN COMPANY TO WORK FOR! STOCK has routes availlable in Mississauga, Oakville & Brampton 90-2924 - 1-87-35STC ww .soctanpottineo ANk Us Aboutt.. j's ie. workâpc .....- .................. *MONEY* *EXERCISE *INDEPENDENCE* l'Paper routes arc no longer Jus ~<kid's stuffl Excellent aupportuniN, Sin ()aký ie l'or service-m nded. conscîcntious adults. Part-tîme- Wednesda-Nx. E'ridays &S.aturdavs. Y<u pick your h ors. Interested aduits ~jma-, contact liob'a5j (9(15) 637-8795. A crînal background check s perlarmea axl cardidares EOE trI FR DV sao&spa elp ifsn& spa elp T HE NAILSR/llAFul & Parttme Nai Technicans. Maricurîis ana Pea carîis neeaed for an upscale Nail Spa opening in Milton in Mev. Mile aller: - Ahave average wages - Benefîrs Flexible hours inci day, evenîng. weekend. Please emait resame ta Brenda Bela al brenda@miltannailspa.ca jij hnîcal Help Techncal Help CUSTOM MACHINE SHOP LOCATED IN MILTON REQUIRES: CNC PROGRAMMER Must have minimum 5 years programm i ng i n Master Cam version X2. Aln 5 tsars in Horizontal Boring Milîs CNC HORIZONTAL BORING MILL OPERATORS Eaperienced in TOSNUC Il Heidenhein ISO Controls Fax Resume ta 905-876-4451 nmail: hr@romacl.com OfiHelp OfiHelp HOPE PLACE Centres, a Milton nat for prof- it organization ls Inoking for a part-time BDIJKKEEPER ta look aller APIAR. GL, prepare bank aapauit, journal entrias, etc. Reqaîre callega dîplama wîth laces in accauntisg, prasiaus espatiance as a baokkeeper, ability ta leain new accaunt- îng/payratl software, warkîng knawledge af MS Word/Excel andaubla la wark îndepandantly and maltî-task. Respond la inta@hnpeplace.ca hl April 15, 2009 0"0,,,",'d- ,-ail 905-8 78- Oakville Senior Citizens Residence P/T MAINTENANCE WORKER la a seniors resîdential complex, 3 days par weels Preventatîve maintenance. mînar re- paire heavy and gaverai cieaning, able ta per- farm physical actîvîties- bending, lifting, stretching, pushing. puiling as requîred. Gava kaveleage af buildiag maiateaace îaclariag electrica, plumbang. heatîag, Gaad commuai- catioa skills, mia 2ers related experieace Property Manager 2222 Lakestînre Rd West, Oukoîlle L6L 5G5 Email oscr@aakvilleseninrs.com CLEANING LADIES Needed For homes in Georgelovýn Monday tc Friday 905-877-5225 GenraîHeV E enîH lep flexiblesclredul Virams opprtunities for erdvlp metcalîl-ivepy & Pxctoaf ue- loared at:in f3r Plagin, Road. asti (atic sKing ad)ain Buling tonvor

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