www.escarpmentcountry.ca New Members ACKLANDS-GRAINGER INC Sîl saplin 115 >1(717 8 Tel: 905 1I 1533 Acklanîds Grainger11 s the leader in Saolî Suppli, 010 and Panloners, hooked by 120 years of 71111111 his1ty in coistuiers. vitalsonofr quipnenleasning. repir and ,entais11 for safety equipment. BAHL, DR. RITU, OPTOMETRIST 470 Bronte t. .,XUnîi 10 Milton, ON 197214I Contact: eitt Bah]l, Ow1ner Teli 905-804-0464 A olt, m11porry optomeOIicpractîiOI in a tellement101 ,.lion11 1111h iotoffho parkini ofe a10 full111range100of sertic i111111d11g: comprchensiîîooye 11011111for1 children and adilloi (ison & 11111 heaith assessirrientsi11111 11011a feld testi n11, dtl rein mgii a11î11î01011 ohug APIi Poîvîîîu 1hc BeilIVorid 110111 voit Western Mltiîon Iiî Il Canada 111. 071111111011 Dra1gon111s Fin îIl11oClu WELCOME to the fottowing Milton and area-based businesses as new Chamber membhers. We invite v-vu tv pArtîcîpate in our monîtîto c eents and encourage you tii take part in ointor irrore of the Ctranrhv-r conriiiîttiev. t)envtes Escarpment Counry 'Il Tourîsur Partner ECCOSAVE MO0BILE WASH 813Shephoil 'la, Milton. OIN lvi vi vg Contat: î 'MîîvMllih >rdi t mobie ca wah service11111111vi unqu watrle ELEGANT SURROUNDINGS BY DIANE OAKVlLLE, MN Contact: iane MacKa, vneMMr1 Teli 416-804-8738 o.Ioeansurouondingsc Specializes in fullosevce reidel andîciommercai interior and exteor desns o u hvoom sholdhoo reflecion of whoyoiare, Decaing is not about1h1111 imiîOtin astyle, it's about e11011110l11i40111101111 perso11al sîvi. e are1 1110110011 of CDECA (Canade 000111011111 A1111001111îMM and,1000 (Real Estait Stag01111 ERIKA KUEIINEL, DC i11o ON kvi 'q'; 1 _01 15, J.C. WOODWORKING RoCiM1M1, uN Contact Heat1her1 Clifihord AdinistiiMMI JON COSTIN DRESSAGE INC. 131J lu1h Concession v. ee i 'uiînch, ON NOi rl1î i4051 659 1 '11 ho ivîî0, 01 94tiîî M4EDLAND, DR. DENNIS TURTLE CREEK GOLF CLUB ON '1vophi Ilif Tel 9îî5 854 4613 -v t.rtiecki,1c Turiiî 1111011 lI Club i dedicalod to providing a1 top qit\ . ifodahie o e prene The1001 courseRature a yardl 11pr70lioîoi Watt, culoloin,1plryMon112 r lhe Ilî hîîles1 Our Ci1hh1111.1 huildine wlii lMl1Mî11I r o1111111à sontanoîooo g ou 216 1:1 alnioi1 ihithe itest i modern eoopmtin lu2in a11110 Mil Micuddîa -Il1,cd tlir-, lq, , oii i 1,i > îu iî and i a bnqet alkd p t io the 11i1. pid n 9th nd 1oIxh0 111011111M1iOll1 Ilire rîîil C,îiok oî Renewal. Memberships 1111 .iI A special thanks to the fol/ouinq businesses fo)r (heïr continuedv support. lâ1,In i -I î0 luvîî a. i[1 o ,oî 110 h I Mk . vîîi,-î Whlîl oîhd ArîîlI gviIIl Luiîî Il Il - 1 î: 11111o.1 , l >, l ru (11. h, 1î J I l 1 Il' :k,! 111ut, îi , iî) ý î1 1011, 1 Loî1îîlîdîîit I III îiv 1111 i 10 11,1 Il. I 1 i 2 i 011 i 111,1 iî,OIIIîîî The Milton Chamber of Commerce proudty presents the Join us for the Chamber's one day Biz-2-BizTrade Show, specialty designed for business-to-business promotion ait Country Heritage Park N~ Tesdy, April 21, 2009 Over 90 Chamrber memrbers attended the March Business After Itours co-hosted by Scremanzi's Italian Restaurant and Dr. Angelika Koeth- Family Care Chiropractor. Guests networked through the beautiful restaurant and enjoyed an evening of delicious food. Opitometvist Broute Corporate Centre 400 Bronte St. South, Suite # 109 Milton, ON L9T 0117 iriUiuonuoiu coflison 4& Pairit MIL TON'S FULL SERVICE COLLISION CENTRE Cali Steve Boers 706 Main Street, East Milton, ON (905tw) 87e-1118 We wiII exceed your expectatians YOUR FAST FRIOT AND COURIER LINK MAKE 1 CALL, WE'LL TAKE CARE 0F THE REST! SERVINO MILTON FOR il YEAIS 0Anywhere in Canada or U.S.A. - Emnergency Deliveries eOn Cali Service e Modern Tracking Systemn SERVIÏCES AVAILABLE SUPER DIRECT - imrmediate Direct Drive ONLINEORDERING Visit our website vov poioerimkneourier com DIRECT- Delîver in 1-2 hours ONLINEAO FANTAGES t RUSH.- Detîver in 2-3 hours Saves Tîme BASIC - Delîver in 3-4 hours Cvînaîn ealIpnpcu SAMIEDA Y- Delîver by 5 pmn CALL TO GET SETUPI 50 Siestes Ave. E., Unit 5, Mul111ton Tel. 905-493-1143 * 90-593-9271 e 1-8-M-847-5515 * Fax. 905-593-9272 dougt@powerlinkceerier.cem * www.powerlinkcourier.comn - www.pewerlink.701 çoe 555 Industrial Drive 905-878-23,41 www. miltoncanadianchampion .com r.ca- ID 1- ýî v