Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Apr 2009, p. 10

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'Taxpayers won't have to foot bill for indexing change r4 e from REGIONAL on page 3 and counicillors Tom Adams and Allan Elgar logai said the informatioi n the c mati sim- saine il a inumicipality lorcgocs idcxing. ÉL the end of a long day, much of the earlier part expressed concerri that would equate to a ply wasn't troc anc1 a tax increasc wa< flot Milton counicil 1lollowcd a similar asse: ,,of the session was marked by contenitous subsidy of thc development industry guarantced. C olleague Clark Somcervillc ment hy staff wbicn i votcd Monday -0 debate and an atypically snide tone in comn- Early ibis week, going by communicatinardan'ad cCakteconlirwru ndrcasafrtomudaontfotd ments; among counecil members. given to thcm by Regionai staff, C)akvillc misleading the public tbirocigh wrongiy uts own DC by-law, as it is alreadyý prepari Z The debate originated [rom a Regional councillors Tom Adams and Allan Elgar sen wordcd emails. a nc\ss onc for jonc E committees recommendation to suspend out emails to their constituents telling thbcm What wasyo st (lot inu anog enti i sa Mitons treasurci '<aid ilicrc wîîuid bc t emporarily the 9.1 per cent indexing of by flot indcxing, the Region was lacing a $33îg oyosiiba yorcig imrti burden on the taxp)a\ci-. Sdevelopment charges (DC) until October. A million shortfaîl which would have to bu' -ai Ibr siayoywoxiirsoc hetnsia i o oiccdwi z litany of representatives [romn Halions build paid for by existing taxpayers îhrcugb a i 6 i aort h a a xodc.pyri owr n utknit osd o. if cout1i lad passecd the rusouiiin i tilna u Crîuxacst xii ti îng industry spoke to counicil asking tbem to per cent incruase in propcrty taxes. Abolit pspn tceiii ol aehd to snwDIrlsacst xl Spass the measure, noting the amount of lay- 500 responses [romn angry conistitcini '<vuru p(ipct ioxn g i ty axpa oici ,s arc barc no Linda CLeecix offs they have enacted ai their companties received, '<aid Regional Chbair G<ary C arr, wbo ffcc ong opt taxerAct a g ceci (a 1 lowcs7er, regionai siaif s unciersianding due tu the recession. was copicd cm tbe emails. cd prcîjcî sc as a nî'w road or ssater treat-teises ifrithuli ada However, Oakville representatives Burton Halton Ililîs Regional C ounicilior Jane ment plant expansion ix paîd ii fil tb rougb increaxe ix not the tuevitable resuit. "~ If tbe Region dccîded flot 1(1 colieci Aggregate Resources Act Form 1 - Notice of Application for a Licence 1, St. Marys Cernent Inc. (Canada) 55 Industrial Street Toronto, Ontario M4G 3W9 Hereby, give notice that application has been made for a Category 2, Glass A licence fo excavate aggregate from a Pi and Quarry of 158.13 hectares, locaied in Lots or Part lot(s) 1-3, Concession 11, Geographic Township Est Flambarough, Local Municipalty City oi Hamilton. Application is for a new pit or quarry. Annual Tonnage Condition applied. for is 3,000,000 tonnes. A detailed site plan and report(sf for the proposai may be examined ai the local or county/regiotial municipal offices or ai the district/local office of the Miniatry of Natural Resaurces. Any person(s) wishing ta object to this application muai send, in writing, their objection with reason(s) ta the Applicant and ta the district/local office ai the Ministry of Natural Resources ai the addresses belaw. Noie: E-mail aubmisaions are acceptable however they muai contain the objecior's complete postal mailing address where a response can be delivered. E-mail objections which do flot contain a postal address will flot be considered acceptable. The Applicant: St. Marys Cemeni Ine. (Canada), 55 Industrial Street Toronto, Ontario M4G 3W9 or by emnail ta communitvinfo@stma!yscbmi.cQmý and MVNR: Guelph District, 1 Stone Raad West, Guelph, Ontario N 1G 4Y2 or by e-mail ta MNRFQA@ naiac The last day on which objections may be filed with the Applicant and Ministry is: the 21lst day of May, 2009. Note: Ail information in respect to thîs application inclodîng wrîtten objections, the names and address of any objector(s) is avaitable for public review for the purpose of thîs application onder the Aggreçiaie Resoorces Act. In submittîng a written objection an objector consents under the Freedooi of Information and Protection of Privacy Act to ita disclosure for porposes of the application. Pour renseignemlents en francaîs, composer 905-294-8282. Aggregate Resources Act Form 2 - Notice of Public Information Session 1, St. Marya Cernent lnc. (Canada) 55 Induatriai Street Toronto, Ontario M4G 3W9 Hereby, give notice that a Public Information Sesaion wiIi be heid on: April 27, 2009 at 4 pm - 9 pm at the Waterdowfl Legion Hall 79 Hamilton St. North, Waterdowfl, Ontario LOR 2H0 The purpose of the Information Session is 10 presetit, 10 the public, the detaila of the application for a Category 2, Clasa "A" licence below water table, to excavate aggregate from a new pit and quarry. The location of the proposed Pit and Quarry as Lots or Part lot(s) 1-3, Concession 1l, Geographic Townahip East Flamborough, Local Munîcipality City of Hamilton. Pour renseignements en francais, composer 905-294-8282. c e tees a '<bortfal in the amount of moncy it olcts [romn developers and tbe actual proj- et cosi, that debî-plus-interest ix paid baek y future developers wben DC rates are set in bie future, dcvelopment lawyer I ynda ownsend '<aid yesterday. 1 eouldn'î sec biow any sbort[aii would bc îicked up by th .e property taxpayer, Fownsend '<aid. adding tbe situcation is the ex ng no n-i- ra- ced oif tax the lunded [rom nîber sources, sncb as taxes," '<aid Jane MacCaskill, Halions Commissioner of Corporate Services. "lIowever we wouid work t0 minimize the impact on taxpayers tbrougb ad1usi- munis in the capital program." uni f oran can hé, ,cached ai iforanCK44nî/ tocitanadianchampion. con. BBQ Gf1A SLINES as NATURAL GAS PRICING FOR DYERS, KITCHEN be>DJ$ RANGES, UNDER GROUNO PIPING FOR POOL 1'HEATERS, PATIO GAS HEATERS, PATIO FIREPLACE. -54vS fr2 905-845-0701 Email:scott@gasfix.ca âk.A - Spring is here... Wakefield Dental p wishes you and yourfamilya a happy & healthy Easter holiday .1 WAKEFIELD DENTAL ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS! 106 Wakefield Rd. Suite # 1 905-878-0555

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