j '~»Miltos Community Newspaper Since 1860 i 781 MAIN ST. #1 2, àý, ' ÈANmdCndsTop Community Newspaper www.miltoncanadianchamplon.com __MILTON&, -4h7Vj S PO0RT SEWS A&E Big season finish Council turne down Contest winner for OHL rookie daycare centre bid is 'Alright' Don't 'rue up' community: Smitherman Infrcastructure minister says leaders need to inspire enthusiasm,, fot anger; in wait for hospital expansion By Tim Foran CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Ontaria's Minister ai Energy ad Infrastructure, George Smitherman, provided same advice ta community leaders looking for an expansion ai Milton District Hospital - don't geti the cammunity "rilvd Up" in anger at the Province, and it's advantageous ta show yau have the money ta help pay for the expansion. Speaking at a Milton Chamber ai Commerce receptian Tuesday aiternoan, the minister, wha came ta talk about the gavernments Green Energy Act legisiation, didn't avaid the bat tapic in town - Milton District Hospital, which was built ta serve a community with less than hall the tawn's current population. "I would want everybody ta knaw theres nat a lack ai awareness about the need for (expan- sion)," Smitherman told attendees. "l'm nat in a position taday ta make an announcement. (But) before tao long, we'll be able ta advance forward." Former Halton regional chair Peter Pameray, who's the chair ai an ad hoc committee ai cam- munity leaders in Milton called Friends ai the Hospital, questioned the minister iollowing bis speech on what advice he may have for the com- : mittee to advance the expansion timeline. Smitherman responded that community lead- ers should avoid inciting angea among the com- munity on why the Province hasot started the expansion. Riling up citizens only dampens see LOCAL on page 4 GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION WHAT A SCREAM: Sam Sherratt students were in awe WVednesday when Canadian band 'See Spot Run' performed as part of the public ele- mentary school's Lunch Break Jam Session. The programn brings in artists and bands ta create awareness of the music business. Many of the young fans painted their faces and made signs for the band, which has opened for Bon Jovi. FIR11 ESTIMATES *Stote-Of-tire-Art Fatility Dopeodablo Uni-Body & Frame tifetime Paint Worrarty Spediis i Video totimoting Systerm I-Car Trained i Pre-ipproved By Major Deibiso Downdrafi Spray Boothr Inoorance Campaaieo Computer Paint Matchiag Çy?)~