Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Mar 2009, p. 5

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clesîrcîsec," saici 80 seat tue1 \Vfitit, ]iter, Whoî bas îacîgbî Sctiay seucîl ai Si. l'aciis four alîtîcîsi 60 s ears. - I svtuic lise to sec il sas'cd. Te coucnci tii Si. Fini's bias recîîîuîîîîc'îîc ed 1îartneriîîg wsitb a ltocal cleveicîper lutiitisx ing acîsice gisen lis sision, trainsitioni lcîndraising anci dcvetuiiiictt tass ftorces. 'The cîngregltiit lias artîccîlaicci ilîcti desîre lto ssrsbip in i metilti-liincttitl lacil- iiy, wbicb wuud iitixt' cîs Ioi iclfili tcr luis- siun and ici free cîs frtîn tbe beirdeti oi bildl inîg isscues iliat bave cunscîîuîed our cîtergics, I states a letter lu tbe cungregatilîn frtît Res' Jobn Benbam, chair cof trustees, ani i<aîby Sellers, chair of the cbîîrcb council. lriL Iii lite ,i t ti ebi tuile xw bile scîcli tlitige cilicerl ls aie ctîîîîîîîtîî iLîias. ilite c ic t\1(I t tiiiic t ilie cIliî-Cî b cilitiisiCci ils tii igitti cbIMI)CI (LIiitg lîtîtît 18-)2, l0 ui lc tlle cektri-ctt (]lt suait dciîctiîit t cuire aitat licc Ito the 55 et sic c'tt tlle saliictars iii ci2 i. iccii bc ccitii prpo l tuai cciiiic' xt tîctici ait lic cisitiiide. oiîtg ss ilt Ilt' slndcluari. Ito itais'c ssas tir ailî 80unitll uIt Icase i-e ciii ctt resîccicc aitîi 12000 scictit ledt iiclii-cli slîace. [lihe iîcîlît tii Si. Pault;is sibat il o tîcti retatit ttstiitrsiiii tii lte lande atiel lte tiest buîidinîg, aîttelvi tîtid teecivc abouttt 5 per ccitt tif te revenice caci tlime lute ofi tbe chiis xt a \ u, iiit uti iltii uit iltiig toitit s lct tL the price of a new roof Church congregation to vote on development proposai 0 By Tim Foran Structural issues witb the churcb came lu bw there forever, theres a sentimental attacb Z CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF lîght several years ago wben engîneers dis- ment. 1 certainly understand that." covered the roof was unstable. Tbe cburch Krantz recalled somne opposition tçi the For almost 120 years, the historie red responded by installing eight stainless steel -'demulition ol the original Bruce Street Public ~ brick sanctuary of St. Paul's United Church posts inside the sanctuary to hold it up. The .Scbool, wbose tsso-foot lîmestone walls were z on Main and James streets has stood as a souîh wall is also leaning and there are prob- pulled down in 1972 lu make way for tbe western gaîeway into Miltons downtown. lems with the foundcations, said Tyrer. , current Milton Public Lihrary C Together with its nearby Main Street An assessment report prepared in Marcb The problemn comes down tu money, be :rD neighbours Knox Presbyterian Church - 2007 estimates the cust t0 bring the sanctu , said. If the operators of a histonie building a' but at tbe samne time in 1890 - and tbe ary and tbe aîtacbed Christian Education dlont bave tbe monev Io repair or retrofit the limestone Grace Anglican Churcb - con- Centre up tu standards is $1 .85 million. faciliîy, tben iberes a need for public funds Rý structed five years lter - St. Pauls serves as Flowever, tbe cburcb's long-range planning Th ogeaino tPusms eie that migbit carry conditions on bow the facil - a visible reminder of the town's Christian committee bas aiready determnined tbe cur- whether Io pursue a devefopment proposai for it is used. "Il yuti're going lu spend a lut utf- rent churchsil-uie o l msin n public money un il, would it stîli remaîn îust beritage, une also preserved by Multons town faiiyi I-utdt t iso n he agtng cuh. aCbrbDtbcms ilrn tr council, whicb still reads the Lords Prayer ministry needs. Tbe cumnîttce bas alsu esti-a hrIlbcmsadfretioy befreit mntby esios.mated the cost of reconfiguring tbe facility at sold, accurding tu a February 27 letter tu the Tbe situation isn't unique to Milton. St. Hoeefacing millions ut dollars in $5.*8 million, far bigber iban ibe $ 1.25 mil- congregation, It estilmates it wud unly bave Paul's United C-burcb in Brampton, bouit Hoevrlion the cburcb's fundratsing task force to invest $1 .3 million itî tbe new laciiîy. around the saine lime and tn tbe samne archi- costs to reconfigure the aging facility, tbe believes it cao raise. And tbe cungregationt Tbe cungregallun wîll vote un tbe prupos- tectural style m iarked hv a bell tuwer, con- cburch's concgi n o of tus tee isc as- voted last year li reljeci buiilding a cbctrcb il, ai Sonidas; Apr. 19. If approved, tbicre ssuld centrlc pe\ss andi guud acuustics îu bear tbe mot nwehrt useadvlpeta new lucation. bc a 90 clas periud lu examine the prjet s preacbcer b las spent bundreds ut tbuusands mronotb on wbc u psute a develupmdint "I bus, the cuncept of parilnering \v itb a leasibiltx Il biot tbe cbîîrcb and Ible de i of dollars, tiis ciecade lu resto c Ilte cioss O mantied and a nevt cbcircb and 80-cînît sertn eeoe oglwrhpadole Icýsr Ic opru lclri(,accc-tWlBtaiuhbgc eaii ecinstructecl m ~ space un ibe presenit site is tbc' mulsi5viable t ftiic'i agreetuenlt wociic Ibe elic 'gt ticc ltitonl tf Ile tofi \ iII Le c cssars ini i, a l iors residence cosrce iisplace. remîling oIptiton 'ltcs, i lieu irv 22_ Ictt anci plats o r tlle pîîjct h c epcti'i 20 s car n td Rex. sent \\aid i e cs a itssstîld u upuae ore Iroîl î(~ i tl-I (Ii il,,l I LSiitii ' lii îs ti ILLI Ih il sC l o L' liL Iil lt it Street andl the east wvall lacing Jamies "tre, reoclgi ii t uhi l ia,,n tic li iiîti s Liseti M oit tid l ic tt itt. a ht f-lW Lit i 111 i site i l c titig iil t Il itsic s 1lc\ pecL lis ssiii miark-ec by tbe large trtse svîncluss but tbe\, as, a totît lto iletîsil îtcritîagc cstlulcrc t lai ila tairca of ittr sttrcsstî t ticis ais tîiffapctiilie.g acctrciig ii ti citîlcts seliîte ouîi ti te ti icil i a x L c re so i filt il i aicit liaciîîîîtî \i,îîx ttî !Itl tt itý LtcLtbl iý( I ]L I()\tit i al CtiS su1c tI î ticre silice su e lire \catý tilc. lto stec il lic tii i îe ei bu.icitiititit itt Itcc tp ii l ltiLL i ttii ic I lc[ t a t) ii L ai IiS uc til tit. ilia,t lti 1 itil 1 oi (al ( ail 1w i ca( lic(l 11 1 joi illi(iüil ilioli- ý111(1(1i(ilit M.( o1W

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