When the grass !ooks greener.,.n a should you break and escape your old mortgage? ROOM TU GRU0WI 5001(0001, 5M'M lwwriWE Nmlt~NiltlWtuwvN±t $362,500 Beasto 4 MMm [h2-9Men houie $2990 249 Wi o tbooohbohr b Pprrblti sww 2d lie OPEN HO*S snny & acamm, 2 hue bedmoomo wdth wolk-tn al, PENHOU E *et% «a-te MUWbe, fin. baoemenl, fatly lenced Mentr Wmhasdu mebty me/m sae sho Saturday. Mob 28. 1-4ium y8&fa ant&àw m mat Wl ltopalsand scse For mteo is 318 Laurier Aq Unit OU Ctrn aan 04890 awpetagherm caora Grn 058890 Joo Tagilori 905-878-9100 Joan Hollnp (M0) 878-9100 mortgage planner il y-s ic n ishe Caut ttttlt hîtst sincwiirt t u te gui a litile inttigage aîxiti -tniitîat ise sotie tuiles gge c ri et rîgis îîîîît \V istîtst issirigage raies eclgisg uts t-r andtici 'wt es as isstîrie uts-, the grtst tttsghs bc lisîîkîg grce-ner t it- ise- iecsie. Nus sur- trtstisgls. ita Cati tttiitt iîîîscîst tii-rt tri liîîîkg tot i as iii tsltert is s t nsireahtitg andi est iping iseirî ole tisirigage. i uni reeit> tuttit liîîssîeîîts tsi rîtîîs ici esîtes pay a t lire-nuiis Iscîsalit ande tirats tilt a sets motî- gage as tl hettrtslîsiter tati iiih raies iailittgifti\o 111t h11 t i i titis ,~t tit \ m i tuiut iii titis l] , p til ' C o iii , gl Il 1 of (I it -tt li, , li n i - iii l 11- - ilr th itiie rt-st rate dcltrîsîti ai (iRtit teisist ttiisli îttre -ssfecict- is-îuss-îsîteîit rte ansd ret laues lite tîstr rt-ii aisting u. rue S tise( Titis lits e- allis-i sîtîî is tîts tht R) es itlscl sistit ilii lîrgirîspenalty ands ti) arttitt t s ssiurtissng siîtt peopleti It sltetrintos s-ilr apt sissiate petisits tol ts ced to iiov vil tiier esi-.iisig rite- literr ttittiing on tîlsr t-rus asnd i the ciercttri lîor li( str-iaisiig sertît. 1lit- il sr-sss ilsnt iics t (al( tuato itlts tlii tusisdtng bai- ans of ti hc titegige tiititpltît h\t dt, etxsing euee ildidie dît isc btt tous Ehe IRD e- t it moitre coin- sl(ite twtt it tise balane ii tIse ttsrtgagetsstsltsplscd ist tite rite tittertittiai n titicut-s nîsiîtisleci lît tIse ruisaiiitg tcin ,\httieh isas fi( rîîîsîiel tîtle o cuits s l i, actiai îsîîîsîiîte frnit vter hittite isas liest il ilitI ties sa rcit vai i it sîlua t- tii t Atti sîiide aîtsges thte t(iai ptia sli ii titis s it t lesîtî AngeL "e0,t 1<( Il) the tjuî-stIirsi i, tl wsirih rlltsetiiig votio iestg I tior toiti ltittiiot iers. ili(an bc al5 important~ ~ inni o ppîirliititv us itle tior îît,ILrsi e ittat pist il bu oii ilia, ( t it iii' tou td. Mtst Ici-tits ýiII iii titis il i (otit ii i tsi pa'u titisisaitN andti suies ti ito ti 5h1 % a5it ts tu ot titi t bc l on îi oitsu to iiiiitiyt titi tris-,attisuis as lontg as~ tîuqaif Lie sets aieiî ictalit thert arc a its Nue sti shun-tlii niessures thîsi Voc iati titi *Il vonu pas the pentality n) frot. tisen tilts \vaut tii de tîrissiti il slite ini eres t tilt arc -5ri\iiigp usr tire rttistg sen iis greaser shasti te ct l i tise sets ut *Il tytlt add the' penalty iii thse iset stîirîgage. tht t tilts stast ii make siure yosuc nirtgage princispal es tise saisie or iss st the endeo thi e rernasisig tern . tf vois tais tleid the pcteint tusire stsý iiiorigage rase andtI he hlerstled rases isse r tlsstttii iir curest rate, dieu s ' ou are us pitails btter tilt - If s tit arc sut a se>rin lonsger stars 5 s cars anti titi batve pîtted the [itis s ar. the i tre ntiîîh tr aisaiisiet ansd tilt tise I RIt sil tiotrse. tiste exact terst andt ticnditi, of Ite s terren tiortegagu nicid ii he exasîsîrsed t liseR iii siete-rnsi tise itee a re sîiser latorits to oiittster. situation, Ltpet salit- il titis Iisste iis tigage o iie thaîs ' its uts et a prîtoc-sssai stisrigagc tlisaitsi-. tsi detersuine il toti beisci i îsts csglt-.the c t ansd n liluesci tinote pat miens ansd bît 5 to site tash llsîts us ais irpitrtis lît-iclîsii tiltsu tFheres nil tlt tir tobligastson, Ve'rc p tsi cdatet os(tîrreuns raiet ansd ail of the test% sîîpsîrîcrsssts tvatiahie -irotîs a s, ide range i lestiers -ansd il sîscre's greerser grass asatiabie. tscN tais lteip ttu [sud t. Tiscret, tiecer bren a betier lisse ici salis ittitît et ar s (iiieqIeiittiissiitts tiri iii ii h irt ie liit i i- ic t it t icil tsNi Si .,i tiii e jhiissiu itts iioi ________________-,~LooingFor A L LIiP&GI I - j.p fi- jP lm7 0-38 Lis ni soom ro groas ito rois 1800 sq.ot 4 beoirotiom tinst I~ ~ s amily tsîendiy neigihosrhood.Enîoy the hardwood tinors orn Reoo t heo le malte ersel and slairs. The sol nsi kîtchen opens nnto tht tam- up soyont milS gos tîrepiace and crawr mosling. Ertertain i 87 a thle soparato dînîng ruont, Master hedroomt hoast at upgradtd 1 ensuite wîti Jacuzzi type tub and sogarate shoots. Fînîshed SALE hasemert with 3 piece bath consples tht package. Colt Angelo 1580 qIl Oh 2003 0(101 O sus>0 Silcocb at 905-878-8101 for Vour pet-tonal eiewing. $316,000 $221,900 This lhree bedroote tonhoase is stepo lu the lobe, Iinîshed sec roote with erîrarce from garage end unit, privole folly Ienced yard, eal-in kitcher, well decomated and lots more, caîl Joan Hoîllogs (905) 878-9100 s * 'i filiale (ki Prudentil 90-7890 ww .prtr.o Pete s owners just lourid th'le deal of a lifetime lhey had always wanted. Nw Sam aned il was s0 easy. They simply picke up Iheir cao watch the basebait gaime ln style. newspaper, hrowsed lhrough the Best Homes Real Estate Section aod there il was, the per- M1litr<jm cafr a m p lect house with a homte theatre in the bse- mu-J ment large enoaghl la hold the big screen TV ý H m 19 -S E M 1 -i