ROYAL LEPAGE U; Meadowtowne Realty B Carolo 0, Dudwsrth* 005-818-8101 wfle- 1es&ond esM&U"/Uf 9(a'a cwW. z Great uxucutive 3 bedroom, 3 bath towuhue in 'Oide Milton unis 5 quais new, open concept, watt tu downtown, lucated on a quiet cul-de-sac backing .--l 1 enty to arageiuuuly deck P 1ced go1 se i$0,0.Cati Carde geday for Eva Gooding* ommc 905-878-81ô'l01 oàot905.691-2401 Located in Camphellsille, minutes fa the 401 and Mohawk raceway, oser e io acres with hydro, laneway and metl, a combination of privacy yet flot îsolafed, with a tarred and chipped road in process, few and tar befmeen located in an absolutely beautiful aa. Listed ai $339,900. SCali Eva Goading Neuer lîeed in, but by Milton Traits Fieldgate.Homes, attractiue curb appeal with uiew of the escarpment, att brick tostorey with couered frunt percu, ne sidewalk sîde, "Carlisle medel with espresso aitchen cabinets esitti six appli- acces inclvded, four generoos size bedt rosms, maiu floer great rsem. centtal air > ~and 9' ceilingu, fresh new lesk and moue in as early as pneu wishl Ltsted ai $369,000 Cali Eva Gooding. Fresi tew lok aund sot qolfe completed yet.. Contry Homes preserto this Baisam model witti suer 2,000 sq f t oestuy liuing space, gourmet kitcher wit sepatute breakefast atea, pantry and garden dents ns tht yard, open concept living and dining rtnm, pies a hage a' greut ronm, ftotr aet accommodatarg size tero ms, hardwood staircase wth wought sure are a few et the upgrades and lot sinej in the 37' series, eepected compietion date i February 2009. Cail Eva Goadtng. 905-878-81 01 4, ef&m jq Pt ATJ<LM Sales Representative 818-8101 ARR PRIDE 0F OWNERSHIP 1 Fabules 4 bedronm borne backîng t onfo a park. Fun yard for entertuin- ing wîtb a hot tub, gazebo, pond. waterfall, cosered deck witb bar and perenniai gardens. Main fi tam- ily rm witb gos firepiace & skyligbt. Newer tiooring, wood erim, pst f ghts, stainiess appbiances, donro and windows replaced. cen sac, maie bath replaced, updated kitchen, master bedres mitb malt un closet. Lomer leveg bedrm meth foul bath and walk in cissef. A must see! il $354.900 ANDERSON AVENUE Fabofovu tamily home located ou af qu- giet and desîreabie St in Tîmberlea. Heated îoqruîand peut cabana. large ofyard left ouer h,it iii mfii oi panitry and gardes dours. Most esîiny Mr doms and doors replaced, ruof 05 . cen esc, treobiy paîoted, opdated battis, ensaîte & walk iii closet off master. Lucuer et storage. Lots et rvum for a gromîng tamilp, $419,900 t uGLoELy FAMILY HM Loel plît lesel witb oul garage ou 60 s 120 lot usn Brounte Meadoms. New fursace & AIC '08, mais bath replaced '08, roof, soffîtu & fascia '02, fotdoor '04, mîndomo & patio door repiaced, moot fioorîng new '08. Lg rec rm vvitti pot ligfnts, above grade mindow & gos fireplace. Coneenîently locat- ed & great value. $344.900 TASTEFUL fflEANCE g , -Beautitut stucs reteroîi ine vu qg tut & quiet suret1 Openi concet =t os ut utwii'ou S citesseci in Satîturnia suuneis trueusout. 9 ceiiîss gas tiieptace, mîain t Iauindry Ssii tiuuî hume oftice Granite countrups, ~ ; ~ cerauuîc backspiash, pantry plus Kdcnrîu5îu L , & esuîte wihseparate gtass shower. $434,900 A , ~Sales Reeseiive OBEL ------ Sales Represenitative 905-878-8 101v TOP3% Bright and open concept 3 bed- rolom semi with hardwood floors, in a great location. $289,900 à Congratulationa & nil3eat tXVialgea <Derekz & L-auren! Salet Representatine 87 18- 1 LI 0 Buîld your dream home on thîs scenîc 1.6 acre lot located less than 10 minutes tram the 401 and the sillage and in an area ot other tine country homes. Partly treed, drilled well in place. Natural gas asailable-a huge bonus for a country propertyl lndeed a rare oftering. Cai me for directions. , home, loaded with had 9'd ceilins a more , lkau$399,900 Beautifully renovated bun- Il ~ galow set on a gorgeous 1.3 i acres backing onto protect- Sj111011fl T ed crown land in Moffat $434,900 i X~Iice1 uieraded Sunderland mode , set on il a quiet street and backing I onto premium lots. View [ ~ ~ o tsS<~he pond! i ~. $499,900 i '-- -~vut' M. ll ï, el 1