~iuw.~ESTATE 1.L t 878m7777 i."" F M 111CESSION PROOF MARKETING I~*~ TER LYN& NOM HISON SETS US APARI FROM l1HF RES1I TE IL N * SR*H L O i .jý A "b i ' é i MP14MLi f b,"4 i: ýb. " I l ui Sales Represent olives i " ' 'AN bVIý ý MEMBER 0F THE REMAX HALL 0F FAME Morigage Preapprouals Vinlual Tours lhilson@sympatico.ca n dhilson@sympatico.ca Free Comparative Marktl Analyuis Professiomal Feature Streets www.terilynnihilson.com *www.isiednsold.com -Open Houses Tour Tue Demain Nume Of Tour Listing 00e will insure your home against delects for lte emîrre listing permod and provide 905-878-7777 insurance on new resale purchase lor 6 momîho absolulely fl S'. 1 THE WAIT IS OVER!! Exuen aiTsem ilocale on a gn sre dose Tu sciruels,shppiugTratsâ,huspl lis one iras Il al Fnom lie minute yuu pull mi lire entra lonrg dnveway yu wiii ire quide Tu reahnze trie priete oi uwnersrip. Tire hume iras iral tire cumple suethaul iuciadîng Terser hunaun, central air Winduows, garage duur pabu mur annaur uTuue sTeps, dacTs cieaTeui.ciimTey cieaTeui,catpels cieanedfumace iras ant eetetue mainlanence plan, irelee klciren Tuur aui irnt enlranoe.Tire luis goes un 1yuu have heur marhing lu gel ru lire markietlis ru lire unet $300910 OM1SAUMIN SUM ff UP!. ra3e soIt ail brick Seaury Suiet by Gteerpadi Hume unfers uapusid agrigate purrhn, laigu fruer moyer vi Seavritul reramr tiorr malIt trugh ru laigu Lli/De wîts guigevus Srdmd tirs. dery iunrtîunai tior plan rai Seavîdul gas tpn and MF laundty easy accuss ru a meil laid sut rat-in kit. Large SrîgSt ulîdînu glass assis luad lu large decurit-in Sur tuS, liak yard is cumpleteir, teîced ulgîrat vieras ufthre large pund aiea in the SarIt LL plut. fnished u/ SerSer car- pet, great office aiea aid entertainrient rreri aidl rugin toi SathS dppur lever ouners Sardwrua urairase, g master m/ envalte and 2 usua sinrd bduns uMarge uiidos The large dirle cr uar Sealed w/ gas larrare, $389,900. NiESWPO1ONEWK! Loralal in agranpart uflisn close oscoS traie shop- piug iris bungaluow s rada riajor tareliSt on îrg a nea kîitcen rats grince island fr easy fuud preperaffun, lads ut rcS dadi caSinery, remet appliances, aid Seavriul reramic Tlorng. rhe lMvngreorediningirem vIteis guigeas dadi bamSuuTusrong rat easy ancearatu ÉicSenr ieidedtaiiig rh main frnt eri 3 uarge Seris ueSh large mindos ard dadi bamot loirs reaikguun arumw sIeps aid yuu car rirax rn a ozy Ivrihreri uit large slidîng duuis ru lire Sanlsyatd. Thebasemsent bas irsmriselfcvrlained apaement rumplee mmf ktcuen, livingrets aid rus Sediuums, $329,00. BEAUTIFUL SHADY GLEN Off ening gust uden 1 900l sqft et great fleur upace. Rrch dune cahmnelry în lire kîlciren rerir nalcing irardreeed fleurs and 9 fI curlings riakes tis medel a dreaun lu show. AIl staînleus steel appliaTues in yuur kilciren wîirh lange hay reroe and ganden duen lu lire hackyurd. Tire family nueun aud living rueun bh off er ceffered celilngu fer a dnamalrc effecf. $364,900. r TIME To ENTER THE MARKE! Thîu Brenuan unudel sifens a goed ularl lu lire fînul lime hume huyer un sumesne iuukrng lu duren- sîze. Tire medel off ers garage acceus fretsth lieual n kîfohen wilir easy acuns te lire hack yard. The main fisun bau a guud functienal fleur plan mrlh living rueu/dî ning reem combe. Tire upper level has 3 hedrueuns reîth s gevd urzed masten unîir vealin clouef. Lucaled in a greut anea of Ivres rerir easy accesu lu major hîgir- regys and pankiaTils. $249,900. GET AWAY FROM THE HUSTLE aTd huolle of city living, lus 2 bedreuts bungalow lecafed gusI Terli of Burlînglug n the Beaufîful gafed cummunlily of Anîrnt GieT uffens ail the Luvuny's of reliireunenl living, lu greuird peel, rec centre reili dlà Lirary, sour remevai, grass cullîng. R.V. parkiTg. This bungalow effets extra deep lut, rueun lu plant frees and eulend Landscaping, suttrueu mîlir panuramic orers. NDW $179,900. WIl Prde uA.. PC-RSONALo &1. KNOWLEDGEABLE SERVICE WHEN BUYINO OR SELLINO A HOME IN0 MILTON & SIJRROUNOM RURAL. ARIAS uos-878-7777 www.oaraibrooks.cm lEST VALUE IN A GREAT NEIGHBOIJRHOOD Tbis 3 Sedroom home Sas severa upgradus ircludîng gravite coufoter rop iv the itlihen, ceramîr aid lamirale floivîr and lîvrsbed rec rosu vilS hi00 reliings The master Sedroom iv spacîos, cempietu mîtS ensuite & great civset sjpaceý The barievard is a bonius dl 110 , large duck avd cumpietey lerred Patrirg for numuruus cais, Caii Carol lirooks ( Sales RPy îlot mure infurmatîion viveur persurai tour. $349,900. r)OY MOGR NEW LISTING - CAMPBELLVILLE ESTATES coin: Immaculate 4 bdrm 2 storey home, mies ta 905-878-7777 401 in Campbellville. Approx. 2 acre wooded lot. Complete with tinished basement, double garage, workshop, oak flooring. Lots of OÇp$t~.upgrades, 3 fireplaces, 18' s 36' Marbelîfe ~ pool with adjacent bot tub, wet bar. 5 bath- roo ms. Pella windows. Asking $949,900. CE0II~UV Flexible closing.