Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Mar 2009, p. 22

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-An Ad Ocâ v ig1ý jô CD SAD SUBMISSIaN: By mail se publication Wednesday S p American Express. Businessa Z DAY [E APB1BARS Bs ensurer 0 eeexr appeauin your ad,sco F6 530ai on the followingB ZU L Industriel z Cmm pecaI 1REASONABLE INDUSTRI. ,j A L units luor r evi 1600 d200sqfl with lvad irg aocks & drive vn. 9 05 -2 77 -9 3 47 vr 905-275-6834. SMALL PRIVATE vffices bvavtîfîlly appvintd. Hay 2 5 & 4 01 . 1-905-277-9347 or 905-275-6834. S$MONEY$S corsulidaîr deois i vi gavest 50 No inoime, Bad redil OrS! Berler Option Morîgage #10969 1-800-282-1169 www. mortgageontariv.corr MILTON 1-1BDRM large, brîght busement adj. New- ly reervafed, shared er- trasce, suitabîn for single pennyn orlv. $800/mth vii inclusive (cable, high speed internet, lavsdry il, First/last/eefererces rvg. Asalable April It 905-878-0410 uvauxe message). 2ND F1008 bachnlvr ard I bvdroom aparîmerîs dowrîowr Georgetowr Quiel buildirg. No smok ing/pets. Lease reqîîsed From $675/mvsth plis. 905-702-3301. 3-BDRM APARTMENT vn Miltor, mais fîtor burga- low, S1300/rith, ilîlîtîrs in- clvded. Avaîlable Avril i sI Cail 519-853-4528. ACTON / Rvckwvvd lusa iv apartimests and cm mercial space avaîlabie. Go lu.: wwwx restpro. mariage- bvîldirg.cont for in fo rma- tios vs caîl Mîke ai 416-888-9164. ACTON / Rvckwood lysa- ry aparîmenîs and com- mercial space avaîlable. 1 and 2-bedroom usîts, from $875/mvsth. Go 10: swurvstproumusxgebvîd îsg.con for information or c aî1l M ifie ast 416-888-9164. ACTON 1 and 2-bedroom. S7 8 5 /mio nth asndI $890/mosth utîlîties tiv ed. 8vailxble March mrve d iatel1y. N o p e ts. Refere rces reqxîreva 519-853-3877. ACTON I-BEDROOM apartmnt. Axaîlable mise- diately. 200 Chsrchill Roa, South. $880/mortE uilîties iscluded. No pets. Cxli 519-853-0087. Tobook your classified ad call 905.878.2341 assitlodsi n person ait Buelington Post 5840 Mainivxo Unit #i, Buelîngron ON L7C 7G5. DEADUINES: Mxndxy Sp vu for Wednesday m. for Feîdap publication. Special Featue deadines map vany PAYIENTr We will ausept cash, cheque, lintee Visa, M Isteexenl, iccounts map lae speeed with an appeooed ceedît application auxîlable Peser voue Sales Consultant CHECK YOiJB AD THE FIRNO taccuracy. The Canadixn Champioen iliet be responsîblelforanyeeerisappeanrr9alterthe frsda f pubiaiovn. If an rtact youe tales Consultnt oithie 24 houes of publicarion- Frlda and Weekeed publicions errons mua, ne repvred befvre atsnday. Apartments & Aparilment Fiats For Rent Flats For Rent V E R T 1 C A GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte St. S., Milton 905 299 1001 vertica.ca Spacious 1 or 2 bedroom suites located in a serene rieighbourhoond Rerlovated fitriess room. social rocrit & lobby Steps atvay froin beautiful downtown Million Easy access to major highways GO Transit, shopping and more * Suites based on availlability DOWNTOWN MILTON IMilsde Tewersl *Attractuve quiet bvuiding.I iSpacrous laeight dlean a& eromu iS w lxirdry fac idy and sucial stuit or site. Pegalar resîdent eveots Open 7 dapa & eveBilss CalI 905-876-1249 1 wwrealstar.ta-- ACTON 1-BEDROOM apartmeot wrth baicusy. Axaiabie rmnndratnly. S8800murth utîlîtres rsciud- ed. Quiet Building. Nu-pets. 192 Churchll Ruoa South. Cxii 519-853-1281. ACTON 2 apartmesîs. 2- bednoom wotS prîxate yard, $925/mortS plis utrirtres. GEORGETOWN 000TH 3 bedron freehuld tuas hume, $1,600/mntr plus ,itirtivs, GEORGETOWN i- bedroom cordo as The Saods. $1.100/mnti plis sydri. Cxli ElîzabelS bovil. Sales Rep, Johnson Asso- crases Haltos Itd 905-877 5165. ACTON APARTMENTS. 1, 2 and 3 bedroun aparî mesîs avaiabie Ciras, quiet building wrth utilitres rsciuded. 40 Maria Street.' 519-853-d37d. sss meai star. cx ACTON APARTMENTS ueny dlean, quiet bouiding wrtS laosdny facrirty os site. ApI 's axaîlabie Opes 7 dxys & evenrsgs. Same day approual Cvii 1-519-853-4,37d aux. reaistar.ca ACTON FURNISHED bambelor. Sortable for sin- gie. 5525/muntb plisj hy dru. Cxii 519-853 9014. please nease message. DOWNTOWN MILTON 1 2 bedron apanînesîs auxîlable. Cleas. quiel Puding sotS utirîres snciud- ed. Mllide Tuser, 82 Miii- sîde Drive 905 876 1249. sas reaistar.ca GEORGETOWN 1-BED- BOOM aparîment os Irîpiex silO saikout lu backyard. Avaiable May ItI No petsý Cxii 90"-77-2651. GEORGETOWN l-BED- BOOM auaiabie irmedo aîely. Most utlitivs rocluded. 9sferesmes. $ 7 95 m iosnîth .Cai1 905 877 5536ý GEORGETOWN l-BED- BOOM bright bassmsot aparîment. Farking, Iavo dry. appliasces. Cleas spa cr1ois. $750/morto, frst/last and osivivo vs 519-856 9994. MILTON LARGIE 2o auxvie Apr1 I $1150/mIS v parking. Cvii Jaz416 723-4801. GEORGETOWN 1 BEO- BOOM, nei resovIed aparîment. Aud sait via l unre plenrsuoi s ) $695/munIS inlsive. Auxîlabie mmediateiy. Cari 905-702-9261. GEORGETOWN 2-BED- BOOM b as emn e ni apartnrient, $950/morth. Frrdge/st oue. ' irepiace, iausdry isasher/dryvri. parking and atirtres inclutd e d FrPelerîvu oc pets/smuokrsg. Firsi ast A p Ir11 is t C al1i 416-495 0005 afinr 4:OOpm. GEORGETOWN 2-BIED- BOOM basement apari ment. $900/moris, Auxîlabie Aprîl IsIý Frsti ast. Su stouk osg/peis. Relere c es. Coul 905 876-4437. GEORGETOWN LARGE 1 bedsuom p ms $775/moolh piu hydroî Frîsi last. Auatiabl s pril 1i. 905 702 3888 GEORGETOWN. NEWLY renovaIed 2 bedroom i fourpiex. Aviabie Aprîr i sî $950/morîh plus iv- druý Nu pets/smoking fi 51 iastrelerr ' Cail 416-200-2143 MILTON l-BEDBOO0M abolie garage. minuties lu Puantows. preler singis/ su pets. nov smoking, 0900/mu includes vtilires. 905-691 1448 MILTON-1 BDBM Bsmi api. Separate Ertrasce, Close lu dvotuws. Larve Fruperty. $875pm iiirirs iscluded. Immesdrie 905-875-1110 fodominimums 2-BEDBOOM Coodo. Aprîl lsi. Brand ses, Open mon cepi. 2 fll baihruoms. Es- sorte iavsdry. i parking. Close lu GO/ 401. $1.275 plus utlltres. Prefer vo pets, sus smokrog. 647-292-7597 2-BEDBOOM WITH vivat ares, val rin ktcher - larve master beuroirn artS fll ensit iv airoosr, open concept. insole iarrsdry Bilismcorneiunt, ve k;tcher floir and Oea bruadioom inrogmoui 905-873-0660. MILTON, NE1W 2 bdny 0040o ai a v Ave. 2 baihrioms, S ses appi aviabîs alter April i Stir MILON, AVAILABLEMa Fr Rient 1860 SQ fIl, 4 brdroom Mattam in sHawthorne dilix gr $1450 o utilities. tuailabie immvdiateiy, cxii COnis for more inlv or 10 aies 416 209 2586. 2-BEDRODM HOUSE, oferîtage asd Bovaîrd Si,000/mostb plvus atîlîties. 8ppliîaces and air. 0v5 eresces. C ail1 905-455-8202. 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 bath rocons losrhovse aalabie for, shvrt ti vase for 3 5 mnstbs sn Mirtos. Great os restai rate of ..95 OC pr siosli plus v tîlîtivs, Ciaii Arn d rve GEORGETOWN. 3-BED- RDOM vasn loir, closv to ail ames vis, auiidry 2 paring. Fiîstl ai $1 300 mnontS plis 647 203 1504, GEORGETOWN SHARE smaii boise sitE vse gro tlemar, Frîxate bedroîrs baIh vs saite. Wooed pripesty sîth rives. lishing andO sîImmîg poii $625/morts plis. Call 905-873-7270 R0CI<W000. LARGE bis toras Home os i12 acre lit Appiîarc vs sncia dvo Modvrn and opdarvd $1,'350 rîîsth. lîrst/ ast 5190856-9994. For Rent ACTON- SPACIDUS 3 heu issi, liis lied base menvt, 4 appiaocvs, îversîx ed bai kyaid S150mo. plus atîlilîse Aaaiiabie April 15 51985307IO0 Monday to Friday 9. OO am. 5.00l p Do CLASSIFIED AD INDEX: ob d -Real Estate 100-135 * Business 140-169 lsiie -Rentais 170-196 * Leisure 200-239 *Community 240-299 * Mierchandise 300-385* *Automotive 400-470 - Heip WVantedi 500-570 9 5 8 1 -Services 700-795 For Circulation inquirres, please cail 905-878-5947 QD 1bl i l'elo Towhoues ublc oties enirsArtiles Artic lessWa ted GEORGETOWN. BRIGHT GOLF NORTH fiaîtoîr Or,5 SEEKING LIVE rniar POOL TABLE. Brand New, AIL BESI ai a 2 bedroon ciodcu ow cootimer. Ehrai Ion eave grit for suderly auvrenstill un box s, id Wood, O os-r esi n d i i house. solarium, fireplace Plis mail for details ulio vees soni i brSaie, 011 Orc vvsre er, Damovus Cia CAC, S-appirasces, 2osder 905-877 5236 tance Ho, peeping & Ciii 06,700. Svi $1,950 Cryi l ai Cluer Fiuins groîvOd parking. No srok c oIng osais reoired 905 304 9994 Royal Cochron rv ,, îsg/pets. 51,200 oronInRiUn Irvîre 9058693 9816 ____________ 1 avique. furi shigi Art, chcrI rec re sELLING: KING bed 2 ytn Coi ca s h c àlt 4oiied. 9058776047, ArtDiADcThite Old cic , change tabie, ol,/ Paîtt 905 33i 2477 _____________sin__ itra ici, h[go chair, gîsai MILTON. 3-BIEDBOOM haîred overeht f e Fo Sl cordiiiO Bosi ofiers. '"sh'se d pî aci rey habby osi Marmh 19 on o rabioue, apl is e Frles v Cri in Milos ALL NEW BidvPlFi/ pl 905-6937 723 Pets, Supplies auaîlbl Qavari eýý & r otp,1 SSo e __________ & BoIdiog 0130/n pls tiles t c Husrars Society vn plastic. Double $250 Sali 905-299-64d9. (905)845 1551 $îeev n 27S , Krng 050$. TBEADMILL IS mîtoriueo/ COTON DE T vear Cp Vismo Mvnryi mai viectric. itli Yvir trois, pives, eraîsed, strhca * Rooas For -FOUND: ELDEBLY long tiess wtis lues Soves speed, distanceraories Cg-Ch i'rivoer, seaith lm ent & Wanted laured deciaaod levale $750 King S950Car De nsartrate, Inclire tri oea ,Itsh.m cvi t, bame sooe, onv ruer. 905 961 20j73 cordition, Aserrrg S295, g.aianmi s selse MILTON BEDBOOM/S, Match 7 or 6 ngsligo Crt ri _______ _ Cai 905 814 1415 cr /5loe 689 781 irruiva batIîrîs rr huareilto 15leae cal] Oacils CARPET 1 ,,o e ' ir p-s,t - -i . - r, r, i ~PBGRADED MINT ,,, -r- EM gain centre ý1ý again enre Dare EXPEBIENCED ECE open irg noms daycare ri the Hoawthrne Orlage aiva [a ovg & nortofn g envrou menotfeiiinsgdoor/ out quoi, amtirities. for & educaiosai crei projeciso0iuriious snacks & isc hvs, CFR & Fîrst Aud, excellenti relvoso r ai MAI1 N/ MABR T I N FANTASTIC vmrs g prgram with ECE incrodes dance iii y Phüno s, MVI Orgarir yoco, & oisi,i more 912 va ly opt ini unc arii dash sw-n Trîsîi 12e2 2, 3, or 5loir o01.0n Crrvt av.i FREE LESSON Onr otrier lvi Beit (ýi ,ar c ivaiO 100rng Il, y objct, grd iv c vis iiirs 905 81740 KIM a rgac ctre iii . i P,[.tcr,r & hlfoi S389 siodes cr pet, Pao & italliion 30 y a rds ) 'treac 905 633-8192 CABPETS/ FLOO RING. Whi esaier. direct. Up so 50% offl Thousavds ol car onts in stock, Maoy biis masufactvrvrs cot Pro lessîvrai crei day irîsta a DINING BOOM su-ie, vmodern v igvît voîod. excellent condition 6 chairs blain L]05 toi0. ta rie 2 eivei ors for photo HOT TUB r îa , best pice, Be t i i Ait c apes 9. ol ,r- ial 1 8 6 5 85 0 15 osvothe( îergc, i HOT TUB/ lo arii vio, - 708 voue! o 'ili uni coer, ýt,1 iio.ro77 -ýs i $990 ocrir, e S70 Ca 11 J, 71 171'7 M aain centre Place your FREE ADS one of these three easy ways ZLrJt Qanabîan ebDamnplou orjust fil! out this coupon 1. Mail ta: Free Ads, 555 Industrial Drive, Milton L9T 5EI 2. Drop this coupon off at: The Burlingtan Post, 8:00 a.m. o 5:30 p.m. Mon, to Fni 3. Fax this coupan toa.905) 632-8165 NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE *15 WORDS, 1 DAY(SUNDAY), ITEMS $100 & UNDER F ivt parî ly r dspvbished a I ils axailabe ipporily. plicaiondxv g voq at f ee oOu musl iv pler 18liprace vn ai AD COPY ElWL PRICE PHONE NO. FLEASE PRINT vos W;LL BE SORTEO DY ITEM NAMWE ADDRESS__________ CITY___________ POSTAL CODE________ HOME #__________ Ihi nrmber must appear in ad, Buffington Postl ZIe Canab',an CbIampion The Oakville Beaver 517 ME. i 2 -.8 i oe sur. 60 G8 haro dri v XOvix oD oW 06. & $00 ROM1. Nirdios dl' 16* Soy h rnror tlat screes r F rî oogi tocs iv ve. roi0 aid $ 20C0 Arngsei1a 905 875d4044. 2001 MAZDA Pro ivge ES, 5 speeî FA PC AC .51 t000ems Sd 506. Cvi 647 328 5614 For FAST FAX your classified ads. unth phone ss aive Osimie Qorvilo Beanor Miio vchamp-r, NewS cassifia iio adte as a id nespapeis vi,. niid FAX: 632-81165 WORIC CHARTWELL Cook In thîs part-timte poisitrion withm our retirensent resîdence, vou %%iii use vîrur O1r 2 Fers of related experience iv retirement or luong term care residence, hofel or restaurant, A prst, -senrdarv dipioma or Red Sirai desiguralion is requîred, as is successfui1 cirmpleliov of both a Food liandhing course ansd foiod safety traiving. Picase lax or e-mail pour resume, on coînfidence, to Mr. jim Duggan, Food Services Manager, at 905-257-0036 or jduggan@chartwellreit.ca. To ieam more, please s sif www.chartwelireit.ca. Tlruiirlyonifirvor irrlee t ocidv canrduaIi ', sltilforr,îilo ,111 fle conailed, No pilumei' ii- cliii Respecti-rEpaliry -ervice Eî Iceoee- erformarne-EducaionvvCvmnrrmeri-Trust la130i9-1 liS Fl oi-i S cp Eri(i ii 1ergi,,i i)31- ýOil & fEOLali Oog es-i3i d i liiiiilddyl V I 11 o Il0 0 Reqired rmmedîiely fui sesîdeial complex in Windsor Must haie siîosg ksuwledge of the tîrbunal, marienance isbues, Wio ynd Excel. Must haue os srllîsg lo be îîvsed iSte Joîi SeuilS and $xfeiy Commissiron Emtar resume xvd su5sry OxpeClaioO 10ý hr@pmcoltd.com KIDS! KIDS! KIDS! --Ages2+-- Wanted for TV & Movie Jobs! No Fees! Men/ Womeo 16-65 yrs. Needed for same! No extras Parents cali: (416)221-3829 Apostment bulding iF BosPsi tOOiOs an elîgîble candidate tîi pussess stsosg 601k exp. in Fluent In written anu osai Esyrion, so computt hAillo pdhi 0Sp. tequired Fax resumne 416-364-6087 To book your career opportunity call 905.878.2341 9058751092 MILTON, LARGE rooi with 2pc bathroom or ocent 10 vlanirt ov ersale inv i udv uil Ires tparking, iausdry and cabi ose5 t 0 va i1 Call Fate 905-878-4977 BOOM IN basemeot loi sent. smal i kchvsvt te sharvd b a th r o om 905 876-2905, lAc-cemmsdaton MILTON. LARGE bed nus. anidiries ara irternvi rscioded. Aalanbe rvrvedi atel8 Hoose Sas pvts. Frrst/iast. 9052992t71 MILIvN- UNFURNISHED v'or axatlahis. Suais rOise asti vrais. Dviiy, To ompsrrii r odiatp $500 vs dIA 0954?i menl"_ m Careers

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