OUTOGOR SUMMER SEASON 2009 REGISTRATION DATE SATURDAY, MARCH 289,2009 1:00Opm -5:00Opm Boston Pizza à. < The Milton Youtbl Soccer Club office, iocated in the Milton Leisure Centre, will be now be open on selected evenings to- accepi registrations. Please check the website at WJWW.flliIOflmagC.cofl1PRI for details on days and times MffiKfon Maic has been awarded SENIOR STA TUS ! That means ibat in addition ta tbe great pragrams ibat MYSC aiready bas in place for 3000 Milton yauth, Milton Magic is naw able ta expand tbeir exisiing programs to adulis! Sa, ibis year, Miltan Magic will for the first lime ever, affer an Under 20 program ta men and women. Tbe casi of the U20 program is value priced ai the low cosi of anly $115.00 per playerl Please attend any of aur scheduled regisiratian sessions ta secure yaur spot in ibis exciiing, new programl ~REIIREES NEEDED FOR 2009ý GUTDOOIISEASON MYSC offers compéRftve pay rates, plus incentives, and, oimpMelnsive training.10 ail Reteroos. Join the MJItpn Mglo p for àagrêàtim l j l Appliiatione aind4$eatlr1lwh referee treiIi~ 'Sessions are avaIlajiJaen lino at wwwi ALL STAR TEAMS& COACHES NEEDED MYSC has lots of youth who are excited about the opportuniiy to grow ln their souer developient sa~ please consider taklog advantage of ibis Invitation to jGifl our organization as an Ali Star Coach! MYSC is, accepiing applications for Ai StIrfaims i ail age divisionsl Applicaionstre ava~iabeon the website ai www.Miiitonmagic.cow Pluu retumfuin to 10e UisMlis Youih Soocertlùb oftlo n lateriton March 31 st 4d lui