Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Mar 2009, p. 9

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Rusk rogrm rechesout to young people 20lEM By David Lea Corc0o METROLAND WEST MEDIA GROUP N tc Halton police are looking [or the publics O rpfrteSopr help in shattering the myth of seif-invincibil- O ptimum thesterCard® - ity that's prevalent among young people through the introduction of a safety progranm credit card of the Shoppers ~ called SMARTRISK. Î Drug Martl Flyer in effeot The program, which police hope to show from Saturday March 21 untri to 22,000 high school students in Milton, Friday March 27, 2009 Oakville and Burlingion, os intended to on the grid that ilustrates the p demonstrate the consequences of risky ,~redemption reward C bebaviour. "We're in the public safety business and we ve been exposed to a program ihai we think bas value,' said Halton police Supi. Signy Pittman. "This program works througb positive messaging and there might be some kcy îo ibat. Tbey're not saying. 'Don't do ibis, don't do tbis.' Tbey're saying wben you do ibis, take these precautions (c.g. wear a belmet wben riding an AIV)." Consi. Maurcen Andrew, who broughî the program to the Halton Hilis communiiy in May of 2008, noted iber SMARTRISK rcacb- ens yocong penople bccanse reoher tlan ely oie aduli speakers or actors to convey oas mes- sage, it confronîs the audience woab a yotong person like tbemselvcs wbo bas been in a ter- rible accident. "One of the presenters was 19 and lie made a buge impact in Georgetown last year. Sean was 16 wben the oncident bappencd. H-e livecl on a srnall iown in Nortbern Ontarion and the train tracks were between bis home and the scbool,- said Andrcw "He and a group of- frierods ssere rusbeng home beeausc ibere was a partv airer sebecol and tbey didn't wanî tee bc late. Tee seve tinie tbcy were bopping over a (slow roeoving) train. His friends abecd of hi muade et salelsý but Seans backpack goi caugbt on the sidc ol the train and lic vent tender tb hee. t le 'a.almosi e cet n hall. 1le losa an erin aend a leg." Another preseoier n Georgetowe.n speeke aebouti the injuiries lie rcc'ived lui ng a partNO when he atteeaap-ted t0 lumap ento a sws neneeng REDUCING THE RISK: Haiton Regional Police SMARTRISK, a unique safety prognam the twvo are Qakville and Burlington. pcool Irona the reoof oef bis bouose. t bai expert- ence lefi bim a quadriplegic. Andrew also noiccl the presentatoons arc îaîlcared io the issuoes present in cadi comneci niiy. In the Hialtoro His area, 'ecan \vas chosen to speak becatose îbcre arc more train trueeks tere oban miost conaarncnities, lier Milton, OakmIele anc l urlîngoen -sen. of the pýreseraters w5ill int l o mcuos inn lCe' e.insle'tcic e." ciiii~pai c-c ciri ineg. t ha'. îît tee suggcsr tliait \N c la\ c a loti of 5catti Ileet aerc cliv eg ieealaercLI* 'eicd Pitoneana ccitn linkls \%c ai-( --i.'eieg ae.i5 sctteiC eil ouri ciiCiiCi clcteaegeaplaiL 'orresîed lei- ieaajaaiiccl cIras eg. 's\ eCc Iaeicle tlaai SMARFIt"K \sill lac ale tee aasic us ss1[ ta afice 11Cc'0 I )c'ceac I li s a Scers s îl î ee FUNDS on page 12 :: Seing Beyofldf Numbeirs 15% Diîscouni for Seniors Laurier Medical Building *6-497 Laurier Ave. (at Ontario St. S.) AAP~PA~6 Head Ofticeý UUU~* I~*<JK1-866-829-9433 Mississauga Tax Services: FÀ We do ail Kinds of Taxes N4 Reasonable Rates - Check us Firsi! ~100% Satisfaction Guaranteedl Get Your Money Now "Instant Tax Refund Supo. Sîgny Pitiman annd Const, Maureen Andrewv prom-one hopînq to bring Io 22,000 high school students in Milton, Optimum Points"m required for $10 reward value is 7,000 Shoppers Optimum Points flot the 7,500 displayed. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. 248 Shemwood Or., $429888. Bort King 12-3pm 10416 SloWh Une, $549.000, Trevor Cranterd 428 Pattero Dr., $249.900. Gladys Crartord Remax Real Estete Centre, 905-878-7777 151 Swindale, $349,9U8, Eva Goeding 251 Featherotone Rd. $309.700, Matlhew Clapper 806 Fergusor, $298.900), Michelle Merritt 1104 Woodward Ave $449,900, James Micalletl Royal Lepage Meadewtowne. 905-878-8101 l-3pm 725 Ambroise Cris, $259,0 Domenic & Jody Marchisi Prudennial Ton Centre Reaity 905-878-9100 151 Swirdale, $349,80. Eva Goodirg 753 Turreil Cres. $359,900, James MicalleNf 251 Featherstone Rd, $309.700, Dermis Horton 1108 Cummirg BIod, $284.900. Verge Cabral 006 Ferguson, $298.988. Michelle Merri 1104 Woodward Ave, $449,900. Pat Rideout Rnya. Lepage Mýeadonwtnvne. 9C0-8-80101 100 Miliside Or. #407, $259.900. Deborah Tui 248 Sherwood Rd.. $429.888, Barb King 531 Hortley Bled, $484.000, Gler Thomas 1176 Field Dr., $449,000 Ido Nielser 510 Beaver Cd, $309.900. Ten Lynn Hîlser 265 Polit; Terr., $384.900. Nom Hîlso 1133 Zimmermar Cres.. $349,900. Jalag Vrore Rerrax Oeai Estare Centre 905-88- 0, 1-3pm 1200 Tercet Dr. $454,900 Bonra& Jody Morchisi 1-3pm 1047 Coeigar Rd, $418.900 Bonra& Jody Marahisi 1-3pm 565 Wilirofl Cres., 1207,000 ornai Jody Marahiol Prudentiai Town Centre Reaîwy 905-878-9100 PH OhM E S DESIGN BUILD Vn..-.UR PLAN OR OURPLAN VXCN-)..«UR Lnl-/T£ OR OROURLOT FOR YOUR CUSTOM DREAM HOME 519-856-9580 ýýrývw.chý,.irlestonliomes.ca

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